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Your favorite part of sucking cock?

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Started by #436014 at 09,Apr,16 03:58
Mine would have to be when the cock is cumming and I place my thumb or other digits against the spongy underside and feel the cum contractions just inches from my mouth (which has the cock head in it at least ), it's amazing

Similar topics: 1.Favorite thing about your or your partners cock?   2.In-The-Closet Heterosexual Cocksuckers   3.Sucking cock   4.What is the hottest part of sex for you?   5.Eurovision Song contest your favorite Song All time .  

New Comment

By #446346 at 09,Jul,16 01:49
When the cockhead gets super stiff.
The hips thrust forward.
My head held tight.
The flood of cum in my mouth.
Holding the cock until it's soft.

Then, swallowing my reward!
By #551482 at 10,Apr,18 22:11
so poetic itґs like a Haiku, only longer

By #546418 at 10,Apr,18 18:30
Getting a nice load of cum from a twitching cock

By #553253 at 09,Apr,18 11:00
Hair pulling, and a mouthful that ends up all over your face.

By Rob00 at 09,Apr,18 10:38 other posts of Rob00 
The best part is that Split second the guy explodes into your mouth, with that instant amazing taste,to savour,and then that smooth creamy swallow

By routemaster at 06,Jul,16 22:10 other posts of routemaster 
Every single bit, every step of the way!!!
By kebmo at 09,Apr,18 10:28 other posts of kebmo 
Me too Routmaster. I'm an A-Z guy, from hello to good bye. When a guy walks into my place he gets a nice firm cock rub and as he leaves he gets a pinch on his ass.

By WHATSUPDOC at 08,Apr,18 23:35 other posts of WHATSUPDOC 
Everyone knows the answer but I love the way some of you so elequently expressed their desire for their favorite part of sucking a cock

By #149019 at 16,Sep,16 05:37
[deleted image]the cum

By iluvcox at 16,Sep,16 05:36 other posts of iluvcox 
My favorite part of sucking another guy's cock is smelling dick breath in the room after we've 69'd.

By JeffinKS at 09,Apr,16 13:11 other posts of JeffinKS 
I agree the best part is when you feel that cock go stone hard.... then start throbbing as it pumps it warm cum into my sucking mouth....
By skyking at 15,Sep,16 13:50 other posts of skyking 
I too agree with this moment !!...FULL erection , twitching motion , head engorged........and the thrill of "How much is he going to keep squirting ?!!!!! "

By #519672 at 11,Sep,16 01:14
the smell the feel of the head and shaft

By #514663 at 06,Jul,16 21:44
Definitely the ending. Feeling his dick tighten.. his muscles tensing.. Letting out moans of pleasure and tasting that warm deliciousness flowing into your mouth and knowing what pure ecstacy you're giving to him

By xdjxx1 at 06,Jul,16 19:12 other posts of xdjxx1 
It's got to be that little flick of extra stiffness off the tongue into the roof of my mouth just as the cock starts to spit down my throat.

By #506737 at 04,Jul,16 05:41
as a sissy cocksucker, i like kneeling between your legs when first meeting taking out your cock and having you use my mouth, swallowing your cum way down my throat.

By bella! at 28,May,16 05:46 other posts of bella! 
Hands down, it's the cock!
By #436014 at 28,May,16 09:42
with the cum in 2nd just after that, right?
By bella! at 28,May,16 12:43 other posts of bella! 
But of course!
By #436014 at 29,May,16 06:14

By #436014 at 29,May,16 06:23
btw you're invited to comment on this pic if you like
[deleted image]
By bella! at 30,May,16 04:49 other posts of bella! 
You're inviting me to comment on your picture?! Okay.

By #436014 at 29,May,16 06:45
also just uploaded a couple screen captures (first and second cum squirts) from my wank vid for your viewing pleasure:

[deleted image][deleted image]

By #208346 at 29,May,16 10:08
From the moment we start taking our clothes off til we're done and every thing in between.

