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Started by andrew999999999 at 04,Nov,18 20:40  other posts of andrew999999999
If you could be a member of the opposite sex for a day, week, or however long you liked, is there anything you'd like to do? For example, I'd like to wear a short skirt, black stockings, no panties, and sit somewhere public where I could ''accidentally'' flash my privates for people to see.

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By nekekal at 23,Oct,24 18:20 other posts of nekekal 
I would like to be fucked for 24 hours, non stop. I would just go out on the street and ask guys if they wanted to fuck. It would be liberating and maybe I could finally get enough sex.
By leopoldij at 24,Oct,24 00:20 other posts of leopoldij 
I agree!
As a member of the opposite sex I'd practice exactly what a man cannot do: ask for a fuck and get it, without being told it's harassment or facing going to prison. I'd say "I need a fuck" and 99% of the time I'd get it. As a man, I can never exactly say "I'd love a fuck, are you interested?" and get it, or even get a polite no as an answer.

When it comes to sex, women have an advantage.
By nekekal at 24,Oct,24 05:00 other posts of nekekal 
Yeah. I missed my chance when I was in collage, many years ago, a guy that I knew would just go up to every woman that he saw, drape is arm around her shoulders and say "would you like to come up to my place and fuck?". No one ever hit him, or called the cops, and before the night was over some woman would say yes. He fucked a lot of women.

Now, I think you would be arrested for sexual harassment.
By leopoldij at 24,Oct,24 07:02 other posts of leopoldij 
Of course. Nowadays you can't even shake hands. The world is mad.

By gingerpik at 24,Oct,24 04:57 other posts of gingerpik 
hmm.. honestly, I'd probably try and get my buddy to fuck me He has a really nice big cock but is straight, so have never been able to do anything - I'd love to get a chance at that lol

Or having some fun with my brother-in-law's incredibly hot lesbian sister would also be amazing

By spermkiss at 04,Nov,18 22:23 other posts of spermkiss 
Hell, you can do that as a man. Wear short shorts without underpants and let your equipment hang out from time to time when you sit, stoop or squat.
By andrew999999999 at 21,Oct,24 20:35 other posts of andrew999999999 
Not the same, though.

By bikev at 08,Nov,18 08:51 other posts of bikev 
I would fuck every cock I could find.

By fatcock66 at 05,Nov,18 04:56 other posts of fatcock66 
has no one thought how cool it might be to be fucked and eaten out as a woman? Maybe could give you some insights

By leopoldij at 05,Nov,18 00:31 other posts of leopoldij 
As a man it's virtually impossible to walk up to a woman and tell her I want to fuck her.
So if I were a woman for a day, I'd do precisely what women can do without facing any problems: I'd walk up to someone and say I want to have sex with you.

Adult Discussion Forum