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Started by #491031 at 06,Feb,16 20:46
Similar topics: 1.curious... 2.need to know ASAP 3.You called it what??? 4.WHY.......??? 5.ARE WOMEN TURNED OFF BY ALL THE "PERVS"? New CommentComments: |
I don't really care if the rest of you think this is irrational or reactionary...it's my choice who I feel comfortable interacting with and who I don't.
I only have a handful of people on my blacklist...like four or five, but I think they have all gotten there either because of this, or because when viewing their profile, I was pretty grossed out by what they are into. Their own kink or fetish is perfectly fine and well for them....but I don't want them to message me because if they do, I will of course click their profile and I want to do whatever I can to hedge my bets against seeing some of those things.
I'm also of course amicable to the more mundane comments like "great dick" or "sexy." That's just complimentary, in my opinion.
Also, if you are a man who asks me to skype / cam / compare with you, it is very unlikely that you will get a response. I won't blacklist you, but I have absolutely no interest in skyping with you, so I will just forget that you even mentioned it...
If I might offer a suggestion, however:
Listing yourself as straight on your profile is NOT going to be as effective as you might wish here at SYD. This is because more than half of the members who label themselves straight on this site are also into penises. (Yes...there are many of us who find that to be confusing, too.) The bi-curious, the closet cocksuckers, the gay/bi guys who are terrified of their true nature;often check the "straight" box. They also assume that every straight guy is like them, so they ignore the profile orientation.
I'm not saying that this is the case with you. You have plainly stated where you stand, and members need to respect that.
Perhaps, if you used the ADDITIONAL INFO feature on your profile page to copy what you have posted here about what sort of comments you are comfortable with receiving, it will help you to avoid getting the dick up the ass messages.
I'm inclined to think that "straight" is virtually the default orientation for a male member here on SYD gets unless he actively chooses something else. I cannot begin to count the number of members listed as straight who have photos of men, presumably including himself, actively engaged in man-on-man sex right there on their pages.
Are these men really not straight? Well, maybe. But maybe not. I'm as gay as they come, but I've had sex with women. Does that mean I'm really not gay? I've had people try to tell me that I'm really bisexual. Nonsense! I'm gay, Gay, GAY. Turning that around to straight men, some dabbling in gay sex does not mean a man has to turn in his Straight Membership Card.
And you're also correct about men of any orientation straight, bisexual or gay, extrapolating their own attitudes, beliefs and desires to every other man claiming that orientation. Utterly impossible. If there is one thing I've learned in 73 years of life is that no two people are exactly the same.
Label yourself as gay and say you've had sex with women,most would say you are bisexual....
Secondly, very few men are so totally and absolutely homosexual that any kind of heterosexual contact is out of the question under any circumstances. And conversely, very few men are so totally and absolutely heterosexual that any kind of homosexual contact is out of the question under any circumstances. For the vast majority of men, if he is placed in a sexual situation with another person of either sex he will become aroused and be able to perform.
Finally, re-read the last paragraph of my last note. You are guilty of extrapolating your own attitudes and opinions to the entire population.
Can you imagine him WADDLING along with his penis dragging behind him on the ice, all frostbitten and chafed? Now I understand why guys sit with their legs all spread apart, it's for bragging rights, but this guy is over the top!
[deleted image]
I've never heard a gay man say: "Damn! I want to rip your pecker off" as a statement of desire.
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Son-of-a-gun! The word that got censored was s-c-a-t.
This question is being tossed out there for the men who are drawn to women; do you find it erotic, visually appealing, sexy, or whatever you want to call it, to view pictures of women with their lips all spread apart, looking like you're caught up in a traffic jam, inside the Detroit/Windsor Tunnel?
On a a side note: I am well acquainted with a certain penguin who might find that activity sort of appealing...
"For those of you who find it necessary to call my wife, a whore, a slut, a bitch, and etc..... You will be Blacklisted. As most of you punks have been banned already. She is not your property. Do not demand a fucking thing out of her. Ask politely and we will do our best. For our friends this does not apply to you."
I understand the point you make in that blog. It is a reasonable stance to take. However, it does show that you DO find some comments/behaviors to be "too vulgar", doesn't it?
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I'm pretty sure in the dictionary the definition for disrespect and the definition for vulgarity is different. Maybe I read the post wrong, but I thought it said " what is too vulgar to you" not "what is disrespect too you".
In the example we are discussing, the disrespect comes from the use of vulgarity to degrade Mrs. Countryboy. Would you be as offended if the message said: "Wow! She looks like she can't get enough sex to satisfy her." or "She looks so good she could make money giving BJs" ? (These are just EXAMPLES, btw...I am NOT trying to insult the Mrs.)
Here's another example:
I find the use of the word "faggot" (a vulgar word) to be offensive and disrespectful. I rank that particular F-word right up there with the infamous N-word as a degrading and intolerable term. Use that word in reference to me in a message, and there will not be a reply.
The main point of the post, though, is that--even as members of a "sex site"--we all have different sensibilities. Some guys like to be called "faggot" or have someone call their wife a whore. Others don't. Just trying to see who draws the line where when it comes to SYD communications...
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I do still think there is a difference. You can say vulgar comments in a sexual matter without crossing the line to being disrespectful.
If you randomly send these messages or comments unsolicited, it's like your just talking to an anonymous penis or vagina.
You have to expect these vulgar messages on a site like this, but not everyone has to like them.
I remember when I first signed up for this site two years ago, Admin warning me that these messages could occur and asking the question, "make sure you're ready for this". So to be fair, Admin did give fair warning, at least when I joined.
I'm sorry, there's nothing about being rammed or pounded that sounds "flirtatious". Perhaps as the "relationship" develops, I will look forward to that good pounding but if that's the initial approach, nope!