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What is too small for penis size?? man/woman answers

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Started by #581005 at 19,Apr,19 01:03
My wife left me and she said I have too small of a dick can some one please answer this for me.. I think mine is about average for size

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By Alwaysnude at 07,Oct,19 18:07 other posts of Alwaysnude 
[deleted image] tell what you think to small
--------------------------------------- added after 3026 hours

[deleted image]

By Raypark at 25,Apr,19 23:32 other posts of Raypark 
Looks pretty average sized to me. The average cock is 5.2 inches so any cock an inch above or below the average will do the trick your wife was just being hurtful

By onthelose at 23,Apr,19 22:30 other posts of onthelose 
All I can say is you are better off without someone who doesn't love you unconditionally. The size of your cock was just a hurtful excuse to leave. I would probably been mean and said if you weren't so big you would feel me inside you. But that's just me!!!

By #518391 at 21,Apr,19 08:49
Your cock size looks fine and it's thick too which should keep your girl satisfied...

By #556187 at 20,Apr,19 20:51
My girl also isn't one of those who needs to have a guy with a big one. She said (and I think she is honest to me) that she's very happy with what I got. Mostly because I am not using only my dick to please her but also the rest (Hands, Fingers, Mouth, Tongue, Brain etc...) to rock her world.

Every woman is different, same with their size preference. Sorry to hear that it turned out that way for you.

By cumcouplessa at 19,Apr,19 01:38 other posts of cumcouplessa 
Your cock looks fine to us. Its not ALL about size. Yes, sometimes its nice to be stretched, but honestly speaking, some of our most fun experiences have been with guys that truly weren't that big at all. They were simply good in bed and knew how to pleasure both of us.

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