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At what age did you discover your sexual preference? ie straight, gay, bi, etc.

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Started by PSerect at 28,Sep,21 09:57  other posts of PSerect
Someone asked me recently when and how I knew I was gay. I answered, how and when did you know you were straight? It got both of us thinking about it so I pose the question to you.

Similar topics: 1.Sexual Preference   2.WHY DO PEOPLE COME ON SYD WITHOUT VALID PROFILES????   3.If a man is gay....   4.women with a preference for circumcised cocks please comment   5.Bi Sexuality, Lets open up a tread on that, haven't seen one here before.  

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By #632705 at 09,Oct,21 14:34
In the mid 70’s, me around 5 ish. I knew I liked seeing boy parts started touching dick to dick, some sucking Etc. knew boy/girl was “normal” but had no interest in normal
By #711401 at 21,Apr,24 14:25
Same here, from the age of six.

By gingerpik at 20,Oct,23 04:27 other posts of gingerpik 
Was around 13 or 14 when I first discovered I might be bi - me and some of my friends started jerking off together back in school and I realized I liked watching them just as much as the porn we were looking at

By PSerect at 19,Oct,23 20:07 other posts of PSerect 
I once met an older gentleman at a gay bar with an interesting story. He was 82 and had recently come out as gay. He had been married to the same woman for over 50 years and had two adult children. He said he knew he was gay shortly afer turning 40 and started to accept the feelings he had for men but he decided to supress his feelings out of respect for his wife. She had recently died, so he felt comfortable after all those years to come out as 82 years old...because it would not cause her any harm. He had no idea where to start or even if he wanted to become sexually active. All he knew was that he finally felt free to be himself and start this new chapter in his life.

By DarkMax at 19,Oct,23 17:40 other posts of DarkMax 
As heterosexual I always know.

By WHATSUPDOC at 19,Oct,23 17:34 other posts of WHATSUPDOC 
I have always loved and got excited by c but my relationships with them were always toxic. So I decided I wanted to a fayman see if it might be different with a man. To date I have not found out

By Cummingforyou at 18,Oct,23 07:19 other posts of Cummingforyou 
At a young age around 11 while roller skating in the park . Took a break and got chatting to this guy in his 20s . Went down to a remote area and sat on the grass. He took out his cock and started to stoke it . I could not take my eyes of it as it was huge and asked how is it so big . He asked me to show mine . I took out my little penis and he touched it which I felt quite pleasurable and kept stroking his own when this white stuff shot out which I never saw before . He explained it to me and told me it would happen to me I. A couple of years . As I entered puberty i was bi as always liked girls but was fascinated by penises . Met another stranger who asked me if I wanted sex in which agreed and got my first fucking at 13 . At 14 another stranger took out his cock and mine getting them both hard in which he ejaculated his cum on my penis . Still not cum my self when I met a guy at 15 who asked me to suck his cock . Was not very good so he stroked till the white stuff came out . I asked how I could get it to cum out . , he just grabbed my penis and rigorously pulled the foreskin back and forth till I got the urge to pee . He kept going faster when got this incredible pleasure and shot rope after rope of sperm out of my cock . Got hooked on this so had many a mutual with friends and strangers including my best friend at 19 who we mutually sucked each other off .

By SexyboytoyzMtl at 17,Oct,23 20:40 other posts of SexyboytoyzMtl 
12yo after 7yo been abuse and use by brother

By #463848 at 04,Aug,22 12:48
After I became a widower ( but they were lurking there before I married)

By Gntlmn at 25,Jul,22 19:07 other posts of Gntlmn 
When I was quite young (maybe 5), I saw a girl's recent shit in a shallow creek bottom. It had turned a beautiful iridescent yellow 💛. That's when I became fascinated by the female ass.
By PSerect at 04,Aug,22 04:54 other posts of PSerect 
This has yto be the most unusual response to this question so far. Bravo!

