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What do people do here?

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Started by #488272 at 18,Apr,15 15:55
I am new to this site, I just signed up yesterday. I was off and on for a few hours (because I was at work, and my boss popped in, had to shut down really quickly), and I was bombarded with private messages. Some of the people that messaged me were wonderful, they actually talked to me, before trying to cyber-fuck me. I'm curious what draws people here. I was looking for someone to flirt with, chat with, text with, and possibly form a friendship with. Does that happen here, or is it just cyber-fucking? I understand wanting to show off and look at pictures, and I enjoy that too. I would appreciate any feedback (good or bad) that anyone would like to share.

Similar topics: 1.Friends   2.Why do people lie about their age on SYD?   3.Help People Out   4.std s   5.KANSAS PEOPLE?  

New Comment

By leopoldij at 10,Sep,15 22:16 other posts of leopoldij 
Some people are here to show us their most intimate pics and so make everyone horny. Like this girl:
[deleted image]
By #485312 at 11,Sep,15 08:01
yeah, l love cock and come all over me, l love fucking and sucking cock all day if l could, thanks for sharing leo, l love seeing my tits and bits all over these pages...*lix*
By leopoldij at 11,Sep,15 23:10 other posts of leopoldij 
I like the cumshot on your boobs. Makes me want to add my own load on them.
By #485312 at 13,Sep,15 10:52
you can add more leo, the more come the better, lve heard its good for your skin *Lix*
By leopoldij at 13,Sep,15 11:21 other posts of leopoldij 
I'd really love that. Do you like cum on your face too?
By #485312 at 13,Sep,15 21:32
yes, l love it everywhere, *lix*
By leopoldij at 13,Sep,15 22:58 other posts of leopoldij 
I've only had the opportunity to cum on a woman's gave a handful of times. Sadly, it's something that many women shy away from. On the contrary, I don't mind eating pussies and drenched in squirt juice if it happens. Oh well, I'm not lucky.
By #485312 at 16,Sep,15 21:21
they don't know what theyre missing, love a hot load squirting madly all over my face..when the dude cant contain himself and it just goes everywhere...l must admit though l do rather it blown up my arse, its a precious substance with magic powers when inserted in the right places *lix*
By leopoldij at 16,Sep,15 22:14 other posts of leopoldij 
It's amazing to look at woman's face when she's expecting you to cum on her face. Like I said, it rarely happens to me, I rarely find a willing woman, but , from the few times I've done it, I know it's totally awesome. And I only want to do it when the woman is in full agreement. No fakes. I **** it if I know that the woman may not be totally into it.
By #485312 at 16,Sep,15 22:18
you'd love the way l get angry when they pull it out of my mouth and lm trying to catch the globs of come as they fly through the pool man insists on blowing on my tits and l get my tongue out to catch the odd drop...*lix*
By leopoldij at 16,Sep,15 22:37 other posts of leopoldij 
I'm sure I would. You're totally into it and I'll keep some cum load for you. When are you gonna invite me to OZ?

By leopoldij at 16,Sep,15 22:38 other posts of leopoldij 
Please do that to me:
[deleted image]
By #485312 at 17,Sep,15 12:02
mmmm that's a tasty morsel too, *lix*

By #435701 at 10,Sep,15 16:27
You should be VERY,VERY careful about doing this at work. Lots of companies can track what you do on THEIR computer...Do you think it was coincidental your boss came in at JUST that time?
By bella! at 10,Sep,15 16:47 other posts of bella! 
Of course companies will track what their employees are doing on their. My guess is that theft/shrink is one of the bigger issues that many companies both large and small must deal with.

