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shaven or hairy pussy?

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Started by #546283 at 05,Dec,17 12:00
shaven or hairy pussy?

Similar topics: 1.What do you like best?   2.hairy or shaven   3.Who likes hairy pussy?   4.Hairy or Shaven   5.Shaved or hairy  

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By #611458 at 19,Mar,20 02:44
Yes. ... And everything in between.

By Gntlmn at 19,Mar,20 02:03 other posts of Gntlmn 
There's No such thing as too much hair on a pussy.

By Maxream at 19,Mar,20 01:33 other posts of Maxream 
Shaved preferred, trimmed is fine, and I most likely wouldn't say no to a hairy one.

By bigdick33 at 19,Mar,20 01:29 other posts of bigdick33 

By #591921 at 19,Mar,20 00:00
I like a landing strip to be honest. I want a little hair up above it so I know I'm with a real woman but I also want those lips clean as a whistle for the licking.

By Ablaze at 15,Mar,20 12:36 other posts of Ablaze 

By #516354 at 15,Mar,20 09:29
My ex wife,also my Mistress,would have me shave her pussy once a week.If I cut her she would punish me.Needless to say I soon learned to shave her without cutting her very quickly.

By leopoldij at 14,Mar,20 13:36 other posts of leopoldij 
In general, it really doesn't matter much.

However, there are pussies that look better shaved, some that look better hairy, and some that look good either way.

A young Japanese woman's pussy generally looks good either way.

My girlfriend's pussy looks better shaved. [deleted image] [deleted image]

Yan's pussy looks better with a little bit of hair
[deleted image]

It all depends.

But a pussy is a pussy and needs attention regardless of its shaved status.

By #536019 at 14,Mar,20 12:29
Hairy... but not TOO hairy.

By #583549 at 14,Mar,20 11:51
I love a smooth pussy but hairy is good also!

By beaker90 at 14,Mar,20 11:50 other posts of beaker90 
I like it nicely trimmed

By wycowboy at 14,Mar,20 11:44 other posts of wycowboy 
I'm good either way. It's her body so whatever way she likes it is ok.

By t-rex at 14,Mar,20 11:14 other posts of t-rex 
I love both

By #483187 at 14,Mar,20 10:36
Hairy in the winter waxed smooth for the summer

By #522791 at 14,Mar,20 04:35
Either way IDGAF

By #612635 at 14,Mar,20 03:41

By #206678 at 08,Dec,17 22:46
Part of our sexual routine is for me to shave my wife's pussy.
It is an absolute pleasure to be allowed to do this for her and immensely pleasurable for her.
Most ladies seem to prefer shaving (or waxing) around the vagina and keeping a little up top like a landing strip.
It can be quite messy for a lady to piss and have lots of pubic hair!
By #546082 at 09,Dec,17 20:34
Where do you get your stats?

By #543820 at 09,Dec,17 20:03
shaved every time cock or cunt

By #546517 at 09,Dec,17 15:20
Love them clean!

By #218130 at 09,Dec,17 06:32

By #522126 at 07,Dec,17 20:56
Always hairy but trimmed to keep it tidy.

By rocket1 at 07,Dec,17 17:57 other posts of rocket1 

By #546082 at 07,Dec,17 08:43
How about shaved/waxed/hairy balls/cock with regard to hetero women's preferences?

By #311947 at 06,Dec,17 17:02

By Dev01 at 05,Dec,17 18:27 other posts of Dev01 
Shaven..... i get lost in the jungle.
By botanic at 06,Dec,17 15:16 other posts of botanic 
take a compass and a machete then

By botanic at 06,Dec,17 15:15 other posts of botanic 

By #543165 at 06,Dec,17 14:15

By Moench at 05,Dec,17 20:39 other posts of Moench 
a smooth clean shave pussy is nice but must shave every day, now my wife let her hair grow ,5 years to now and i like her big bush

By #542068 at 05,Dec,17 20:33

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