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What makes a dick beautiful?

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Started by abagurio at 09,Aug,19 13:59  other posts of abagurio
Do you think some dicks look beautiful to most people, while others don't?
Is the look of dicks just a matter of personal taste, or it is influenced by culture, religion, gender etc?
Maybe there's some kind of "ideal of dick beauty" common to all?

Similar topics: 1.What makes a cock look good?   2.Do bigger guys like looking at smaller dicks?   3.Pretty Penises   4.What makes a dick "good looking"?   5.How do we all best like to cum during sex?  

New Comment

By #601496 at 29,Dec,19 18:05
It depends on how many Christmas "balls" are hanging from it,,,

By #518391 at 29,Dec,19 14:54
My personal opinion is that it should be circumcised with a big helmet and surrounded by full manbush...yours fits the bill perfectly!

By #64328 at 28,Dec,19 17:22
Purportion is the key factor

By surprise at 27,Dec,19 16:14 other posts of surprise 
My lips on it
By #370506 at 27,Dec,19 21:46
On mine in particular..

By cumcouplessa at 26,Dec,19 04:56 other posts of cumcouplessa 
A nice smooth shiny head, and an upward curve is a huge plus for both of us.

By #607273 at 26,Dec,19 01:04
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

By #570856 at 26,Dec,19 00:34
Cut or uncut it doesn't matter but I handle them differently. Average to larger size, definitely a mushroom head. If cut a dark circular circumcision scar or if cut as an adult a neat scar high and tight. Veins are a plus, nice size balls low hangers a plus.

By #595028 at 11,Aug,19 09:50
This is what a pretty cock look like to me

By #590217 at 10,Aug,19 19:05
Big shining head and really hard and curved with visible veins

By #574505 at 09,Aug,19 21:49
To me a shiny head and shaft like this one [deleted image] cut or uncut is a turnon..
By #275407 at 10,Aug,19 00:48
Wow, that's a Hott dick, wish I could suck it
By #574505 at 10,Aug,19 01:43 too

By #551147 at 10,Aug,19 09:19
Oh yeah! Me too 😋😋😋😋

By cumcouplessa at 10,Aug,19 04:20 other posts of cumcouplessa 
Any and all are beautiful in their own way, however a nice hard upcurved cock is a bonus for both of us.

By #588327 at 10,Aug,19 02:57
They all look good in general. Each one is kinda private and a personal thing to see. Each dick is individual and part of a person. So it's not ugly

By #202392 at 09,Aug,19 16:07
A long tight foreskin. Circumsized penises are ugly to me in my opinion compared to intact ones
By foreskinlover52 at 10,Aug,19 00:23 other posts of foreskinlover52 

By #551147 at 09,Aug,19 21:34
🤔 Hmmmmmm Good question, rather difficult to describe, but I shall try. Of course that beauty is in the eye of each beholder. For me, it's nicely trimmed grass, shaved balls and shaft, symmetry is spot on, i.e. good length (4 - 7 inches) thick (4.5 to 6.5 girth) generally cut, and all in proportion. Like I dont really care for the kind with skinny shaft and a big ole mushroom head that looks like a palm tree or a dumb dumb sucker. Lol

Here's just one example... ➡️ [deleted image]
By eonblue at 10,Aug,19 00:19 other posts of eonblue 
That is a great example! Wonderful shape and size and love the skin tone as well!

By onthelose at 09,Aug,19 21:14 other posts of onthelose 
I don't mind a hairy cock if its trimmed. As for the tangled bush, well it just looks dirty to me. Just my preference, doesn't mean you cant do just as you wish.

By #595788 at 09,Aug,19 20:24
Long, straight or arching upward erect, a prominent mushroom head, well defined balls, neat pubic hair - perfection.

By knewbi at 09,Aug,19 17:17 other posts of knewbi 
While I prefer a cut cock an uncut cock looks great if the skin is tight and shows lots of vains. Generally, almost any stiff cok looks good to me...

By #64328 at 09,Aug,19 14:41
Proportion is far more attractive than just size. The nicest dick I ha e ever seen was 4.75 and proportioned perfectly.
By spermkiss at 09,Aug,19 15:46 other posts of spermkiss 

By spermkiss at 09,Aug,19 15:46 other posts of spermkiss 
A dick that looks like yours for starters. A well shaped "helmet head" glans, perfect proportion between glans size and shaft length and diameter. Your circumcision is a plus as that's the kind of dick I prefer, but I've also seen some really attractive intact dicks.

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