Stealing time is really no different than stealing tangible resources. Personally, I work for a large company and I learned many years ago that my company will not tolerate crap. Example, I received a "chain" email which originated within the company that was basically a snowball fight and forwarded on to 5 more employees. Murphy's Law, I was caught and reprimanded. I cod have been fired but I was written up and this remained on my employee personnel file for 1 year and 1 day. Using the company equipment for non work related matters is a big no-no.
By #485312 at 11,Sep,15 09:55
[deleted image]
just decorating the page since they don't come here to look at you bella *lix*
By leopoldij at 11,Sep,15 23:12 other posts of leopoldij 
May I add to the decoration by a pair of pumped puffy nipples?
[deleted image]

By leopoldij at 12,Sep,15 23:34 other posts of leopoldij 
And here is something more puffy. Bet you can't do that .. lol
[deleted image]
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But if you can, please show us. Everyone would like seeing your puffy pussy.
By #485312 at 13,Sep,15 00:10
that feels awesome, takes a good day to go back to normal, *lix*
By leopoldij at 13,Sep,15 05:04 other posts of leopoldij 
If you look at her page, you'll see that she's very much into that...
By #485312 at 13,Sep,15 10:50
lm sure she does, l don't check out girls pages leo, they have nothing l need, l love cocks and boys hot arses, that's what l want to play with *lix*
By leopoldij at 13,Sep,15 11:21 other posts of leopoldij 
Fair enough.

By #68656 at 08,Sep,15 13:40
WickedOne`s account is inactive so no point in advancing theories.
By bella! at 08,Sep,15 14:17 other posts of bella! 
Do you think that your suggestion is enough to make your friend stop from posting nonsense on as many old threads as possible? That's funny! You're funny!
By #485312 at 10,Sep,15 05:00
Go find a dog to kick or take some candy off a baby. Im sure youd get more pleasure from that than being here *lix*
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[deleted image]
By bella! at 10,Sep,15 08:02 other posts of bella! 
Since when does JohnS need a bagged out, slunk meat of a mouthpiece responding for him?
By #485312 at 10,Sep,15 09:42
want more some more grapes, or are the ones coming out your arse enough ??? *lix*
--------------------------------------- added after 24 hours

[deleted image]
By bella! at 10,Sep,15 15:30 other posts of bella! 
⬆⬆⬆Like I said, bagged out and slunk meat! 😨
By #485312 at 10,Sep,15 21:03
^^^^^troll with a bad attitude and nothing sexy to share^^^^ *Lix*
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[deleted image]
By bella! at 10,Sep,15 21:32 other posts of bella! 
And you have nothing intelligent to share.
By #485312 at 10,Sep,15 21:47
and you do? lol, pull the other one troll *lix*
--------------------------------------- added after 12 hours

[deleted image]
By bella! at 10,Sep,15 22:50 other posts of bella! 
What's that foul odor that I smell? Oh, never mind.....
By #485312 at 11,Sep,15 07:59
your nose is too close to your arse smella *lix*
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[deleted image]
By bella! at 11,Sep,15 09:44 other posts of bella! 
Not at all suckit. It's time for you to close your legs and put some draws on.
By #485312 at 11,Sep,15 09:47
why?? its a nudist site, maybe you should take your own advice, and get your head out of your arse for a change smella *lix*
--------------------------------------- added after 6 minutes

[deleted image]

By #485312 at 13,Aug,15 17:47
swap recipes and handy hints on internet etiquette *lix*
By leopoldij at 14,Aug,15 00:37 other posts of leopoldij 
Do you have a recipe for making the first girl I meet in the morning wanna let me touch her pussy?
By #485312 at 14,Aug,15 02:25
tube of testosterone rubbed directly onto her clit, must sl33p naked and keep tube warm and ready for use *lix*
By leopoldij at 14,Aug,15 06:01 other posts of leopoldij 
Yeah but that's a catch 22. How can I apply the cream before touching her?
By #485312 at 14,Aug,15 07:23
theres always a catch lol, just pull your cock over her and if she tells you to stop doing that, say 'make me' lol, *Lix*
By leopoldij at 08,Sep,15 11:59 other posts of leopoldij 
That's a good advice. Do you think I should let her suck my cock too? My concern is that I might involuntarily shoot my load in her mouth.
By #485312 at 08,Sep,15 12:14
involuntarily??? the girl don't know what shes missing, l hear its good for your hair and nails, tell her to open her mouth and get a treat and treatment all in one *Lix*
By leopoldij at 08,Sep,15 14:54 other posts of leopoldij 
Hey, that's a great advice. Wish all girls listened to you.
By #485312 at 10,Sep,15 04:57
Maybe l should write a book on how to satisfy your lover and how to enjoy it. Everyone should be feeling good from it, thats why we fuck. *lix*

