Started by #559941 at 06,Feb,19 21:35
Similar topics: 1.Would anyone like to know where we are from?? 2.TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME analysis. 3.Nancy Pelosi now threatening to sue Facebook for not removing video of her tearing State of the union speech 4.Messages from Donald J. Trump..3 5.CNN apologies to Trump for debunking virus in state of union speech New CommentComments: |
I will never forget Bernie sanders look when Trump said this would never be a socialist nation. All the USA chanting in the background he appeared to be getting the worst heartburn of his life.
I would say I hat3 the man totaly but he is making some efforts towards holding a drug company accoutable for a drastic price increase on some medicines. So for that I will bite my tongue.
The lady that got voted in from New york that is so radical,My God,she must be a total bitch.
The little 11 year old girl with brain cancer,wow.
The Jew and the veteran that helped liberate him from the train,wow,I got choked up on that.
That is just Trump creating a non existent bogey man. I really don't understand much about US politics, but really, there is supposed to be a danger that the US will become Socialist. C'mon!!!
I didn't realise that being radical meant that you had also to be a bitch. You could say that Trump is radical in his much more conservative agenda is he a bitch?
Bernie Sandars and that bitch from NY.. what's her name? Cortez? The one with socialism diarrhea coming of her mouth all the time? Before you jump to conclusions and point fingers you need to understand the definition of socialism vs. capitalism. Then we can debate the facts..
Socialism is a goal where there is no incentive to establish economic growth. It is controlled by government, not by people. Your taxes are so high there is no chance so why even bother? No incentive sucking out your soul and motivation to better yourself.. Never has socialism succeeded in its history.
Socialism never succeeded? How the fuck do you reach that conclusion?
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Here is the real definition of socialism.. Since you are so fucking retarded it will take a while.. I know there is a lot of air and shit in your head but I'm predicting in about 50 years or so you'll get the idea..//////so·cial·ismDictionary result for socialism
a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole./////// MEANING MR. FUCKWAAD the "Community as a whole" is government control..
Before you can debate something as easy as this to determine the pro's and con's get your fucking facts straight.. Stop pestering your bullshit with nothing you know about.. Study Norway.. Norway is under invasion of Islamists conflicting their norms with Norwegians..Meaning its occupied territory such as the nazi's invasion of poland. Or the Palestinians occupying Israeli land..
All you've done is use cut and paste to give me a dictionary definition and then conflated it with your prejudices to come up with a bunch of nonsense. Did you even read the article?
I'll make it simple for you:
1) do you think Norway is engaging in a version of socialism (I'll concede there are different types of socialism if that helps)?
2) do you have any basis to contradict any of the factual evidence in the article that shows that the Nation is doing pretty well in a lot of respects?
I can cut and paste too .... LOOK!!
"Socialism is a RANGE of economic and social systems characterised by social ownership and workers' self-management of the means of production as well as the political theories and movements associated with them. Social ownership can be public, collective or cooperative ownership, or citizen ownership of equity. There are many varieties of socialism and there is no single definition encapsulating all of them, with social ownership being the common element shared by its various forms."
I provided you with a source. So, where's your evidence that Norway is experiencing an "invasion of Islamists"? Bearing in mind that not all Muslims are Islamists, before you get too frothy at the mouth.
I'll leave aside your assertion that Palestinians are occupying Israeli land, for now. Let's deal with ONE set of batshit craziness at a time.
(in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism.
Using the synonym argument I can get from black to dark grey,to grey, to light grey, to neutral, to off white and so on ... till (guess what) black is white. So fuck off on that one.
Do you think i'm doing this for me? Fuck that,, has nothing to do with me...Thinking about doing what is right? Now we are getting somewhere..
Any source for that?
Who the fuck is "they"?
I'll leave the "tiny dick" comment. That matters not a jot to me.
The one thing we agree on: you are definitely "bullshitting"
Anderson Cooper debates Trump WH deputy assistant Sebastian Gorka:
Gorka called the idea that there is a "bunker mentality" or "crisis" about this week's Donald Jr. news in the White House "laughable," stating: "We are pushing the Make America Great Again agenda. The president is a steam locomotive that will not be stopped. It’s just fake news. I’m sad to see CNN fall to this. I know you want salacious, sensational coverage for your ratings, so your corporate sponsors and owners will have more money. But that’s not media, that’s not reportage, it’s just fake news.
"I'm just going to ignore the insults, because I don’t think it gets us anywhere," Cooper replied.
