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Rain stops Trump

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Started by Andthisisme at 11,Nov,18 11:31  other posts of Andthisisme
I was always under the impression that U.S technology was, and indeed still is, some of the best in the world. This may not be true though as the Presidential helicopter clearly can't cope with a little rain.
While world leaders yesterday visited a First World War cemetery to remember those who gave their lives during that war Trump was absent from the gathering because his helicopter could not fly in the rain. Wow!!!
I think that is more a comment on President Trump than his helicopter.


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By kebmo at 12,Nov,18 00:58 other posts of kebmo 
I saw that on the news. What a disgusting lack of respect.
By Andthisisme at 12,Nov,18 12:16 other posts of Andthisisme 
That really says it all.

By #540726 at 12,Nov,18 10:05
If you take a look on "Trump" biography , he has arranged to avoid military service and be involved in Vietnam war while other have done it even the question was " was this war justified". People are voting for
falcons they have no no scruples to send rheir people on fire even they will lost their live. He didn't have any consideration people having participated on ground and thousand of them have lost their live. As an european , president Trump is really a "shit" for me . No culture, no respect for anybody in simple word a men having "the neurons of a snail " That all.

By #562152 at 11,Nov,18 13:00
I've never seen a president shirk his duty because of weather.
By Andthisisme at 11,Nov,18 17:40 other posts of Andthisisme 
These are very unusual times.
By #562152 at 11,Nov,18 19:49
Unusual, yes. The respect due our fallen boys, men really, should never deminish
By veryshyguy at 11,Nov,18 20:59 other posts of veryshyguy 
He has a solemn obligation to be there no matter what!!! There is no excuse. I doubt he has any respect for any of our military personnel. Look how he treat McCain. He is a sad excuse for our Commander-in-Chief.

By pifad at 11,Nov,18 19:48 other posts of pifad 
Has nothing to do with the helicopter. He’s a worthless piece of shit.

By #491031 at 11,Nov,18 18:53
Trump can't go out in the rain. Like all of his ilk, water causes him to melt. "What a world, what a world."
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By bella! at 11,Nov,18 15:49 other posts of bella! 
How did his appointed representatives arrive?
By Andthisisme at 11,Nov,18 17:40 other posts of Andthisisme 
That remains a mystery !If they could get there, why couldn't he?
if he just didn't want to be there why not just be honest and say so?

By #81191 at 11,Nov,18 14:51
Sounds similar to excuses a **** drums up.

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