By #674859 at 04,Aug,22 00:39
I was 10 I know I was bisexual and I preferred dick more than pussy

By #665411 at 24,Jul,22 22:18
6ish give or take. Never had interest in females, loved seeing my buddies in their Tighty Whities, looking at them in locker rooms etc. i was already fooling around back then I just didn’t know what to do

By #662360 at 24,Jul,22 14:22
I guess I started getting interested in girls’ bodies in my early teens. Girls were almost impossible to get at that age but I was surrounded by sex mad boys at school who just wanted fun with their cocks. So I got interested in Boys mid to late teens because they were easy to get and good fun. As soon as girls became easily available at university I was only interested in girls. Then years later when I moved city and was lonely and frustrated I found men were easier to get And they liked that I had lots of early boy on boy experience. Then I met my wife and have been straight since. Make what you can of all that!

By Cummingforyou at 24,Jul,22 13:59 other posts of Cummingforyou 
When I was 12 knew I was bi and seen my first cock when a guy showed his and jacked off in the local park Got me fascinated with cocks even to this day and although had my fair share of girls love seeing and jerking of cocks and sucking them

By #657920 at 18,Dec,21 06:56
I was about 10.

By #64328 at 07,Dec,21 19:39
Sexually both sexes has always been a turn on even as young as 8 but emotionally girls are a serious turn on

By #586249 at 06,Dec,21 10:18
I liked looking at cocks - porn vids from 10
By PSerect at 07,Dec,21 06:07 other posts of PSerect 
I always was attracted to boys. I dont ever remember wanting to be with a girl. My first seuxual experience was at 9 with a good friend of mine. I knew it was right, for me anyways. Over the last 20 years there's been a greater acceptance in this country and others than I thought I would ever xperience in my life time. With that came lot of men in their 40s and 50s coming out as bi or gay. I guess they finally felt safe to be themselves. Thats one reason its facinating to me to learn about a person first sexual attraction and maybe see how life treated them

By #613564 at 04,Dec,21 06:40
I knew I LOVED girls, when one teased me, in grade school! She just smiled, and showed a peek of her pink panties, and I just KNEW I LOVED WOMEN!!

By #643615 at 22,Nov,21 15:07
My friend and I started masturbating together at 11yo things developed from there and by 13 we had fucked each other

By #613471 at 22,Nov,21 14:44
I was 11 yo

By #652988 at 22,Nov,21 04:43
I have just been think about having my dick sucked by another man

By nekekal at 18,Nov,21 23:20 other posts of nekekal 
One never really knows. I played with my penis long before it turned into a cock. As a kid, I had a lot more opportunities to play with a penis, and to have guys play with mine. Girls were just a rumor.

But I was never attracted to guys or a penis. I had one and liked it fondled but didn't get anything out of fondling or jerking another guys.

I was fascinated with tits from an early age, even though I didn't get to touch one for a long time. I certainly wanted to though. Then I got the chance to touch, fondle, and suck on a tit. It was everything that I thought it would be.

And finally I got to fuck a woman. I was hooked on cunt. Women had everything I wanted. Tits and cunts. The only drawbacks was that they came with women who are a pain in the ass on their best days.

But I am definitely attraced to women. Straight.

By #631189 at 13,Oct,21 17:46
About 10-11 when I realised I was attracted to boys rather than girls. Fought those feelings for way too many years unfortunately!
By routemaster at 18,Nov,21 07:51 other posts of routemaster 
I'm almost in the same boat, fought the feelings for awhile and even went out with a couple of girls but it didn't feel right and when I was 18 I made the right move and "came out" and I've lived a very happy and sexy life as a gay man ever since.
By PSerect at 18,Nov,21 08:10 other posts of PSerect 
Amen brother, same as me
By routemaster at 18,Nov,21 08:13 other posts of routemaster 
Thanks for your reply, good to know you're happy with your sexuality too

By teetko at 17,Nov,21 20:22 other posts of teetko 
By age 11 I knew I had an interest in other guys, but I really didn't accept it til I was 13. Although I'm still into girls, I've had WAY more sexual experience with guys and I find myself attracted to guys more than anything.