"It is not about you," Gorka said. "It is about actually having journalism back on TV. Where are the Walter Cronkites? It is all about ratings and money, it is really quite sad."
He continued: "I stand by what the president and his son said. We are incredibly impressed by Don Jr.’s transparency and the fact that he actually published these emails... I thought we were going to talk about real issues, like what we’re doing with our allies in France."
"The story only exists -- it only has legs-- because of the Fake News Industrial Complex is obsessed. Nine months of accusations with zero evidence of anything actually illegal!"
"I think it’s funny that you have enough time at the White House, in which you are apparently so busy, that you sit around and read Nielsen numbers," quipped Cooper.
And your argument is?
Your having traffic jams on the way to the food line.
That doesn't happen in social democratic countries.
Who decides that perfect Democracy (what does "perfect" mean in this context, by the way?) is zero?
Who is proposing we murder "born infants"? Do you mean "unborn", you fucking weirdo?
Do you mean raising taxes BY 70 to 80% or TO 70 to 80%?
What does gun control have to do with the socialism/capitalism argument?
Your arbitrary allocation of numbers to political theory shows you for what you are - mental.
Gun control takes away defense from people hence government control.. Example is the Jews Guns were taken away in the 1930's in time went on it was genocide since they could not protect themselves..
What is "perfect democracy"? Are you now conceding that something you stated is actually imaginary?
You did have democracy as zero, now you have it as 10. I'm tempted to say "I fucking give up!". It's like wrestling fog with you.
Ms Cortez is only talking about MARGINAL tax rates, you strange individual.
Do you agree, even a teeny bit, that how much tax you pay should depend on how much you earn and the rich should pay more than the poor?
If you do, all the rest is just a question of scale and (coincidentally) doesn't have an awful lot to do with Socialism.
The gun control argument is totally chimeric. You can have a Socialist state with strict gun control just as much as you can have a Capitalist state with strict gun control.
Still struggling with my Norway questions?
The only thing I've seen from you is Pride and Egoism. You are rather boring and I know what you are going to say next. I stated the facts and you argue with them. So argue.. It shows your ignorance and quite frankly its why I don't even associate myself with stupid ignorant people.. can't learn from them.. I can't learn anything from you..
I can't see any FACTS in what you've written. No sources.
You weren't able to substantiate that Norway is being invaded by Islamists.
Ask me anything - I'll answer.
I've asked you, several times, whether you will concede that Norway is a democratic, socialist country. Just answer that one, and maybe we can make some progress.
The funny thing is that I'm not even a Socialist myself. I jumped in because, as I said right at the start, "I suspect you have a fucked up view of socialism".
All you have done, so far, is confirm that.
The world is under attack,,, Norway, canada, europe, usa, australia, africa and other countries are under attack by sharia law fundamentalists and they are working with the left agenda who funds them..
What the fuck is there else to say? you still don't get it?
Where are your sources for:
1) your assertion that it's democracy is under attack by the left?
2) your assertion that the left are funding nationalists Islamic fundamentalists?
More unsubstantiated nonsense. You really do sound like the tinfoil hat has slipped from your head.
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I doubt I'll be joining the Mug club though, if I'm being totally honest.
You could save me some time by pointing out which of the links go to opinion pieces but I'll not hold my breath.
Do you really think that, given the time, I couldn't find an equal number of You Tube links that refute yours?
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In Marxist theory, socialism (also called the socialist mode of production) refers to a specific historical phase of economic development and its corresponding set of social relations that supersede capitalism in the schema of historical materialism.
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Do Socialists believe in private property?
Private property thus is an important part of capitalization within the economy. Socialist economists are critical of private property as socialism aims to substitute private property in the means of production for social ownership or public property.
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What country is socialist?
Country Since Party
People's Republic of China 1 October 1949 Communist Party of China
Republic of Cuba 1 July 1966 Communist Party of Cuba
Laos People's Democratic Republic 2 December 1975 Lao People's Revolutionary Party
Socialist Republic of Vietnam 2 July 1976 Communist Party of Vietnam
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Is Canada a socialist?
Socialist and social democratic parties in Canada. The New Democratic Party, (NDP) is a federal political party which officially adheres to social democracy and democratic socialism while still being the most left-wing of Canada's mainstream parties.//////////////
I'll get back to you later re the rest - I'm getting my drink on!
Trump derangement syndrome (TDS) is a neologism describing a reaction to United States President Donald Trump by liberals, progressives, and Never Trump neoconservatives, who are said to respond to Trump's statements and political actions irrationally and with little regard to Trump's actual position or action taken
Do you agree that Norway is governed by a democratic Socialist government?
