| I've added a check-box to the comment form on images that allows you to make your comment visible to a poster of the pic and yourself only. It's quite self-explanatory. Other members won't see such comments in "recent comments" or "comments on member's pics" or on the pic's page itself, indeed.
It may not work well if you are replying to a comment of someone else, who is not a poster of the pic, with this option. Poster of the pic will always see such comment anyway. Theoretically the member you are replying to will see it too, if you use "Reply" explicitly. But better if you do not use it this way. I made it this way only so it does not give you an error in case you forget to uncheck the box after previous comment.
All explicit replies to such comments get the same status automatically.
In case you see any problems with this or it does not work as described above (it's possible I missed something), please let me know. |
--------------------------------------- added after 15 minutes
You say this site is to connect people. But now with this option you will allow certain groups to seperate themselves from others. That's what the private message option is for. If you want to comment on a pic and your a pussy to do so. Then PM that person that you liked their pic. If you post your pics for all members to see, then all should be able to see the comments. Once this site becomes a private deal, we're out.
Admin could add the option to turn it off for those that don't want the 'private' comments on their pics..
If it was an "esoteric" dead horse, that would be even spiffier...
Would it not be possible to have a custom-sorting of pics on our pages?
I know there is a button "Sort by" with options like "Newest", "Least viewed", etc., but how about "custom" so we can move some of the older pics up front?
Also, you do realize that other people view pages in that sort order as they set it not as you set it, or don't you? If you make a custom order and all other people have their order set to newest they would still view your page in that sort order, not in yours.
Looks to me like it's just not worth the trouble.
Would you expound on the "I'm excited by this" option that is reflected directly above and to the right of each picture? When you tap on it you get a message "Oh yeah" but I'm confused, if the picture excites, is the member notified? Or is it possible that you use my "vote" and feature that picture elsewhere? Please, more information.
It's nice that admin gives thought to and creates different features for the site to keep it interesting but I think it's odd that we, the membership, need to ask about the things that we see the and even more odd that we cannot get a straightforward response.
--------------------------------------- added after 5 hours
Since I opted out of the EXCITEMENT METER contest, it does not make sense to me that if I clicked on "I'm excited by this" would have any bearing on the member OR the member's position within the contest. Again, with me opting our of the contest, in the event that someone clicked on "I'm excited by this", it would be safe to say, it does nothing to benefit me.
It was a legitimate question, which apparently did not warrant a legitimate response from admin.
If what you say is true this is another reason good enough for me. If it allows to men who are afraid to be considered gay because of social stereotypes to express themselves more freely - it's good in my book, not bad.
If you don't know where recent is and was accessing it via your pics (some time people have strange ways to do things) - there is a link to recent on the main page.
It was really added for a symmetry from the beginning, rather than for ease of access.