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Comparing Wives (Whose girl is hotter)

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Started by indianguy568 at 03,Jan,19 14:18  other posts of indianguy568

I have this insatiable fetish of comparing my wife with other girls and judging or debating on whose girl is sexier. Anyone having his wife's or girls pic ... Let the battle begin.

Similar topics: 1.question about masturbation   2.Whose Wife / Girl is Hotter Contest?   3.Who's hotter?   4.Comparing size   5.Wife vs Girlfriend  

New Comment

By #460385 at 03,Jan,19 14:28
[deleted image]
By indianguy568 at 03,Jan,19 17:57 other posts of indianguy568 
Hi. So you wanna bring your wife up against mine?
By #460385 at 03,Jan,19 18:06
Is that what you were asking for?
By leopoldij at 03,Jan,19 19:54 other posts of leopoldij 
I think both of your wives are so sexy!!
By #275407 at 03,Jan,19 20:45
My vote is with countrycouple54 any day of the week
By #567021 at 03,Jan,19 22:51
I agree with Cody...CC54 hands down!!!!

By bella! at 03,Jan,19 23:17 other posts of bella! 
I can't imagine what type of "battle" he's looking for? He has only two pictures posted of a single female in his gallery. In the CountryCouple54 gallery, your missus dominates. Heck, you have pictures and videos that have both of you in them. indianguy568 will need to step up his game if he wants to go to battle with you folks!
By indianguy568 at 04,Jan,19 01:52 other posts of indianguy568 
Let put up a pic vs a pic and see ..
By bella! at 04,Jan,19 02:28 other posts of bella! 
indianguy568, I don't need to tell you that your wife is visually appealing but so is Mrs. CountryCouple54.

Have you visited their profile? There are 5 pages of Mrs. CountryCouple54 in various poses. In my opinion, Mrs. CountryCouple54 is the clear cut winner.

This happens to be one of my favorite pictures in their gallery.

[deleted image]
By #460385 at 04,Jan,19 02:31
Yeah, we are kinda baffled by his response to go picture for picture. They have only posted 11 pics.
By bella! at 04,Jan,19 02:36 other posts of bella! 
Although his profile says he is bisexual and his interest is in men, he is fiercely proud of his wife's appearance. I'm sure she is stunningly hot and his pictures just aren't doing her justice.
By indianguy568 at 04,Jan,19 07:11 other posts of indianguy568 
Lemme click and post some more pics guys today itself ... I have some more on my laptop.
By #551147 at 04,Jan,19 09:48
Good luck!

You picked the worst couple on this site to battle it out with. As they ARE, in my opinion... The sexiest couple, hands down on this site. Also! So says there numerous contest victories. Check all them trophies, and guess what... ALL those wins were completely fair as they do not solicit for votes. Unlike some others around here. Proof is in the pudding, buddy. 😉 All that being said... I think your wife is cute too, but you all will NOT beat the most beautiful couple.

By #460385 at 06,Jan,19 00:49
Are we done with the battle?
By indianguy568 at 07,Jan,19 07:55 other posts of indianguy568 
No we are not. I just posted more pics. Bring your fat lass up against mine.
By #460385 at 07,Jan,19 14:26
Now that wasn't very nice calling my wife fat. Sorry things aren't going the way you planned.
By indianguy568 at 08,Jan,19 01:36 other posts of indianguy568 
Let's take your view. What do you think of your girl vs mine ?
By #460385 at 08,Jan,19 01:49
Your girls first pic uploaded is 6 months old. It has 100 views, 4 comments, and a 67% rating. My wife's newest pic is only 3 months old. It has 955 views, 82 comments, and a 100% rating. I think everyone else has spoken for me.
By bella! at 09,Jan,19 22:16 other posts of bella! 
I think that the "battle" is over, in fact, if that was a battle, indianguy568 lost before the battle got off the ground. And even though the membership doesn't really support that his "girl is sexier", it's admirable that he finds his missus sexy and appealing!
By #460385 at 10,Jan,19 01:02
That I agree with, as he should.

By Ray10754 at 04,Jun,19 18:25 other posts of Ray10754 
i think indianguy needs a lesson in manners and most of all some glasses

By tecsan at 18,Dec,22 05:34 other posts of tecsan 
You lost if that is all the pics you have.

By bella! at 05,Jan,19 16:42 other posts of bella! 
Hey,I think indianguy568 surrendered before the battle even got started.

What I see by this is that there are two men that find their wives total knockouts. That makes you both winners in my opinion.