Do you have any evidence to refute the FACTS in the original article I posted about how well, as a country, they are doing?
China, Laos and Vietnam are authoritarian, one party states - and, hence, a whole different kettle of fish.
If enough people VOTED for Bernie Sanders, or someone like him with a Socialist agenda, the US could be a democratic socialist state. In theory, yes or no? You're a democracy after all. Just because you are rabid as soon as the S word is mentioned doesn't mean that all Socialist states are bad, nor that they are all without fault.
I think your big problem is that you didn't have a clear, or accurate, definition of Socialism (in all it's forms) before you started. Your reaction has been near Pavlovian. Shout "Socialism" and see the spittle-flecked, ignorance kick off.
Public Universities, and any other public school or university, is a “socialist” institutions, and those who attend it or work for it are partaking in socialism, because it is owned and operated by the state .The same is true of federal and state highways, federal and state parks, harbors etc. Other forms of socialism we live with and have been living with is Social Security, unemployment insurance, forty hour work weeks, gender and sexual discrimination laws, minimum wage, national health insurance, law enforcement. Socialism is not bad per se. During the last 300 yrs many regimes used socialism to control the country for personal gain, but, I put to you, didn't Donald Trump use capitalism to control the USA? Pure socialism, or pure communism will not succeed until man is able to stop competing to be the riches, the most powerful, the owner of other men.
Trump derangement syndrome (TDS) is a neologism describing a reaction to United States President Donald Trump by liberals, progressives, and Never Trump neoconservatives, who are said to respond to Trump's statements and political actions irrationally and with little regard to Trump's actual position or action taken,,
In December 2016, Justin Raimondo divided the "syndrome" into three stages; in the first, those who "lose all sense of proportion"; next, they experience "a profound effect on ... vocabulary" and begin to "speak a distinctive language consisting solely of hyperbole"' and, in the final stage, the afflicted "lose the ability to distinguish fantasy from reality." Jonathan S. Tobin defines it as "disgust at his manner and his tweets such that all distinctions between him and genuine villains is lost
Trump derangement syndrome (TDS) is a neologism describing a reaction to United States President Donald Trump by liberals, progressives, and Never Trump neoconservatives, who are said to respond to Trump's statements and political actions irrationally and with little regard to Trump's actual position or action taken,,
In December 2016, Justin Raimondo divided the "syndrome" into three stages; in the first, those who "lose all sense of proportion"; next, they experience "a profound effect on ... vocabulary" and begin to "speak a distinctive language consisting solely of hyperbole"' and, in the final stage, the afflicted "lose the ability to distinguish fantasy from reality." Jonathan S. Tobin defines it as "disgust at his manner and his tweets such that all distinctions between him and genuine villains is lost
Look up the final draft of the "Green New Deal"
Read it and tell me that New york gal that is pushing it is not trying to steer us to socialism. Some of what is included in it is to rebuild or replace ALL buildings within 10 years, eliminate non essential transportation,and make farms less poluting and so on.
Ideas that in theory over the course of a couple decades could begin to materialize.But not on the scale she is preaching.
Some fellow was on tv today saying that Trump's claim that this country would not become socialist was all the more reason for them to push HARDER to make it that way.I wish i coulda heard who it was but when in a resturant you can't hear over the old farts hollering in each others deaf ears.
I wish the idea of socialism had not become such a grand idea as of late.Obama care is what got the ball rolling and got us all afraid of it.
But the actions of that person from New york and then her coming out with her Green deal.
Ben Stien said it best on fox news, "She does not know her ass from her elbow about investing".
Here is a link,
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Here is what is really funny.This has changed twice on this link,since i read it earlyer,
I just read that some stuff has already been edited or removed from her website because she is catching so much flack from her own party.
Deleting air travel,giving aid to those not willing to work,yes that is in there. Discontiue use of ships and discontinue world trade. Build bridges over the ocean.Yep,that stuff was in there in so many words.\
phrases like "As much as techniclly possiable" were in there,Now it reads like a condensed soup can.Hum.
.@AlanDersh, a brilliant lawyer, who although a Liberal Democrat who probably didn’t vote for me, has discussed the Witch Hunt with great clarity and in a very positive way. He has written a new and very important book called “The Case Against Impeaching Trump,” which I would encourage all people with Trump Derangement Syndrome to read!
July 26, 2018
Some people HATE the fact that I got along well with President Putin of Russia. They would rather go to war than see this. It’s called Trump Derangement Syndrome!