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Something NICE about other members

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If you wish to participate you should register on that site and write there

Started by JustWill at 30,Mar,16 22:26  other posts of JustWill
Here's a thread for folks to post something nice about their fellow SYD/C members.
Because all of the "bashing" gets tiresome.
Name something about another member that you find to be a pleasant quality.
For example:
Spermkiss is always very polite.
Arexa, alexblue and HellRaiser13 all possess a delightfully twisted sense of humor.
Though I know it might be asking too much, it would be awesome if this thread didn't turn into a list of your favorite dick/pussy/tits/balls/ass--there are plenty of those threads already.
Try thinking outside of the box for a change, Folks! ( nice, dammit!)

Similar topics: 1.SYD/SYC signs and members   2.You people are funny (and nice)   3.New Members.   4.* SAY SOMETHING NICE ABOUT SOMEONE *   5.Question regarding “Notes” on members page.  

New Comment

By #496816 at 11,Apr,16 12:25
I greatly appreciate licksipsuckit not only for being Australian, but for being Totally Out T here. But of course, as we know there are only two kinds of people in the world - people who are Australian or Scottish, and people who would like to be Australian or Scottish.
By #485312 at 12,Apr,16 04:00
haha, not only am l an aussie, but lm of Scottish decent, and l don't mind a dude in a skirt, especially if he's going commando...thanks for the good wrap, and yeah being out there is in my DNA lm afraid...couldn't change if l wanted too *lix*

By jayman73 at 03,Apr,16 01:09 other posts of jayman73 
alexblue for all the nice gifts and for saying what we are thinking in the forum. I like his tell it like it is attitude and speaking the truth in the forum.
By mr_blue at 10,Apr,16 07:50 other posts of mr_blue 
It's only my opinion Jayman..
By #485312 at 11,Apr,16 09:32
yeah youre a top bloke alex, ld like to see more of you naked too *lix*

By johnp at 02,Apr,16 21:17 other posts of johnp 
This thread is fucking stupid .. Fuck em all those fuck fucking fuckers !!
By JustWill at 02,Apr,16 22:37 other posts of JustWill 
You just HAD to be "that guy", didn't you, Johnp?
By johnp at 03,Apr,16 00:43 other posts of johnp 
Yes ... Sometimes I just can't help myself 😖

By *kmadeau* at 09,Apr,16 02:01 other posts of *kmadeau* 
By #159671 at 10,Apr,16 07:14
He beat me to it. I wanted to be that guy.

By jayman73 at 03,Apr,16 05:25 other posts of jayman73 
Arexa for the nice gifts, and awesome pictures. Also, She was one of the first people to welcome me to the site two years ago. (As well as Bella).
By bella! at 10,Apr,16 01:20 other posts of bella! 
Hey, jayman, I think you are impressed with the gifts!

By bella! at 09,Apr,16 01:27 other posts of bella! 
Hey, did you have a bad day, a long week, the cat ran away, a winter weather advisory report has interrupted your program because the county you live in is supposed to get snow overnight ( that's for real in my part of Michigan ) and you want to have a good smile or a BIG belly laugh? Let me suggest that you treat yourself to JustWill's non GAY stories. He's so darn sarcastic and SO funny!

I have it on good authority that he sends a smile to all members who read his blogs and post a comment. For your ease and reading pleasure, I have posted the blogs here. Happy reading!

--------------------------------------- added after 13 hours

--------------------------------------- added after 23 hours

Here's another good one.

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And another.....


By jayman73 at 03,Apr,16 05:27 other posts of jayman73 
JustWill for just being JustWill!
By JustWill at 03,Apr,16 15:59 other posts of JustWill 
Thank you most kindly, jayman!

By mr_blue at 02,Apr,16 20:36 other posts of mr_blue 
I'm gonna mention a couple of members who seem to have gone awol... Daffu,always balanced in his views..Peach,funny sincere lady..I miss them both..

Also Special mentions L_F...TOP BLOKE,Deviant(My br0ther from another m0ther)

By JustWill at 02,Apr,16 20:41 other posts of JustWill 
Four awesome folks, alex!
I miss the hell out of that damn duck, Peach is a real peach, L_F kicks ass, and dev is a twisted perv (in the GOOD kinda way.)

By jayman73 at 01,Apr,16 23:29 other posts of jayman73 
Bella for all her wonderful gifts and her insight in the forum.
By bella! at 02,Apr,16 03:19 other posts of bella! 
You are quite a thoughtful and generous man, yourself.
By jayman73 at 02,Apr,16 18:29 other posts of jayman73 
Thanks, Bella. I try to be.