By Meandick at 28,May,16 05:27 other posts of Meandick 
Sucking cock sure does sound fun, I need to try it asap.
By #436014 at 28,May,16 09:44
hot, hopefully you'll get hooked on sucking cock (and swallowing cum! ) and change your profile from "straight" to "bi"

By #436014 at 28,May,16 09:46
your cock looks way fun to suck on btw

By bi1953 at 16,May,16 02:39 other posts of bi1953 
I love the way the head feels in my mouth.
By #454258 at 27,May,16 21:08
and rubbing it on my lips

By #436014 at 27,May,16 14:52
I gotta say, just the feel of a nice hard cock in one's mouth, throat, cheeks, lips, rub the head and shaft on the nose even . . . it just feels amazing, the texture, the way the skin slides up and down the shaft, the salty taste and smell of the groin area, a nice pair of shaved nuts to play with and suck on . . . it's pretty much intoxicating I have to say, lots of dopamine firing through my (the sucker's) system yum

I guess when it comes down to it, I'm a total oral slut for a nice hard cock and cum

By #485312 at 18,May,16 21:06
my favourite part of sucking a cock is having the power to inflict pleasure and make a mans legs turn to jelly, love watching their reactions and feeling their makes me nearly come when they say its too sucking it long after they come and not letting them get soft, keeping them hard till they cant take it anymore *lix*

By #181785 at 16,May,16 02:27
I love when it stiffens and throbs just before unloading his balls in my mouth.
By JeffinKS at 17,May,16 21:47 other posts of JeffinKS 
oh yes!

By #46165 at 16,May,16 00:19
I love taking a soft cock in my mouth and just feeling it grow, feeling the weight increase on my tongue, then letting it free and inspecting the results
I love the first taste of precum, so sweet.
I love feeling that thing spasm as it deposits cum directly into my mouth.

By #446346 at 14,May,16 00:26
I love how I can experience a cock with all my senses. Touch, taste, smell, see, and hear.
To have a cock deep inside my throat when it comes.
The taste of cum in my mouth hours later.

By spermkiss at 09,Apr,16 06:19 other posts of spermkiss 
You got it! The orgasmic climax and the ejaculation is the piece de resistance of the entire cocksucking experience. We men know how good an orgasm feels and how much tension it releases, so the knowledge that one has given that pleasure to another man is enormously rewarding and fulfilling. It's a real feeling of accomplishment. And we cocksuckers are rewarded with the man's sperm. When I take a man's load it's nice to know that it will go down into my gut, be digested and turn into muscle tissue in my body. Part of him will become part of me.
By cumonme1 at 12,Apr,16 12:12 other posts of cumonme1 
I totally agree it is by far the best part of sucking cock that hot tasty load so good

By #482162 at 13,May,16 16:45
Well put my friend

By #311947 at 28,Apr,16 15:25
This thread is hot

By #496814 at 21,Apr,16 15:45
The feeling I get when I cum. Or the surprise when she starts...

By #485312 at 21,Apr,16 08:18
[deleted image]
this horny bastard hanging on
the end of my tongue *lix*

By #252724 at 20,Apr,16 20:56
I like it when the head begins to throb and I hear him moan

By foreskinlover52 at 14,Apr,16 00:14 other posts of foreskinlover52 
Having his cock lieing on my tongue and having his warm sperm flowing into my mouth..Feeling his cock contractions as his sperm sprays down my throat!

By #211891 at 12,Apr,16 11:49
I love everything about sucking cock! Having a cock, soft or hard, in my mouth. Feeling a soft cock grow and harden. Feeling a hard cock soften and shrink. Feeling the contractions as a load of cum is delivered. Pumping my lips up and down the shaft. Tugging behind the corona with my lips. ALL of it! The sight, the smell, the taste, the feel, the sound. I ♥ COCKSUCKING!

By thicknsmooth at 12,Apr,16 02:13 other posts of thicknsmooth 
I would have to say my favorite part is slowly sliding down the underware and sucking the whole cock into my mouth while its still semi soft! I love the sent of a clean cock & balls, love the smooth skin of the head and shaft. love to feel it grow long and hard. Then I bite down on it lightly with my lips over my teeth and feel the spongey meat. mmmmmmm love it

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