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Started by #64328 at 12,Jan,16 21:06
Does the idea of having your bush trimmed or shaved by another turn you on?

Similar topics: 1.How did you learn of SYD?   2.Male pubes..?   3.comparing cocks, cock fighting, docking, versus   4.Shaving and manscaping  

New Comment

By #558214 at 22,Jul,18 04:00
Yes, I would like that very much!

By #552396 at 05,Apr,18 09:15
yes, the touch,feel, nice

By #553253 at 05,Apr,18 09:14
Im lasered bald, everywhere! I LOVE shaving those that have never tried it. I love giving them head after!
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By #553253 at 05,Apr,18 09:11
Im lasered bald, everywhere! I LOVE shaving those that have never tried it. I love giving them head after!

By #543844 at 03,Jan,18 00:02
Yes it does Man or women shaving me bald and smooth would make my dick rock hard and cum

By #536019 at 01,Jan,18 16:50
Hell, yeah!

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By #526940 at 31,Dec,17 14:38
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By tb1 at 01,Jan,18 06:07 other posts of tb1 
Good trim job

By 3fdfd at 01,Jan,18 16:46 other posts of 3fdfd 
Beautiful cock but I'd love to see him hairy.

By #463848 at 31,Dec,17 11:53
I wouldn't say it turns me on but as it hasn't been done to me, time will tell. I know it would be very convenient for me because when it comes to trying to use my left hand I am lost!

So if there are any volunteers look me up.

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By #506113 at 30,Sep,16 04:43
I'm ready for a shave.....

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By 3fdfd at 30,Sep,16 13:44 other posts of 3fdfd 
NOPE ! You have one of the better looking cocks on the site. Your cock & balls are great because they are so hairy.
By #506113 at 30,Sep,16 16:13
that's very kind, thank you, my wife agrees and tells me not to shave....
By #482237 at 23,Dec,17 01:18

By #518391 at 30,Dec,17 18:44

By exhibit at 28,Dec,17 10:28 other posts of exhibit 
Sure. Anytime I get handled it tends to lead to additional activities. I like my clean balls and cock and equally like a clean smooth pussy and ass. Feels so good on my tongue and I think smells better. So, yes its great to give and receive.

By #482237 at 23,Dec,17 01:18
my GF does it every 4 to 6 months,,,

By #516354 at 23,Dec,17 01:02
My ex wife and me used to shave each other and was a great turn on.

By #64328 at 22,Dec,17 15:53
I did it with a buddy and ended up making each other cum.

By #518816 at 27,Sep,16 01:55
I have to keep it timed and clean.
Otherwise it bothers me lol.
I'm not a fan of excess hair.
By 3fdfd at 30,Sep,16 13:47 other posts of 3fdfd 
I bet you'd look great with all your bush grown back in

By #206678 at 29,Sep,16 19:59
My wife enjoys me shaving her so much it is now a weekly part of our bedroom activities. I quite enjoy shaving her too!
But...She won't shave me
By 3fdfd at 30,Sep,16 13:46 other posts of 3fdfd 
your uncut cock looks great hairy - don't shave him

By cumonme1 at 29,Sep,16 11:57 other posts of cumonme1 
My lady won't shave or trim me and she won't shave her bush i must do my own shaving

By 3fdfd at 27,Sep,16 14:09 other posts of 3fdfd 
A woman did it at the hospital.

By 3fdfd at 27,Sep,16 14:09 other posts of 3fdfd 
Got my bush trimmed at the hospital and I don't like it

By #289712 at 27,Sep,16 13:19
I'm concerned doing it myself, let alone anyone else with sharp implements even close! I'm actually just about to snip and shave.

By #102374 at 27,Sep,16 02:06
Would love to have another shave me. Mmmmmmm

By leopoldij at 26,Sep,16 10:53 other posts of leopoldij 
I would gladly accept being trimmed by someone as I find it hard to do it myself.

By #515106 at 24,Sep,16 14:49
I think I would like to shave another guys dick

By #64328 at 05,Mar,16 20:50
I think shaving another guy would be fun. I once saw a post on craigslist about a guy that was a manscape barber.

By #220845 at 14,Jan,16 16:48

By Raypark at 14,Jan,16 09:58 other posts of Raypark 
Hell yea, and most men manscape now, gets me leaking every time

By Odin_york_pa at 14,Jan,16 04:14 other posts of Odin_york_pa 
I had a guy shave me completely hairless from the neck to my knees once, hitting all the hard to reach places. I was precumming the whole time and it was dripping onto the floor quite a bit until he starting licking it off. It was so erotic to us both, he had a fetish for that. That was the first time doing that for me, I squirtted so hard it went over my head which in turn made him squirt which hit me in my face, he was massaging my hole with his dick. That was so much fun..

By BirdDog at 13,Jan,16 01:35 other posts of BirdDog 
yes it does!

By spermkiss at 12,Jan,16 21:59 other posts of spermkiss 
Yes, I'm hairless from the neck down, permanently with laser removal. But back in the days when I had hair, it was fun to get together with a guy and shave each other. Then have sex.

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