By #514663 at 25,Oct,21 20:40
Long as I can remember I've had different attractions to both genders. I always had crushes on girls growing up but also remember being curious about other boys as well. One of my first memories I was only 7 or 8 and me and my best friend showing each other our things and feeling so intrigued by it. I remember having a crush on him later on.. And how I loved to play wrestle with him.. But I would get a boner every time and being scared he would see. My first sexual experience came with another boy friend and I've also had many girl friends as well. I think it's just something that develops naturally when you're young

By knewbi at 13,Oct,21 16:22 other posts of knewbi 
I was in my 50's before I realized that it didn't matter if it was a guy or girl. As long as it was sex I was for it.

By #523015 at 13,Oct,21 11:09
Around puberty I realized that I was just as excited about seeing girls naked as guys

By mrseveninches at 12,Oct,21 22:31 other posts of mrseveninches 
Around age 5 I knew I was attracted to other boys. By age 13 I knew I was gay.

By Ablaze at 10,Oct,21 13:33 other posts of Ablaze 
I was over 7 years old when I understand I'm attracted from both of the sexes. But first started playing with dicks. I consider myself for bisexual. There some women what I prefer than men and also men I prefer than women.

By Ananas2xLekker at 10,Oct,21 08:53 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
I'm still not sure about my sexual preference at age 48.
But I don't really care about putting a label on myself.

By #648692 at 09,Oct,21 14:08
My tendencies for M2M sex were quashed by society early in life. Though I enjoyed the times I let it happen I felt shame from being a 'fag' bisexual wasn’t a thing I ever knew. Had plenty of enjoyable str8 sex all my life. Would have liked more M2M. I suppose there’s still time, but can’t hurt the wife.

By #553032 at 02,Oct,21 10:18
From about the age of 9/10 I realized that it didn't really matter what sex a person was, you could have fun with them, and I started being properly sexual from about this time onwards, with both boys and girls and have never stopped having fun with both ever since.
By PSerect at 03,Oct,21 01:48 other posts of PSerect 
Thats awesome! I wish everyone had that same perspective

By 7uncut at 30,Sep,21 04:21 other posts of 7uncut 
I probably knew I had to hide... whatever it was I was feeling, probably as young as 6 or 7.

But I dismissed it for years. I just respected women alot, that's why I didn't think of them that way. It's easy to lie to yourself.

I was probably 23 when I finally realized, it wasn't going away. No matter how hard I tried it wasn't going to change.

By #632705 at 30,Sep,21 01:11
Well even as young as 7 ish I knew I liked boys and not girls knew it was not the norm. Thus would’ve been about1980 so things were different then.

By wycowboy at 29,Sep,21 21:56 other posts of wycowboy 
I was about 11 or 12. I would go hang out at my cousins (by marriage) house. We liked to get naked and check each other out at first. We had similar sized cocks (about 6 inches), he was uncut and I am cut. His little brother (about would also get naked sometimes. We would all masturbate until we had an orgasm and, later on, came. After about a year we would suck each other off and then, still later, we tried anal. I wasn't too enthused any of it and I don't think he was either. Then the girl a couple doors up joined us one night. I found looking at and touching her kind of hairy virginal cunt so fascinating. My cock was harder than it had ever been. She jerked both of us off and I ate her cunt so she could get off too. A couple of months later I took her cherry. I knew then that I was straight with a bend towards bisexual at times.

By PSerect at 29,Sep,21 05:38 other posts of PSerect 
Really great comments so far and a common theme for those of us that discovered our sexuality early in life... Awesome stories!

By thicknsmooth at 29,Sep,21 04:50 other posts of thicknsmooth 
I had a fascination with my own dick at a very young age. That led me to the curiosity of other boys. My first sexual experience with another boy came the summer I turned 8 with another boy the same age. I knew from that day on That I was attracted to boys. I can never forget the taste and the smooth texture of a boys penis and the spongey feeling of it getting hard.

By #536019 at 29,Sep,21 01:20
Age 13, when I discovered sex with the help of three horny similar-age boys in the neighborhood. I had only M/M sex for 5 years until I went off to college and had good luck with a succession of girls. I'm sorta bi and sorta gay.

By #631189 at 28,Sep,21 17:28
Probably aged around 10 when looking at other boys seemed to give me a little boner. I found out definitely the next year when I started to play with my best friend after school

By earthy at 28,Sep,21 14:44 other posts of earthy 
12. I loved seeing the other boys in the locker room at school.

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