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Hottest Christmas themed pic contest

This is an Adult Discussion Forum of Show It Off Site
If you wish to participate you should register on that site and write there

Started by big9inch21 at 01,Dec,15 20:09  other posts of big9inch21
It's that time of year to give away a 1 month premium membership again. Post your pic or a link to it here in this forum post of the sexiest Christmas themed pic of yours, guys or gals. We will let the membership decide the winner by casting your votes for the hottest pic here in the forum. Voting will close Dec. 24th at 6:00pm E.S.T. The winner's will receive their prize's shortly after that. Hope you have some fun with this and good luck all.


1st Place- 1 month premium membership

2nd Place- 300 points

3rd Place- 120 points

Similar topics: catagories   2.Hottest Wife Contest   3.Hottest Wife Contest   4.Hottest Wife Contest   5.Who is the hottest man on SYD?  

New Comment

By Vita at 10,Dec,15 01:13 other posts of Vita 

》》》》 Vita-Cola-Christmas-Advertising !! 《《《《
By whatsupcocks at 24,Dec,15 15:48 other posts of whatsupcocks 
i will drink to that
By Vita at 01,Jan,17 17:49 other posts of Vita 

By big9inch21 at 28,Dec,15 07:54 other posts of big9inch21 
We want to start a trivia sex games in the chat rooms with prizes let us us know if that's a good idea??
By bella! at 28,Dec,15 10:41 other posts of bella! 
Trivia is always fun.

The only question I have is, since members are from all over the world/different timezones, will there a specific day AND time of day or night that this will happen so that ALL interested members can participate?
By big9inch21 at 28,Dec,15 17:38 other posts of big9inch21 
Very good point bella! I was thinking that we could pick a somewhat neutral time that appeals to most, it would go something like this: 10 or 15 questions I would emcee in a chatroom. Since anyone could cheat using Google for the answers, time would be of the essence, so I would ask a question and the first person that answered correctly would win the points for that question and so forth for the remaining questions, with a grand prize for the member that answered the most questions correctly. Does that make sense? If you have any ideas to make this idea better? feel free to offer any suggestions

By big9inch21 at 28,Dec,15 07:46 other posts of big9inch21 
Sorry we were missing Thank you allfor the hot sexy enttries, but after all is said, we see that:
1st- hotbikerchick 8- votes
2nd- the hubby and wife- 5 votes
3rd - lipsipsuckit - 3 votes
Thanks for all playing our game, it was hot fun and all pix were very fucking hott
By bella! at 28,Dec,15 10:35 other posts of bella! 
For purpose of transparency, where are the actual "votes" reflected?

Perhaps the next contest that you sponsor, you would consider being specific about how/where the votes should be submitted AND awarding both a SYD and SYC member a prize. Encouraging and engaging the male membership would be !
By #460385 at 28,Dec,15 12:49
We were kinda lost on where the voting was done too. Congrats to the winners.
By bella! at 28,Dec,15 14:59 other posts of bella! 

If this page is official, it would appear that HotBikerChick was the clear winner with 3 votes and I would consider snap's comment of "this is my winner!" as being 1 vote for mythickdick. I don't see any votes for the other named winners.

By big9inch21 at 28,Dec,15 17:29 other posts of big9inch21 
Your absolutely right bella! We should have better defined how to vote in this contest, it was a hard decision to make for us. I did ask for help from a few friends, maybe I should have reposted here and ask the membership for that help? I guess we took who had the most comments on their pix. I do see more than 1 vote for hotbikerchick though. Jayman, Alexblue, lilsexyfuck definitely cast a vote her way from what I see? We will definitely define a better way of voting on the next contest we sponsor in the future. Thanx to all who entered their hot sexy pix, your all winners far as we're concerned, and sorry we caused any confusion.

By #487699 at 17,Dec,15 03:40
Merry Christmas [deleted image]
By #85576 at 25,Dec,15 17:21
This is my winner!

By #460385 at 21,Dec,15 23:44
[deleted image] Merry Christmas
By #475677 at 23,Dec,15 05:59
merry xmas
By #460385 at 25,Dec,15 13:19
Merry Christmas to you as well.

By tb1 at 25,Dec,15 12:34 other posts of tb1 
check out MM-DD's page:
[deleted image]
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and under the mistletoe:
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and Merry Christmas:
[deleted image]

By #496814 at 25,Dec,15 12:21
[deleted image]

And soft:

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By #485312 at 09,Dec,15 23:26
[deleted image][deleted image]
a few from noballs *lix*
By whatsupcocks at 25,Dec,15 04:00 other posts of whatsupcocks 
i see a stuffy.u know were im going with this dont u LIX.

By shackles at 08,Dec,15 14:44 other posts of shackles 
Probably not a winning submission, but I like the theme nonetheless....
By #485312 at 09,Dec,15 08:37
can l fill your bauble with sand ?? *lix*
By shackles at 10,Dec,15 14:04 other posts of shackles 
That's actually a great idea! Thanks for the suggestion!
By #485312 at 11,Dec,15 02:51
You can swing your baubles while l suck your cock *lix *

By whatsupcocks at 25,Dec,15 03:53 other posts of whatsupcocks 
LIX u done it again.u just never know whats going to CUM out of those hot lips of yours.ha ha ha keep up the grate work babe.

