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what kind of beachwear do you normally use?

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Started by #590624 at 12,Nov,19 12:41
what kind of beachwear do you normally use?
here in Brazil we normally wear this one like in my picture

[deleted image]

do you like this model?

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By DJS at 07,Feb,20 08:41 other posts of DJS 
Just beach shorts,till I get to the nudist beach,then nothing

By spermkiss at 07,Feb,20 05:28 other posts of spermkiss 
No man should even consider anything other than a swim brief (Speedo).

By #518391 at 03,Feb,20 11:31
Nude is best, but speedos if I have to wear anything; but they seem to be out of fashion these days, so I wear them less, and it would be great if my helmet were bigger so that the outline showed through!
By #590624 at 03,Feb,20 13:35
In Brazil speedos are not out of fashion, a lot of guys prefer to use it.
By #518391 at 03,Feb,20 13:54
That's good...keep it that way. Proper swimmers always wear speedos, even if they're the trunk type and in France one is not allowed into a public pool in swimming shorts...speedos only!
By new2day at 04,Feb,20 13:47 other posts of new2day 
It depends on what type of swimming... if it's a water park or pool with slides etc, then a lot choose to wear swim shorts. I used to wear speedos when I used to swim a few miles each week as they are just more comfortable.

Used to go regularly with a female friend, we were chatting while showering and I'd commented that her swimsuit was a little see through when wet, and she said speedos don't hide much either, she could see I was was circumcised.
By #518391 at 05,Feb,20 08:05
Yes, speedos have much less resistance when you're doing lengths in the pool. I wish my helmet was prominent enough to confirm my circumcised status when wearing speedos!
By new2day at 05,Feb,20 16:47 other posts of new2day 
Depends how you arrange your penis in your speedos lol. Facing forward the glans corona is quite prominent for me. I didn't realise that regular exposue to chlorinated water seems to make the fabric a little more translucent.
By #591921 at 06,Feb,20 04:26
Like I said I used to wear a Speedo to go to the lake and get sun and swim. There was a set of beautiful twins that came there sometimes and I used to walk with one around the nature trail and me not really paying the attention I should have. One day she and I were walking around the trail and she just out of the blue said you know I can actually just your big ole mushroom head and your piercing in your Speedo does it bother you that I can just see your dick at all. Then I told her not at all but let me ask does it bother you I clearly see your nipples and I can make out every wrinkle in your vulva. She said what no you can't. Just then I pointed and said I can see that right there as I pointed is where I need to stick my cock to fuck you rich between those wrinkles. She turned red as a beet. Funny thing that was the first time that I ever noticed that when you blush your entire body turns red.

By earthy at 06,Feb,20 01:34 other posts of earthy 
Speedos at the beach, just regular shorts at a waterpark

By leopoldij at 05,Feb,20 16:01 other posts of leopoldij 
when I have the option, i don't

By #610559 at 04,Feb,20 17:08
arroyman f. ex.

[deleted image]

By #590624 at 03,Feb,20 13:42
An old pic I found when I was a bit chubby

[deleted image]

By #583549 at 01,Feb,20 13:20
I always swim nude so no beach wear for me!
By #518391 at 03,Feb,20 09:10
lucky guy!

By #519886 at 03,Feb,20 02:09
I wear speedos whenever I can, but regular trunks if that's what everyone else is wearing. I like speedos because they obviously show off my curves, and some of my cock.

By #591921 at 02,Feb,20 04:04
One I think I'm going to buy this summer is Wildman t trunks. They have a specific pouch that your junk fits into so that it sticks out and separate from the body. They look more or less like mini boxers but the pouch is more anatomic.
By #590624 at 02,Feb,20 16:03
this one is cool, specially for those who have big bulge

By #591921 at 16,Jan,20 03:48
I used yo wear speedos or tyr brand briefs but once I got older I had to find something different to wear. My balls are so big now that they pop out the leg or the speedos dont cover my whole package. I hang out here or there. Plus if I put it to the side it feels weird to me. But I have found two brands ergowear brand and Wildman t brand swimwear. These are like short legged boxers or trunks. They have a pouch an actual pouch not just cut to like a pouch. It holds you whatever way you like it to sit but also shows off the entire package for those who don't mind folks seeing what they have. I liked the way the speedos felt because I hate my cock just being stuck against my leg. I like it to stick out front away from my body but in that you have to just let people see what is actually there no place to hide. But they are very comfortable.
By #590624 at 31,Jan,20 06:28
your package is really big and the bigger the balls the better it is!! you must show ur hot bulge on speedo

By #584883 at 14,Nov,19 04:34
[deleted image] [deleted image]
By #590624 at 14,Nov,19 14:58
wow thats really sexy and hot big bulge!!

By #483979 at 14,Nov,19 04:17
[deleted image]
By #590624 at 14,Nov,19 14:56
wow that's a really hot speedos! I can see your cockhead from that bulge!!

By foreskinlover52 at 14,Nov,19 10:39 other posts of foreskinlover52 
I go only to nudist beaches so nothing at all

By new2day at 12,Nov,19 15:41 other posts of new2day 
If I do go the beach, it's usually a nude beach, so nothing. I do have some swim shorts, used to wear speedos when I was much younger and swam regularly.

Speedos don't leave much to the imagination, one female friend did comment about it, said she could clearly see I was circumcised.
By spermkiss at 12,Nov,19 17:20 other posts of spermkiss 
And that's exactly why men should wear swim briefs (aka Speedos), to show off their stuff and their circumcision (or lack of same) without being nude. But of course, actually being nude is best.

By spermkiss at 12,Nov,19 17:22 other posts of spermkiss 
'Just went to your page and, man, you really do have a fine glans. So show it off!
By #590624 at 12,Nov,19 19:24
Can you see I am uncut just looking at my bulge? 🤔
By spermkiss at 13,Nov,19 15:30 other posts of spermkiss 
No I cannot. With cut guys, especially those with a large "helmet head" glans it's often easy (and nice) to see the glans outline thru the fabric. It's harder to tell with intact guys. I can, however, see the outline of the vein along the top side of your dick. Hot.
By #590624 at 13,Nov,19 16:41
yeah, my uncut cock is more difficult to see the dickhead shape through. I am glad you like my bulge.
By #518391 at 14,Nov,19 08:11
I always like to seeing a guy wearing speedos when the outline of his helmet confirms his status...mine isn't big enough to do so!

By #483979 at 14,Nov,19 03:52
Speedos please!

By geranium at 12,Nov,19 14:46 other posts of geranium 
naked or speedo
By #483979 at 14,Nov,19 03:50

By #583549 at 12,Nov,19 22:29
I go to my resort's pool and always swim nude.When I am at the beach on the Jersey shore I wear my mesh shorts and nothing else!With the sun shineing behind me my package can clearly be seen!

By #526977 at 12,Nov,19 17:53
smallest speedos I dare! [deleted image]
By #590624 at 12,Nov,19 19:21
so nice speedo, lovely small package

By #570308 at 12,Nov,19 14:20
Well, here in Florida it varies. If not naked, I wear normal trunks. Like that bulge you have there..
By #590624 at 12,Nov,19 19:20
thanks, it's not that big bulge

By wycowboy at 12,Nov,19 14:33 other posts of wycowboy 
What is this beach wear you speak of

I go nekkid at the beach, when I go that is, which is rare

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