| Another article came out and I kinda wonder - what's wrong with people in USA? Many people in comments there compare public breastfeeding to public urination or defecation.
Though I agree that one should not parade breastfeeding in public intentionally, I do not understand what kind of psychological problems people should have in order to compare breastfeeding to urination or defecation.
In my culture I was taught that staring at breastfeeding women is not polite but that was pretty much it. And I was raised in a very puritan culture where public talks or articles about sex were generally prohibited and schools did not have sex education. Indeed girls were taught that breastfeeding must be done as discreet as possible - sit on a bench in a corner, do not display more than necessary, etc., but no one made a big deal out of it and no one would ever compare it to defecation. In other countries like in Latin America no one even pay attention to women who do breastfeeding. Some just take out a tit and give it to **** and keep walking or doing some manual labor. And no one around cares.
USA is supposedly a nation of free people. And I know for a fact that you are much more free than people where I was raised. And more open minded because of that. So I can't help to wonder what psychological damages some of US people suffered as kids that makes them compare breastfeeding to defecation when they are adults? |
Breastfeeding is just feeding a baby. That's all, nothing else.
I remember a time in a restaurant/cafй when I was on my lunch break.there was a group of new mums,one of them started to breastfeed,it didn't bother me,but there was another group of workmen and one of the guys was pretty loud with his comments to his workmates about how wrong it was to be showing tits in a food place...
Well like the idiot,I challenged the guy and said what it is, it's a mother feeding her infant,and that's the purpose of her boobs,the guy was adamant the woman shouldn't do it in public,I told him to fuck off and he's a hypocrite,....
So the guy says to me "how am I a hypocrite?"
So I pointed to the newspaper he had....and his buddies started laughing at him...
The guy went red...
The newspaper in question is called "The Sun",they have a page 3 model most days who is a topless female...
So to this guy,boobs to look at in national daily tabloid are ok,but for their intended purpose,not ok...
Where I am from it's not uncommon to see public breast feeding, but people go out of their way to cover up out of modesty. But then again we are rather liberal with nudity in saunas, beaches, and in private.
You're right about the US. Religion plays much more important role in the US than in most "first world" countries. For example, politicians in the US must appear to be religious, else people wouldn't vote for them. The religious sects in the US are some of the worst in the world, pentecostals, for example. Of all advanced country, it's only in the US where people don't understand some elementary scientific facts because they go against their religion. For example: 40% of Americans believe that Earth is 10,000 years old. About the same percentage believe that humans appeared at that time as they are today.
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Honestly, I've never understood the whole concept of the female breast as an object of sexual desire. They exist to feed offspring. That's their physiological purpose. Like the guy in the video says--if the woman had been using a bottle to feed the baby, no one would have made an issue of it. Folks who get all riled-up over seeing a woman nurse her k1d have serious psychological issues.
At least this is an anthropological theory I read once.
Of course, that presupposes understanding that, for most heterosexual men, tits are sexual objects. I understand this may not be the case with gay men.
In societies where women habitually go topless, breasts aren't seen as that big of a deal.
Do you not realise how rapey it sounds?
My opinion, women are just a commodity to him. Something to use at his discretion and that kind of man is not much of a man, in my opinion.
I am saying that people like him, who appear to have issues with nudity, are so because they're frustrated. The ones who try to impose their morality are frequently the ones who violate what they preach.
This guy could very well be a church-goer and he's taught to criticize anything nudity, sex, etc.
I wrote my comment after having read the news about the head of the OZ catholic church and a very important person in the Vatican, George Pell. For decades he's been preaching against homosexuality, against, extramarital sex, against condoms, against nudity, etc. Well, it turns out that not only he's been covering up the usual church scandals, but he's been practicing them himself! See: only registered users can see external links
So, when I saw the video, I imagined a Pell-like guy who's immediately upset with a naked breast for perhaps the same reasons as Pell would have been. That's what I see behind anyone who's appearing to be "moral". I see quite the opposite. Likewise, when someone, say a politician, is preaching honesty, is because he's dishonest himself.
Didn't mean to be rapey or anything like that.
Definitely got a lot of strange looks, but people seemed more interested than offended, really.
For the most part, men run the world, men run industry and it is not just in USA. I'm sure what you read, what JustWill found and posted happens in other countries other than USA. I wonder if this happens in Russia, in third world countries, in developed and sophisticated countries? Probably, you just happened to read something that happened at a Target department store in Connecticut, USA.
Aggression towards breastfeeding, however, is completely unnatural. It's not something you can see in apes or primitive human tribes, no matter how patriarchal they are. So it has to be cultural or males who show it must be psychologically damaged in some way. Hence my curiosity.
And yes, it was the article about what happened in Connecticut in target, but this is not the first article I see on this theme and it's not the actions of that particular male that bothers me. One male can be just mentally unstable, I would not bother to think about that. I'm bothered by reactions in comments. Both on this article and on articles I've read before. As I clearly stated, many (not just one) people in comments took side of the man and some compared breastfeeding to acts of urination and defecation. This is what looks wrong and disturbing to me. I was sure I made it quite clear in my original post.