By sherryann at 30,Mar,16 23:44 other posts of sherryann 
My love donnnydink who has been so very nice to me, more than I can express in mere words. Everyone here is so nice, there are too many, and I **** to forget and leave anyone out. Iluvscottish fanny, trex, Blaine, Mickeyd, Bella!, Steffi,(even though she's gone), (my only 2 female friends), scuff, route master, gaydude, (even though he's gone), he was exceptional,iripin, max, of course admin, for his site...there are far too many...everyone here is nice.
To Blaine, I am honored you mentioned me, thank you. As I've said, I admire how you speak multiple languages, I think that is wonderful. Our shared love of Country music will forever form our bond. Also, I think this was a great post from you JustWill. I am an avid reader, and not many can measure up to your writing. Thank you.
By JustWill at 31,Mar,16 02:38 other posts of JustWill 
Hey! Thank you so much for your kind words. That made my day!
By sherryann at 02,Apr,16 00:17 other posts of sherryann 
You're welcome JustWill. I would love to re-read something you posted long ago, it was incredible. I can't recall the title though.
By JustWill at 02,Apr,16 02:35 other posts of JustWill 
Can you recall what it was about? Maybe I can remember it and find it for you.
--------------------------------------- added after 14 hours

Thanks for the gift!
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I tried to send a PM, but the site wouldn't let me.
By sherryann at 02,Apr,16 17:44 other posts of sherryann 
Hi JustWill. I answered in your blog. I hope I can read it again. I thought it would not tie up your post here so others can add nice things about their fellow members. I am sure you will know the one I mean. You also had that one first same pic on your page back then too. Thanks. You're welcome too. And thank you too JustWill.

By #316057 at 02,Apr,16 03:46
Bella has always being nice. and Arexa too Alexblue he being A great guy also Snap . RobbieG .Big9. cody8789 and Holiday .Lubiapuller I like him very mush he keeps the chatroom going when no one talks there a lot more ppl that I like I really like to be friends with other ppl too..

By JeffinKS at 01,Apr,16 19:40 other posts of JeffinKS 
well this made me think....
I rarely get unsolicited interactions on this site....
I think Bella! is a nice member, her comments to me are always friendly and thought provoking.
and JohnS..... his comments, they just make me laugh, he reminds me of the Republican party.... saying one thing and meaning another.... and if your reading this JohnS, well emotions are hard to convey in text I am just trying to be humorous....
By bella! at 02,Apr,16 00:09 other posts of bella! 
Aww.....thank you! I hope your husband and you, of course, won't mind if I give you a friendly kiss on your cheek!

By #485312 at 30,Mar,16 23:35
jayman72, for always being happy and sharing his gorgeous smile *lix*
By jayman73 at 31,Mar,16 05:02 other posts of jayman73 
Thanks so much, *lix*

By mr_blue at 01,Apr,16 19:21 other posts of mr_blue 
He does brighten the day up..I always think happy when I think of Jayman..
By jayman73 at 01,Apr,16 23:26 other posts of jayman73 
Thanks, alexblue.

By #507249 at 30,Mar,16 23:48
Damn, this could be a long list! Arexa and Hellraiser13 for always making me laugh (especially during some dark times), Sweetslit, Lyssa, Hottie666, Bella, Big9inch21, for all just being very cool people and fun to chat with. I'm sorry to any that I've forgot!!
By #487013 at 01,Apr,16 04:14

By #497474 at 01,Apr,16 19:02
Aww wow. Thanks!

By leopoldij at 01,Apr,16 15:20 other posts of leopoldij 
People, deep inside, are born good. And they have the potential to return to goodness even after departure from it. One should never judge someone once way or another forever. We can try to see what the good side of others is and even point out to them. This helps.
(This is NOT a religious statement.)

By t-rex at 01,Apr,16 01:38 other posts of t-rex 
So many nice people on here, you all know who you are
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Hottie666 is an awesome lady, always so nice, licksipsuckit is such a straight forward lady not afraid to show or say what she likes, always acknowledges a comment on her pictures, Hadley Miller is so adorable and such a sweet lady, Arexa52 for her amazing pictures she always comes up with something hot or fun to see.
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Sherryann is a sweet lady who always says hi even if she only has a couple minutes, shylittlegirl is a sweet lady
By bella! at 01,Apr,16 02:29 other posts of bella! 
Really? Why not post their names and what it is that you find so admirable about them?

