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** What Are You Thankful For In This Life?? **

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Started by #485312 at 06,Nov,17 02:55
lm not American and after hearing from a friends wife who is or was an Alaskan before marrying an Aussie man, she made a post about being thankful even in Australia..
What are you most Thankful for??? and if you could have just one more thing to feel thankful for, what would it be??? *Lix*

Similar topics: 1.... Playing Doctor when we were kids ...   2.Happy Thanksgiving!   3.Love your kids and family. Life can be gone tomorrow.   4.What next from Trump the Chump   5.Sexual Hangups  

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By #583549 at 09,Apr,20 23:23
I am thankful for still being healthy at age 60 and for all my wonderful friends and family that care about me!
By #485312 at 10,Apr,20 03:50
that's a good way to be Smoothmann, healthy is very important and whats good health if we don't have special people to share it with. *lix*

By #485312 at 09,Apr,20 10:52
lm thankful that if l have to locked up with someone l got someone hot and horny to do it with. *lix*

By #613562 at 07,Apr,20 01:58
I thankfully I’m a man, for my Awesome boyfriend and to be living in Australia.

By cumcouplessa at 06,Jan,20 04:04 other posts of cumcouplessa 
Hubby here. I'm thankful that I have a gorgeous wife who understands my lust for cock. Howevere, much as I love cock, I'd be very, very thankful if I could spend a naughty weekend away, with you Lix . I been perving over you since I joined this site lol, wifey doesnt mind, but she not overly keen on mff. She's very much a cock lover too. Just something about you, makes me Sooooooooo very horny?

By #485312 at 04,Jan,20 20:37
lm thankful that l haven't been affected by the bush fires, also very sorry for the lives lost. *Lix*
By Gntlmn at 04,Jan,20 23:26 other posts of Gntlmn 
'Glad you are ok!

By #181785 at 22,Jun,18 02:31
Waking up each day. Everything after that is a plus.
By #485312 at 22,Jun,18 02:41
yeah it sure is a precious thing, every day is a blessing that you wake and have life, l was brought up being told to make sure you have a roof over your head, and food in your belly and everything over and above this is a bonus, its true we have so much in the western world and feel like we have nothing, but we are so blessed to have so much and not many people realise this .. good to see you have the basics down pat *lix*
By sherryann at 22,Jun,18 11:50 other posts of sherryann 
Beautifully said!
"Today is a gift, that's why it's called the present"

By #181785 at 23,Jun,18 04:30
Thank you for the kind words.

By #556372 at 20,Jun,18 19:58
Family and friends

By #485312 at 19,Jun,18 02:57
thanks for all the sweet and giving people here, the ones that have compliments and kind words to give others, the ones that are polite and friendly.. the ones that make this place a great place to be on cold winter days *Lix*

By Robben at 20,May,18 20:47 other posts of Robben 
Im thankful for the fact Im alive and can take part of whats happening - there are many meaningful and happy things which happens during a life time and probably I have around half life time left. That makes me happy and thankful.

By #525562 at 20,May,18 01:52

By yellowman at 14,May,18 09:29 other posts of yellowman 
I am thankful for everything in my life - so far. I have been blessed by good fortune and thus have been very lucky.

By pipcock at 13,May,18 09:27 other posts of pipcock 
My wife's pussy is a never ending delight and I am forever thankful.

By #531019 at 06,May,18 03:38
Thankful for my health, partner and our pets.

By #555731 at 05,May,18 22:10
I am thankful for big dick I love dick down my throat and up my ass I love give my ass up to men letting them use me like a submissive slut

By #549726 at 17,Feb,18 23:24
To be honest I am happy for men and thier big dicks and that I am a little submissive slut and was put here to worship and take men's big dick I am a little whore I love dick

By Leilani at 11,Nov,17 01:53 other posts of Leilani 
My good health & the health of family & others I care about.
Thankful I'm not in any pain.
Thankful I live where there are palm trees everywhere because they are my favorite tree besides Weeping Willows which can make you feel like you're inside a room.
I love palm trees.
Great question.

