Started by #485312 at 06,Nov,17 02:55
Similar topics: 1.... Playing Doctor when we were kids ... 2.Happy Thanksgiving! 3.Love your kids and family. Life can be gone tomorrow. 4.What next from Trump the Chump 5.Sexual Hangups New CommentComments: |
"Today is a gift, that's why it's called the present"
Thankful I'm not in any pain.
Thankful I live where there are palm trees everywhere because they are my favorite tree besides Weeping Willows which can make you feel like you're inside a room.
I love palm trees.
Great question.
& I like coconut things too!
Somebody in the know will know this but I believe here in California the palm trees don't bear coconuts but the palm tress in Florida do bear them. So we have lots of palm trees but not the coconut-producing kind. Is that a good thing? Well they won't be falling on peoples' heads or cars here. Such a horribly sad story---one of my friends from Florida said she believed her cat was killed from a coconut falling on her. An interesting article-
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lm a fan of coconut oil for massages and eating, knowing its natural and edible, no worries when using it with aussieman with our massages, and it smells wonderful as well tasting good.. l guess the palms in California must be a different type of palm, we have coco palms here that only produce very small nuts, they can a pain having to rake them up all the time, most people cut them down once they start dropping the nuts as they are cheap, fast growing and easily replaceable palms.. l have a row in my front yard, l planted them over 25 years ago, and are yet to drop nuts, so lm lucky l still have a nice lot of shade from them *lix*
How marvelous you own your own palm trees!!
I'm thankful I can buy pepper spray, stun guns, spring-assist knives, etcet..
I am thankful I still wake up every morning and have my health! I have aches and pains but I can still participate in the activities I enjoy: running, hiking, bicycling, backpacking and a host of other outdoor activities!
I've had my ups and downs over the years but that is life.
I'm thankful for all things...there are cuts of salmon in the fridge I just bought which will be cooked later, along with orange sweet potatoes and butter, I'll have presents to open on Christmas morning, just got a brand new microwave oven and a brand new espresso/latte/cappuccino maker, I have a super-quiet fan that still works, even after years of use, there won't be any ice outside for me to slip on at any time during the entire Winter months, my "breakfast in bed tray" (I would not say it's the same thing as a TV tray) is able to turn into a drawing table and I want to change it into one and do some drawings on it, on the 3rd of November my friend saw a hummingbird up the street and a raven drinking out of a puddle...on Halloween I got to see the one day and one-TIME (only one showing that whole day) showing of a horror movie called, "Keep Watching"...all the clicks and gifts I get on my page name it, I appreciate it.
1 more thing--long life to enjoy being sucked
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**** b r o t h e r, for crying out loud. If dad and mum are OK, then what on earth is wrong with b r o t h e r?
Alot I am thankful for,to many to list.
I guess that is yet another thing I am thankful for.Folks at least don't beat me down or shoot me because I don't agree with them.
all over/member.php?w=543820 the world thank you world