By bella! at 31,Mar,16 19:15 other posts of bella! 
In my opinion, I find JustWill to be quite gifted as writer. His Coyote Boy Tales are well written and very interesting. For those who haven't read CBT ( Coyote Boy Tales ) they're well worth reading and you will see that young Will was quite an adventurous young chap. Just visit his page and refer to the blogs and if you're going to read them, start from the beginning so you can see how the "characters" develop. At one time, I visited his profile on another site and read a chapter titled "Air Tight" and thought JustWill was a straight up "man-ho" only to find out that I had missed so many chapters that were ahead of it, chapters that were not ( up until now ) published on SYD.

As for another member that has a gift for writing, I would also like to mention ❈乚ix ❈. Her poetry, whether erotic or dark is well worth reading.
By JustWill at 31,Mar,16 21:37 other posts of JustWill 
Thanks, bella!, for the praise of my stories.

As a side note: There isn't actually any CBT in my Coyote Boy Tales. My guys and I weren't really into the rough stuff.
By bella! at 31,Mar,16 21:48 other posts of bella! 
Your stories are great. I'm just surprised that you didn't object to me thinking of you as a man-ho.
By JustWill at 01,Apr,16 02:18 other posts of JustWill 
I've been called much worse...

By admin at 30,Mar,16 23:25 other posts of admin 
Nice idea by the way. I mean - I can make a "feedback" section on every member. Like notes, only intentionally visible to everyone. For good and bad remarks.

But I'm afraid this feature will be mostly used for evil, not for good. And will cause extreme butthurt to some of the members
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And it's added under the "personal" by the way.
By JustWill at 31,Mar,16 02:24 other posts of JustWill 
Thanks, Admin. I just thought it would be a nice switch to see members saying good stuff about each other for a change. I'm glad to see so many comments already! (And that they are following the "rules" I laid out in the post.)

By JustWill at 31,Mar,16 02:27 other posts of JustWill 
I saw the new feature. It could be a nice addition, but I am afraid it can turn ugly pretty fast. Is it set up so that only the member can see what other's have said about them?
By admin at 31,Mar,16 03:13 other posts of admin 
Everyone can see. That's kinda the point.
By JustWill at 31,Mar,16 03:15 other posts of JustWill 
I saw that after I posted.
I think it's great to have a public place to show appreciation for each other. Hope it turns out well...

By bella! at 31,Mar,16 19:43 other posts of bella! 
To admin, you know what would be nice, if you could figure out a way to alert the member ( like how you do it for those that have Group messages or messages left on their blogs ) that they have amessage.
--------------------------------------- added after 28 hours

I guess admin didn't like my idea or maybe I didn't give him enough information!

By #487013 at 31,Mar,16 10:20
Hey thank you. Thanks for cracking me up and for your ability to point out all the BS.
By JustWill at 31,Mar,16 16:38 other posts of JustWill 
Right back attcha!

By jayman73 at 31,Mar,16 05:08 other posts of jayman73 
*lix* for having very creative and awesome pics, for all the great conversations we had, and her wonderful comments on my pics and her insight and take on things here in the forum.
By #485312 at 31,Mar,16 05:55
thanks Jayman, Yes we've had some good conversations about life and food, and your pics are great, your smile is infectious and always makes me smile when l see it...l digged your new rockstar look, now thats creative and super sexy..hope you can really play that bass, and do you play in a band?? *lix*
By jayman73 at 31,Mar,16 12:04 other posts of jayman73 
Thanks for everything. I am not currently playing in a band, but have been in several working bands throughout the years, mainly classic rock.

By JustWill at 31,Mar,16 03:10 other posts of JustWill 
To all the folks on my Friends List:
You are there for a reason.
I appreciate your wit, your intelligence, your sense of humor, your support and your compassion.
I don't care what anyone else says, you all kick serious ass in your own, special ways!
YOU are the reason I spend time on this site. to you all!

(A special shout-out to 2nice, 'cause he always "gets" me.)

By mr_blue at 30,Mar,16 22:51 other posts of mr_blue 
I think I'm going to say thanks to admin...thanks for making this site a fun place to have a laugh...

JustWill for giving me my daily dose of sarcasm.
By JustWill at 31,Mar,16 02:40 other posts of JustWill 
Always happy to give you a grin, my friend!

Adult Discussion Forum