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Started by gradurgaur at 01,Jun,17 21:25  other posts of gradurgaur
I want to ask about poppers?

is it hard to buy?

were can you buy it in local sex store or?

is safe to use?

Similar topics: 1.Poppers/amyl nitrate   2.poppers   3.poppers?   4.Poppers  

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By Bicockwhore at 25,Nov,24 09:02 other posts of Bicockwhore 
I remember the day I knew I was addicted to Papa it was the second time for trial I met this guy on Craigslist named Raymon it was hot fine as hell big fat long hard 9 in dick to this house to give him blow Job I ended up backing out but the next day I decided to give it another go got this house he opened the door standing here you just black Speedo remind me in is it on the couch dropped took his clothes off had me get naked I had pink panties on and put me on my knees but it's cock in my mouth I took it three quarters of the way down and he asked me if I try poppers I told him once he pulled out on this little box on the table three brown bottles he took a deep hit and then he up against my nose I took four or five hits he sat me on the couch he climbed on top of the couch I took four or five hits he put his cock all the way down in my throat it was bulging it was throbbing can you give me another hit and he started pounding my throat hard he founded it for 45 minutes before he not in my mouth sat on the couch and ask me how I want some more he bent me over the couch put your rubber on he's ate my ass why I sniffed poppers then he slid his dick in me and for an hour in 20 minutes he used me and as we sniffed Pooped it is the best forever had

By Bicockwhore at 25,Nov,24 08:50 other posts of Bicockwhore 
I am a popper fucking slut whore l am addicted to sniffing it turn me out eat it loosens the muscles in my throat and my ass and suck cock and Men fuck me deep for hours

By #715400 at 11,Jun,24 14:32
Hell yeah I love sniffing poppers I am poppers slut u gave me and I got really horny and let fuck my throat and butt fuck me and choke me there is no other feeling like it when you hit the poppers and you're getting here ass stretched out it feels like ecstasy

By #704641 at 29,Dec,23 04:23
I am addicted to poppers I love sniffing poppers and getting use and abuse by men I get fucked up on poppers and deep throat dick and let a men fuck my ass and choke me it feel so good like ecstasy when I hit the poppers as a men dick sregth my ass hole out
By probowler298 at 02,Feb,24 07:14 other posts of probowler298 
I was thinking about getting some poppers and getting together with some friends at a party. I was just curious do they make you horny ..want to suck dick..let them fuck me in the ass with no condom 🤪? Do you remember or black out? Sounds like fun but I would not want ten guys fucking me.

By routemaster at 29,Dec,23 09:44 other posts of routemaster 
A few of the shops in Old Compton Street, London's "gay village" in Soho, sell them, there also used to be a stall on Camden Market that sold them, quite openly, but I haven't been there for awhile and don't know if that is still there. p.s. Old Compton Street also has a good selection of gay pubs and eateries.

By #688147 at 08,Feb,23 17:14
I tried them once at a private all male gangbang which I was their sex toy..I found that it made me relaxed and I could take two thick cocks easy and they all barebacked me and I could deep throat them too.

By Blade at 02,Feb,23 04:11 other posts of Blade 
What would poppers do for my girlfriend?

By #687810 at 02,Feb,23 03:02
I love sniff poppers I am poppers whore I sniff poppers it relax my asshole and I l let men use me and abuse me spit on me piss in my mouth make choke on thier dick and butt fuck me raw and choke me

By #676980 at 28,Oct,22 11:01
I am addicted to poppers I love sniffing poppers and getting butt fucked and choked by groups of men with no rubber

By Blade at 15,Mar,22 02:29 other posts of Blade 
How do poppers affect your erection? If it opens your blood vessels I'd assume it hinders your ability to keep an erection.

By Lexieeloves at 08,Mar,22 02:40 other posts of Lexieeloves 
Well you can buy in sex store around here and is an inhalent opens the blood vessels and helps relax the throat and anal and a good feeling cums from it also getting long stroked in the ass and sniffing feels amazing!!in my opinion it's a chemical don't drink or put it on you

By #638744 at 15,Apr,21 03:59
I am a popper slut I love sniffing poppers and get fucked up my ass and choked

By Blade at 10,Aug,19 04:13 other posts of Blade 
What exactly are poppers. I know what they are for, but physically what are they?

By #593234 at 08,Aug,19 15:01
Popper are awesome I love sniffing poppers it feel so good and I turn on to a slut

By #580363 at 08,May,19 11:21
I am a popper slut love sniffing poppers taking dick down my throat and up my ass get me on poppers and I'll let you give me your dick all night long

By #580363 at 03,May,19 11:54
I love sniffing poppers and taking men's dicks get me on some poppers I'll take your dick all night

By bella! at 03,Jun,17 02:23 other posts of bella! 
What are poppers?
By leopoldij at 03,Jun,17 05:19 other posts of leopoldij 
It's drugs. But it can also refer to a thing you put in your pussy or ass. Maybe they use the **** directly in the pussy.

By #23212 at 03,Jun,17 05:44
Amyl Nitrite.

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