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How did everyone discover this site?

This is an Adult Discussion Forum of Show It Off Site
If you wish to participate you should register on that site and write there

Started by Meandick at 25,Nov,15 13:08  other posts of Meandick
Share how you found out about this site.
I was hunting for a while for somewhere wanting to show my dick to people then seen the name of this site on a forum somewhere.

Similar topics: 1.STRAIGHT COCK SUCKERS   2.Discovering this Sight?   3.Sweetxoxasxoxcandy's Message.   4.Anser this question. For both men and women   5.At what age did you discover your sexual preference? ie straight, gay, bi, etc.  

New Comment

By #102374 at 22,Sep,17 02:36
Was looking for hot smooth cocks on Google and wound up here. Been here a while now.

By Ingot at 21,Sep,17 23:38 other posts of Ingot 
I met a woman off of Craigslist earlier in the summer. I wasn't interested in her but we would meet weekly for her to rim and suck me.
She told me about showitoff about 3 weeks ago. She posted a pic of her with my dick in her mouth.

By Moench at 21,Sep,17 21:43 other posts of Moench 
looong time ago ,i search for small dick ,penis and google show me this website

By #536760 at 21,Sep,17 20:49
Googled gay and bi chat. Bingo

By #541419 at 21,Sep,17 17:50
I used bing to search for SplitSling pictures and followed the link.

By Blade at 26,Nov,15 04:55 other posts of Blade 
I did a search for a specific topic, no clue what it was though, and one of the results was a post on here.

By spermkiss at 25,Nov,15 16:09 other posts of spermkiss 
I plugged "penis photos" into an internet search tool (I don't remember which one) and it popped up (so to speak).
By #450957 at 25,Nov,15 23:34
Lol! Popped up!? Too funny!

I was searching for a place to upload nude selfies. This one is the most user friendly, in my opinion, for chatting with like minded people from all over.
By spermkiss at 26,Nov,15 04:34 other posts of spermkiss 
It does satisfy on multiple levels, doesn't it?

One, you get to show off your dick. I'd hazard a guess that at least a majority of men like to do that. Guys like showing their dicks.

Two, you get to look at other guys' dicks. ALL MEN, gay bisexual and straight like to look at other guys' dicks. It's a guy thing.

But perhaps the most rewarding thing is the exchange of thoughts and ideas with other members. I've learned so much on this site and have made good friends.

By #476849 at 26,Nov,15 00:09
Can't remember how i found it but glade i did

By #220845 at 25,Nov,15 23:01
I was looking for a place to show it too

By big9inch21 at 25,Nov,15 22:47 other posts of big9inch21 
A fellow member at LPSG referred me to the site back in 2010.

By #485312 at 25,Nov,15 22:12
saw the water mark on a dudes pic on another site *Lix*

By #143536 at 25,Nov,15 21:47
I was sharing photos with my mistress ( and some other women) at the time and needed a se cret place to hold them because I wouldn't always feel like taking one when someone asked. Googled "place to keep dick pics" and this popped up. Discovered a whole new world and a new side of me

By 3fdfd at 25,Nov,15 16:37 other posts of 3fdfd 
A guy I knew from another cock site recommended this site to me. He said the pictures were larger - they were. Lots of great guys on here.

By leopoldij at 25,Nov,15 15:52 other posts of leopoldij 
I can't remember.

Adult Discussion Forum