By #478298 at 08,Sep,15 21:36
I signed up after finding nude pix of licksipsuckit on this site
By bella! at 08,Sep,15 22:07 other posts of bella! 
Really? Your membership number supports that you were a member ( this time ) long before her.
By #81191 at 08,Sep,15 22:42
Mmmmmm never leave a paper trail

By #485312 at 10,Sep,15 04:53
Want some more of them sour grapes.?

By #485312 at 08,Sep,15 23:02
youre so hot, thanks for your appreciation and lust deekayl, lm glad such a hot sexy guy likes my page and l'll be here for a long time, stay sexy gorgeous *lix*

By #81191 at 08,Sep,15 21:25
Indeed you can form a friendship beyond cyber fucking however there is that element of porn involved. I had a friend for a number of years formed on here which moved over to email and facebook. How rare they are I wouldn't know but you do know when it happens and not a just a short blast of hot air.

By #494157 at 08,Sep,15 03:27
I'll give you a straight answer seeing as no one else seems to be able to. If you join this site thinking you are going to find sex then you are going to be disappointed, from my own experience it isnt a sex site. It is however, the perfect site to act out your online fantasies but dont expect it to go all your own way some will try to hoodwink you into taking centre stage in a more extreme sexual fantasy with you playing lead part without your knowledge. You can however come onto the discussion forum and risk being insulted or endure others as they chat complete shit Its ideal for comparing against other far better sites to clarify which one is better.
By bella! at 08,Sep,15 04:03 other posts of bella! 
With all due respect, your assessment is not 100% correct.

I agree with you on your statement that if people become members because they're trying to find someone to hook up with for sex, most people will be disappointed BUT it does happen.

As far as acting out fantasies, maybe. Basically, I think people become members because many are exhibitionists and in my case, I identify more as a voyeur. Sorry, I don't follow your statement regarding hoodwinked/center stage.

Finally, risk coming into the forum and risk being insulted and/or endure others as they chat complete shit seems to be a bit over the top. The forum is the place to exchange ideas. Every member has their own unique style for expressing their opinion. Some folks are polite, some folks are raw, some folks are pompous, some folks are sarcastic, etc., personalities just as you would expect to encounter in your every day life.

By leopoldij at 24,Apr,15 10:43 other posts of leopoldij 
Another thing people do here is masturbate. Almost all men and some women too. Cyber-fucking occurs but it is always advisable to wear a condom.
By #488272 at 25,Apr,15 19:33
thanks for the giggle
By #23212 at 26,Apr,15 04:51
Great! Don't all those 'laughter is good medicine' books recommend giggling while masturbating?
By leopoldij at 26,Apr,15 13:14 other posts of leopoldij 
No. Giggling because she knows that condoms can make a woman tickly.

By _avg_ at 26,Apr,15 04:36 other posts of _avg_ 
To see and to be seen, of course! Lord knows it ain't happening in "real life"....

By #132188 at 18,Apr,15 21:00
It's great here, have meet many great friends some in real life. My wife and I Skype (No sex stuff) regularly with some members. My only advice is to watch people claiming to be ( smiley glad-hands) as I have found they all have hidden agendas.

