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Do Bigger Cocks Make You Feel Inadequate - Or More Horny?

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Started by hypoboy at 11,Nov,19 01:46  other posts of hypoboy
men can react in two ways when confronted with seeing or playing with larger cocks: either you are super turned on and more horny than before or you feel reminded about your own penis being inadequate and "small" .

What is your reaction, when confronted with seeing a larger dick in porn or when playing with a much larger penis?
Does it make a difference in your reaction whether you see a large dick anywhere - or if you actually play with a large penis for real?

Similar topics: 1.Make it bigger   2.Don't feel embarrassed...   3.Does my little dick make you feel bigger?   4.Straight Guys and Cock Pics   5.Looking for guys who are bigger...  

New Comment

By WHATSUPDOC at 19,Apr,20 07:59 other posts of WHATSUPDOC 
I get so fucking horny when I see a big cock especially if he is horny and has a big fuckin hard on

By #518391 at 18,Apr,20 10:23
I always feel inadequate when I see all the larger cock in the showers and locker room

By #615426 at 17,Apr,20 12:20

By Lookingtosee at 09,Apr,20 06:20 other posts of Lookingtosee 
I love big cocks,when I get to bring a guy back to my place and see that he has a big cock really gets me horny knowing I'm about to have his cock in my mouth, and in my ass.

By #614313 at 04,Apr,20 20:02

By 4everanedger at 31,Mar,20 18:16 other posts of 4everanedger 
Both of these things

By #614313 at 31,Mar,20 17:43
Reminds me how small I am. Totally intimidated by big cocks

By Joe93930 at 31,Mar,20 04:05 other posts of Joe93930 
When I'm with a guy I get turned on a little if he has a bigger dick than me

By Ablaze at 30,Mar,20 11:14 other posts of Ablaze 
Definitely I get horny watching big cock.

By cumonme1 at 30,Mar,20 11:12 other posts of cumonme1 
I love looking at big cocks, I do get very horny, wish i had a friend with a large cock to share with me.

By Alwaysnude at 23,Mar,20 18:31 other posts of Alwaysnude 
[deleted image] yes they do but they also turn me on

By #613564 at 21,Mar,20 09:27
I don't feel inadequate in any way! I like what I like, and that is the smaller, nice ones, and not huge, BS pron-types!!

By #64328 at 20,Mar,20 17:24
No, I have always felt average and even smaller are usually the nicest looking.

By #536019 at 20,Mar,20 14:16
I once did dom/sub role-play with a dominant guy who had an big cock. He "made" me wear girls' panties and treated me like his sex-slave. I loved the erotic humiliation, and being "forced" to do submissive things. But I didn't enjoy being deep-throat face-fucked by his 9 inches of cock. (A lot of gagging!)
By earthy at 20,Mar,20 14:33 other posts of earthy 
Yeah 9 inches is huge! Almost too big to get my mouth around
By #536019 at 20,Mar,20 15:12
Fortunately he wasn't particularly thick. He had me lie on my back, with my head dangling over the side of the bed. I was amazed that I could (eventually) take it all in my throat.
By earthy at 20,Mar,20 17:12 other posts of earthy 
Nice! Sounds fun.

By cumonme1 at 15,Nov,19 14:52 other posts of cumonme1 
Big cocks make very horny, would like to suck a really big dick
By #551147 at 15,Nov,19 15:59
Here you go!

[deleted image]

Have at it!
By BIgTipper at 20,Mar,20 00:31 other posts of BIgTipper 
A cock like this needs to be sucked whether gay or not
By german_guy at 20,Mar,20 15:32 other posts of german_guy 
I would say seems to be difficult to fit in

By earthy at 20,Mar,20 13:29 other posts of earthy 
I'm usually a little embarrassed by it, but still turned on too.

By cumcouplessa at 20,Mar,20 04:14 other posts of cumcouplessa 
Hubby here. I would honestly have to say BOTH. Mine is on the small side and I've always felt a little bit inadequate, but hell yes, a nice big hard cock rocks my hormones and makes me horny as ever. Specially if it has an upcurve, that is definatelly masturbation material. Lucky for me that wifey also likes a nice curve, and we've shared a few over the years

By #612667 at 16,Mar,20 06:47
Lol more horny to get hold of it with my mouth

By Allalexallday at 24,Nov,19 01:27 other posts of Allalexallday 
I love playing with and servicing a big dick makes me so horny and like a little sissy cock sucker

By mrseveninches at 24,Nov,19 00:58 other posts of mrseveninches 
It makes me horny and humilated. My partner has a much bigger cock than me. I love how big it is, but I feel like I have a small dick compared to him.

By Lookatme at 15,Nov,19 21:15 other posts of Lookatme 
Both, it makes feel horny to suck on such a manly tool. And humiliated because my tool is less manly. And as long as you know how to work that big dick, it’s all good! But, most guys with big dicks don’t have a clue what to do with them. And usually turn into big bottoms.instead of grasping what they have. And using it in the correct way.

By hotcock33 at 13,Nov,19 19:43 other posts of hotcock33 
Getting more into the cuckold lifestyle lately so big cocks can make me feel both ways. Envious in that sure Id love to be bigger...but also VERY turned on looking at a nice one, and even more so when wife and I play with a man bigger than me.

By #451452 at 13,Nov,19 05:29
Cocks are equally exciting and depending on your capabilities all can be fun to play with. Big cocks do make me want to reach out and handle them, then suck them. Seeing a big cock can bring me to drooling a little in anticipation of getting to play withe them.

By kebmo at 12,Nov,19 18:06 other posts of kebmo 
I feel lucky when I have a bigger cock in my hand and mouth!

By #64328 at 12,Nov,19 17:04
I have always thought average and smaller are the best looking
By #551147 at 12,Nov,19 17:08

By #551147 at 12,Nov,19 16:51
Depends on what "bigger" is defined as...
But, how about neither option? 🤔
I would have to go with, uninterested...

By knewbi at 12,Nov,19 15:38 other posts of knewbi 
ANY time I see an erect cock I get horny. Seeing one larger then mine makes me horny... AND HAPPY!!

By Lookatme at 12,Nov,19 05:57 other posts of Lookatme 
I guess a little of big th. Makes me feel good to let a guy know his Cock is bigger than mine. And when a guys smaller than me, then I feel that way.

By #536019 at 12,Nov,19 03:27
I like looking at - and feeling - big erect cocks, but I prefer sucking a smaller one, similar to my own.

By #604299 at 11,Nov,19 23:42
a big cock makes me horny everytime. i love to look at it and touch a big meaty cock. i like to let it deep in my throat and sid down on it, while i stroke my tiny member.

By #516354 at 11,Nov,19 11:13
Bigger cocks make me feel both horny and humiliatingly inadequate.

By nekekal at 11,Nov,19 05:09 other posts of nekekal 
I very seldom see a bigger cock than mine. I really pitty guys that have bigger ones.

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