By #485312 at 12,Nov,17 05:35
yeah palm trees are nice, cool see breeze blowing them, and a nice cool coconut drink to top it all off.. enjoying the simple things in life is a gift, not taking things too seriously and living a good life, looking after your family and friends, making them feel good.. life is a gift.. *lix*
By Leilani at 12,Nov,17 20:05 other posts of Leilani 
& I like coconut things too!
Somebody in the know will know this but I believe here in California the palm trees don't bear coconuts but the palm tress in Florida do bear them. So we have lots of palm trees but not the coconut-producing kind. Is that a good thing? Well they won't be falling on peoples' heads or cars here. Such a horribly sad story---one of my friends from Florida said she believed her cat was killed from a coconut falling on her. An interesting article-

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By #485312 at 13,Nov,17 00:53
yes ld believe it would kill a cat, or even a human and could do much damage to a car, knowing what a kangaroo or wallaby can do to a car here in Australia, a coconut would leave a huge dent..

lm a fan of coconut oil for massages and eating, knowing its natural and edible, no worries when using it with aussieman with our massages, and it smells wonderful as well tasting good.. l guess the palms in California must be a different type of palm, we have coco palms here that only produce very small nuts, they can a pain having to rake them up all the time, most people cut them down once they start dropping the nuts as they are cheap, fast growing and easily replaceable palms.. l have a row in my front yard, l planted them over 25 years ago, and are yet to drop nuts, so lm lucky l still have a nice lot of shade from them *lix*
By Leilani at 28,Nov,17 15:31 other posts of Leilani 
How marvelous you own your own palm trees!!

By #485312 at 14,Nov,17 05:44
lm thankful for finding this site, finding great people who are REAL and SEXY, finding people that share HOT pictures of themselves and finding my LOVER and PARTNER here .. lm thankful for the many people that visit my page, lm thankful for being alive and horny still, lm thankful that MOST people are more than happy to let me know that they appreciate what l do here and l will be here for long long time to CUM ... *lix*
By Ravioli_Max at 19,Nov,17 00:03 other posts of Ravioli_Max 
Me too, I'm thankful for knowing about this site.

By #485312 at 06,Nov,17 02:57
lm thankful to live in Australia and have a nice bloke, to be free and not live under a dictatorship or war torn country...if l could have one more thing, it would better health for my mum.. that's something l cant give her.. but if l had a wish, that's what ld wish for... *lix*
By #502711 at 06,Nov,17 05:50
I'm thankful to have a great woman like you, that treats me good, is nice to me, makes good love to me, understands me, really loves me. I guess the only other thing i'm thankful for is, not living in the gutter.
By #482237 at 06,Nov,17 15:06
Venerate her, baby,,she seems to love you very much,,and that,,that is what life is all about,,
By #502711 at 09,Nov,17 10:29

By #485312 at 14,Nov,17 02:59
l do love him very much, he was the best bloke to come across and so lucky to have come here and find him, l loved his pictures from the first day l laid eyes one them, and never in a million years thought we'd be still seeing each other.. the last thing l wanted was a relationship, but funny how life takes you on a journey you never expected.. cant wait for the xmas holidays now to get away and have some more quality time together *lix*
By #502711 at 14,Nov,17 03:07
Yeah I can't wait baby

By #485312 at 08,Nov,17 00:59
that's really nice of you to put me at the top of your grateful list. you wont ever end up in gutter, you have far more going for you to let that happen. and many people that love you *lix*
By #502711 at 09,Nov,17 10:30
I love you, button
By #485312 at 10,Nov,17 11:57

By Ravioli_Max at 10,Nov,17 23:15 other posts of Ravioli_Max 
By #502711 at 12,Nov,17 11:27
Thanks Max
By Ravioli_Max at 18,Nov,17 23:38 other posts of Ravioli_Max 

By Louis at 10,Nov,17 03:01 other posts of Louis 
I'm thankful for the simple things too many people take for granted. I'm thankful for the quiet solitude of where I live.I'd be lost without it. Most of all I'm thankful to have freedom of choice in anything I do. What a blessing it is to live in a free country.
By Leilani at 12,Nov,17 19:37 other posts of Leilani 
I actually like both city sounds & neighbor sounds but totally agree with you about living in a free country, oh yes.
I'm thankful I can buy pepper spray, stun guns, spring-assist knives, etcet..