But like I said there are so many great people here. Have fun
By mr_blue at 25,Apr,15 23:21 other posts of mr_blue 

By #488248 at 23,Apr,15 21:13
A plethora of things can be had here on STD/SYC/SIO .Its a place where you can show and view all aspects of the human body . Even show pics of your hobbies. Talk about and get information on all manner of subjects .Show how compassionate and caring you can be to members who have hit hard times .Tell jokes anecdotes .Put your favorite tune or poem up .Get information on how things work and whats the best tips on how to do it .Make friends and sometimes enemies.I see SYD/SYC/SIO as a sort of retreat a place were you can visit and put your cares and worries to one side for a while and be in the company of like minded folk.
By leopoldij at 24,Apr,15 10:42 other posts of leopoldij 
By #488248 at 24,Apr,15 10:53
OOOPs .Shoot the freakin proof reader . Ha Ha My bad.

Yea STD you can get it mailed to you in a bottle
By leopoldij at 24,Apr,15 13:59 other posts of leopoldij 
I knew what you meant but I thought of picking on you. Actually, SYD and STD look quite similar visually, depending on what fonts you use. Y is too close to T, not just on the keyboard, but also as letters.

By admin at 18,Apr,15 16:22 other posts of admin 
After 6 years I still cannot figure out what kind of people come to this site. I tried to position is as adult image sharing site, as nudists site, as sex chat, as adult dating, as adult forum, but no matter what I do people seem to register randomly and most of time seem to have no idea what they want.

Some people found friends here, few found sex partners, I even heard of couple of cases when people found their long-term partners here. Yet, the majority seem to find nothing and close their accounts in quite short time.

I think there is a slightly stronger tendency to cybersex after all. Fantasies and masturbation kind of thing. That's why a lot of profiles are fake, using internet pics instead of their own, despite that they are reported sooner or later and banned.
By #488272 at 23,Apr,15 18:11
6 years...I thought it was longer the first time I was on this site was 6 years ago. This site helped my marriage in ways I will never forget. I say I'm new here, because this is a very different site than it was 6 years ago. I was here before the king and queen,and before the memberships. I liked it a lot, but I'm working my way around and so far I'm having fun. I will say the only thing I really miss is the way you could almost always find people in the chat rooms.
By admin at 23,Apr,15 18:38 other posts of admin 
Chat was nothing but mutual insults at some stage and I had to close it down. I reopened it after 2 years, but it's not the same. I guess people who came here for purposes of measuring who is a bigger asshole are mostly gone.

By bella! at 18,Apr,15 16:22 other posts of bella! 
What draws people here? Some like to look, some like to chat and explore fantasies and yes, offsite friendship does occur. I hope that SYD meets and exceeds your expectations.
By leopoldij at 19,Apr,15 02:01 other posts of leopoldij 
And some like all of the above. I'm the kinda guy who likes to talk after having sex and not just fall asleep. ..

By #472648 at 18,Apr,15 16:56
The friendships I made here in the years I've been here are the most important reason I'm here right now. When I signed up I was basically just looking to get off one way or another but I quickly found that forming friendships is rather easy here. I have a feeling the majority of people are here for some sort of 'cybersex', but as Bella! has stated, people are here for all sorts of reasons, really.
By HunterAce at 18,Apr,15 20:36 other posts of HunterAce 
I totally agree with you and can relate.

By HunterAce at 18,Apr,15 20:34 other posts of HunterAce 
I agree with bella! I think it is really what you want it to be. Share what you would like, chat and flirt with who you want, but mainly have fun doing it

By spermkiss at 18,Apr,15 17:09 other posts of spermkiss 
I came for the photos of dicks (and I still like that aspect of the site and I still look at them), but I stay for the exchange of thoughts and ideas here on the Forum and for the friendships I have formed with other members. I think that it is telling that when I sign on to the site I click on the Forum before I click on Recent Posts. And it's always a treat to sign on and find that I have new Private Messages waiting.

Most of the friendships I have made have remained cyber, but with regular exchanges of messages, but I have met one member in person (not for sex, but for socialization and camaraderie). I have been to his home and have even met his mother and been to her home. Long time members who know me know who this member is.

Adult Discussion Forum