Anybody here like/have a overhanging foreskin?? I used to have a solid qaurter inch overhang when I was younger and my dong was smaller. Pictures of said overhang is much welcome.
thanks, lucky to still have it to be honest. My father was circumcised but my parents waited and when I was 12 they took me to see a doc about getting circumcised.
Pleased to see the operation did not go ahead. I don't agree with parents having "the right" to have their sons circumcised, they may have brought you into the world but its YOUR body and they should not be the ones to violate it, I would go so far as to say it is tantamount to abuse. Of course, if you or any other men decide to have a circumcision when you are adults, that's fine, it will then be YOUR decision but nobody else should be allowed to have that. I'm very glad my parents never even thought about sending me for "the chop".
i agree. It was a debate my parents obviously had, my fathers side of the family were all circumcised and my mothers family intact. We talked about it, my mother explained that her father and brother were intact and as my parents were naturists, as was my uncle (dads brother) i saw his penis and my cousins when we were on holiday together.
My parents were very supportive and came with me to the specialist who examined me. He said there was no medical need as my foreskin was good and moved easily back and forth and was not tight. I kept it very clean and so no real need unless I wanted it to be done for aesthetic reasons or to be the same as my father. In the end, after talking to my parents I decided to keep it.
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Nice stretch 😏😏
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And when hard it still covers most of the head.
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My parents were very supportive and came with me to the specialist who examined me. He said there was no medical need as my foreskin was good and moved easily back and forth and was not tight. I kept it very clean and so no real need unless I wanted it to be done for aesthetic reasons or to be the same as my father. In the end, after talking to my parents I decided to keep it.
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Where did franc0 go?
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