By veryshyguy at 09,Nov,17 01:26 other posts of veryshyguy 
I am thankful for my step-daughter and her amazing 2 daughters! I am thankful they are all healthy and hope they will have a wonderful life.

I am thankful I still wake up every morning and have my health! I have aches and pains but I can still participate in the activities I enjoy: running, hiking, bicycling, backpacking and a host of other outdoor activities!

I've had my ups and downs over the years but that is life.
By #485312 at 09,Nov,17 07:47
yeah, just getting up every morning is a gift, and still being agile enough to ride a bike or hike, youre doing great.. ch!ldren are always a blessing and fun to have around .. they make life worth living *lix*
By veryshyguy at 10,Nov,17 01:16 other posts of veryshyguy 

By Ravioli_Max at 10,Nov,17 23:37 other posts of Ravioli_Max 
"Just getting up every morning is a gift..." -It really is. If you have your health, you have everything.

I'm thankful for all things...there are cuts of salmon in the fridge I just bought which will be cooked later, along with orange sweet potatoes and butter, I'll have presents to open on Christmas morning, just got a brand new microwave oven and a brand new espresso/latte/cappuccino maker, I have a super-quiet fan that still works, even after years of use, there won't be any ice outside for me to slip on at any time during the entire Winter months, my "breakfast in bed tray" (I would not say it's the same thing as a TV tray) is able to turn into a drawing table and I want to change it into one and do some drawings on it, on the 3rd of November my friend saw a hummingbird up the street and a raven drinking out of a puddle...on Halloween I got to see the one day and one-TIME (only one showing that whole day) showing of a horror movie called, "Keep Watching"...all the clicks and gifts I get on my page name it, I appreciate it.

By #542291 at 09,Nov,17 18:15
thankful 4 being sucked
1 more thing--long life to enjoy being sucked

By routemaster at 09,Nov,17 04:57 other posts of routemaster 
I am thankful for ALL the wonderful friends I have and who supported me when I lost my dad, **** and mum one after the other within 7 years, I don't know what I would have done without them. That goes for a lot of the friends I have made on SYD too
--------------------------------------- added after 45 seconds

**** b r o t h e r, for crying out loud. If dad and mum are OK, then what on earth is wrong with b r o t h e r?
By #485312 at 09,Nov,17 07:50
its lovely when family and friends pull together and make life bearable after tragedy, but life is for living and moving on is inevitable, we have to find the good in things and stuff to make us happy again, we will all lose people that are close to us and have to prepare for these days of trials, but having a good support group and those that care make our days enjoyable again, the whole can never be filled but it can be turned into a garden of happiness *lix*

By phart at 06,Nov,17 14:48 other posts of phart 
I am thankful to live in a country where we all may not agree but we are free to discuss and work out our differences in a civil manner instead of a dictatorship. I am thankful I am still able to live a somewhat normal life although I am handicapped to some degree.I am thankful for the web that allows the world to communicate and share ideas.
Alot I am thankful for,to many to list.
By #482237 at 06,Nov,17 15:05
I had no idea, baby,,you seem to have a great attitude,, kisses
By phart at 08,Nov,17 03:27 other posts of phart 
It can be difficult sometimes to maintain a great attitude but I can assure you,I am not a total ass.There is just some things my opinion is not inline with the social norm.Mostly due to personal experience.
I guess that is yet another thing I am thankful for.Folks at least don't beat me down or shoot me because I don't agree with them.
By #482237 at 08,Nov,17 13:47
I may disagree with you (not that i do, as far as i know you) but i'll be the first one at your side to fight for your right to your opinion,,

By #543820 at 06,Nov,17 22:01
im thankful for all the love my rampant shaved cock is getting

all over/member.php?w=543820 the world thank you world

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