By #494374 at 09,Dec,15 20:12
[deleted image]
By #85576 at 13,Dec,15 15:43

By whatsupcocks at 25,Dec,15 03:41 other posts of whatsupcocks 
very classy

By #460385 at 10,Dec,15 13:19
[deleted image]
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Entered for member (Assmacker).
By #213724 at 10,Dec,15 17:07
HoHoHo, thank you sexy!! Presents for all!!
By #358797 at 24,Dec,15 20:45
I'm kinda curious as to which sack the presents come from...

By #503815 at 24,Dec,15 16:32
Yum! Very sexy!

By #358729 at 08,Dec,15 00:00
Ok, someone has to be first so I'll start the ball rolling. Good luck to all who enter!!!
By *kmadeau* at 08,Dec,15 00:15 other posts of *kmadeau* 

By bella! at 08,Dec,15 00:17 other posts of bella! 
Hoping that this makes it more convenient for members.

[deleted image]
By #358729 at 08,Dec,15 00:25
By bella! at 08,Dec,15 00:30 other posts of bella! 
No worries!
By #494374 at 08,Dec,15 19:50
Just call her the winner already

By t-rex at 24,Dec,15 14:55 other posts of t-rex 

By #503815 at 24,Dec,15 16:26

By jayman73 at 09,Dec,15 03:22 other posts of jayman73 
You've got my vote.

By #485312 at 10,Dec,15 00:56
[deleted image][deleted image]
Merry Xmas to all the naughty boys, hope you made my list *lix*
By #316057 at 11,Dec,15 03:16
very nice

By whatsupcocks at 24,Dec,15 15:23 other posts of whatsupcocks 
LIX u always make my naughty list.keep up the naughty good work.keeping it hot for the holladays thanks.

By whatsupcocks at 24,Dec,15 15:53 other posts of whatsupcocks 
my bad wrong click i meant plus 1.

By #502423 at 19,Dec,15 18:03
Ho Ho Ho, Merry Christmas

How do you post a picture here?
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By whatsupcocks at 24,Dec,15 14:56 other posts of whatsupcocks 
go to the page that has the pitcher u what to the bottom of the page under the pitcher there i a box that says (post in blog forum) click on pick the third line down that says (works in most forums)beside it and click on that (copy) it and then go to the forum that u want to post the pitcher too.finally,at the top of the forum page click on (add comment)box.when it opens (past) your pitcher that u (copied) to the comment box and then click the (submit box) and your pitcher will appear in the forum.u will get the hang of it after a few post.use a computer to do this task,it is much easier to do then using a smart phone.i hope this helps.HAPPY HOLIDAYS.
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you can thank (LICKSIPSUCKIT) for the info.i asked the same thing once and she came to my rescue.she a good girl and works hard to keep this web domain hot and happy for all of us.

By whatsupcocks at 24,Dec,15 14:03 other posts of whatsupcocks 
HAPPY HOLLADAYS,peace and sex to all.

By big9inch21 at 23,Dec,15 06:23 other posts of big9inch21 
We don't even know who should be the winners at this point? The whole members voting on the winners hasn't worked out? So that being said, we might have to decide this? We hoped that wasn't gonna be the way it worked out So vote people in these last couple days
By mr_blue at 23,Dec,15 19:34 other posts of mr_blue 
By jayman73 at 23,Dec,15 22:04 other posts of jayman73 

By sweetslit at 13,Dec,15 13:57 other posts of sweetslit 
It is from last year...

By #410609 at 20,Dec,15 05:22
It's already a timeless tradition! Merry Christmas darling.

By #44497 at 19,Dec,15 19:54
A STAR IS BORN, freely adapted from Charlie Hebdo in Paris !


By #285354 at 18,Dec,15 20:33
[deleted image]

Merry Christmas to All!

By #501857 at 13,Dec,15 19:01
Merry Xmas to all xoxoxo

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By shackles at 14,Dec,15 13:49 other posts of shackles 
It's the MILF on the shelf!

By #475677 at 14,Dec,15 14:43

By cadi at 14,Dec,15 17:33 other posts of cadi 
Very nice and I love you.

By 2pierced at 18,Dec,15 09:27 other posts of 2pierced 
Wonderful Christmas spirit, I certainly wish Santa would leave a present like you for me. So much fun to unwrap and play with!!

By jayman73 at 11,Dec,15 03:36 other posts of jayman73 

By like2jack at 10,Dec,15 16:31 other posts of like2jack 

By like2jack at 10,Dec,15 14:09 other posts of like2jack 

By #485312 at 09,Dec,15 23:57
[deleted image][deleted image]
lickpussyandcock's xmas cheer *lix*

By #486087 at 09,Dec,15 21:00
[deleted image]

old pic

By #124665 at 09,Dec,15 06:41
Not that I'm interested in winning the prizes, just thought I'd post this cuz.. lets just admit it that lil Christmasy kitties are so fucking cute gathered round my warm n cozy cock piece

[deleted image]
By #68656 at 09,Dec,15 07:17
Woofs and licks to your kitties from my doggies.

[deleted image]
By #124665 at 09,Dec,15 09:44
I miss having a badger hound, such naughty vicious lil fuckers

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