By 2nice at 04,Jan,19 14:00 other posts of 2nice 
CC54 hands down. There’s really no other competition here.
By indianguy568 at 06,Jan,19 17:11 other posts of indianguy568 
The battle isnt finished:

[deleted image]
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Compare your girl to this
By bella! at 06,Jan,19 17:46 other posts of bella! 
No, the "battle isn't finished" but why not come back when her/your pictures have over 1,000 views and a couple of votes?

By #460385 at 07,Jan,19 14:11
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By #551147 at 07,Jan,19 15:56
😍 😉

By rocket1 at 11,Jan,19 16:57 other posts of rocket1 
Yep I'd say country couple is clearly the winner!

By #562152 at 11,Jan,19 17:13
indianguy568,,,both of you have gorgeous wives and I wont pick one over the other. What I don't understand is your thread. If you are so proud of your wife, and you should be, why not make a thread where you idolize your wife? Show the world how much you venerate her? Having a contest to see who has a better body is beneath your love for your wife.

By PowerStroke0178 at 09,Dec,22 07:48 other posts of PowerStroke0178 
My wife of 19 years, she wasn't fond of showing her gorgeous face but she didn't object to showing off her beautiful big tits!! They are amazing to feel wrapped around my cock, ohh man she's out of town and I'm not a fan since I can't splatter this 8 day backed up load!! haha anybody know of anyone or wouldn't mind me splattering your wife's tits!! If my wife was into that I'm sure she would, she loves it when my cock spews on her nipples!! Haha she always squeezes her tits hard right as im cumming and then rubs it all in right as she shocks me everytime right as my cockhead is pulsing and crazy sensitive she'll grab my cock and just suck the shit out of my swollen cockhead and it just makes me twitch and try and stand it as long as I can cuz I definitely don't ever want to pull it out while she forcefully stroking while sucking the remaining spurts of cum that just keep pulsing from my swollen balls!!! Mmmm dammit fuck hahaha best feeling ever when she sucks my head while I'm squirting!!!!! 🤗🤗🤗💦💦💦💦

This was a while back but literally I snapped this pic right as she started her super suction on the tip!! Mmmmmmm

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By #575802 at 07,Jan,19 00:46
[deleted image]
By indianguy568 at 07,Jan,19 09:04 other posts of indianguy568 
You girl needs to shed 20 lbs before she can even become eligible for here
By #574505 at 07,Jan,19 09:27
looks good to me

By #575802 at 07,Jan,19 09:36
u wish

By #575802 at 07,Jan,19 10:52
[deleted image]

u would have to be blind to choose ur old ladu over mine
By indianguy568 at 10,Jan,19 06:43 other posts of indianguy568 
Old lady haha ... yours is a fat ass. mine is lean and trim. Whats your girls stats? mine is 5.4 tall 120lbs 34B boobs

By #485312 at 11,Jan,19 22:03
your girl is far hotter .. no question *Lix*
By #567021 at 11,Jan,19 22:40
I agree...smoothGAcock’s girl is fire ass fucking hot!!!

By #460385 at 10,Jan,19 15:06
What happened to Indianguy? Is he done calling our ladies fat?
By #567021 at 10,Jan,19 17:35
He finally woke up and realized he didn’t stand a chance against Miss CC54!!!

By #551147 at 10,Jan,19 19:57
Nothing whatsoever wrong with a lil fluff. I've always said... Meat is for the man a bone is for the dog. 😉

By #575802 at 07,Jan,19 00:41
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my gf by far is the sexiest in my opinion
By indianguy568 at 08,Jan,19 01:34 other posts of indianguy568 
Bring it on .. what's your fat lass stats? My girl is 5.4 tall 120 lbs 34b

By leopoldij at 07,Jan,19 23:52 other posts of leopoldij 
There is nothing to compare.
You never fuck the best,
You fuck BOTH!
That's the idea.

By #575802 at 06,Jan,19 11:41
on my page. will trade home made videos bj mmf

By knewbi at 03,Jan,19 17:57 other posts of knewbi 
While my wife is hot looking, I find that what really makes them truly hot is their attitude. Mine is a player and will do almost anything sexually with almost anyone. I have seen her take on large groups of men and they all enjoyed themselves and she has also taken on guys one on one and they too enjoyed themselves. She make love to me but has sex with others. Best of all is I get to do whoever and whenever I want too... But in the end we always end up together when the sex is done. Sometimes it might be when the guy she was with drops her off at home but we still end up together and have a wonderful loving marriage.
By indianguy568 at 03,Jan,19 17:58 other posts of indianguy568 
Do share a pic of her
By knewbi at 03,Jan,19 18:17 other posts of knewbi 
Sorry, we never share photos because our regular lives do not match up with our sexual lives and being somewhat social leaders in our area we do not take any chances.

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