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What if your spouse has no desire for anything intimate?

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Started by massco at 10,Apr,23 16:42  other posts of massco
My wife shows no interest in sex anymore. Been 2 year since we had anything going on. I get shut down every time in try. Weighs pretty heavy on me.
What would you do?

Similar topics: 1.Open Marriage, rules are open for discussion.   2.loss of desire   3.Extramarital affairs   4.Do you consider chatting without spouse is cheating?   5.Could you be intimate with someone that has bad breath or body odor?  

New Comment

By phart at 30,Jun,24 02:48 other posts of phart 
most folks at 65 that ship has long sailed, go fishing or something. your heart will thank you for REDUCING stress on it .
By massco at 01,Jul,24 16:49 other posts of massco 
i would suggest you look at the age of a lot of men on this site. Beside that i have been fishing all my life.

By Cody8789 at 30,Jun,24 05:37 other posts of Cody8789 
I would get my sex elsewhere

By cumcouplessa at 30,Jun,24 02:15 other posts of cumcouplessa 
Hubby here. I would suggest your best option would be to find a bi couple like us . There's no emotional involvement and a couple will never tell your wife. It honestly isn't easy for a couple to find a guy to play with so if you place an ad in the right places you should be licking and fucking in NO time?

By #715400 at 29,Jun,24 08:41
That why I am a faggot and let men fuck my ass

By Alwaysnude at 21,Apr,24 17:50 other posts of Alwaysnude 
I have to take care of myself
By german_guy at 21,Apr,24 18:12 other posts of german_guy 
yes of course me too

By Gntlmn at 21,Apr,24 18:09 other posts of Gntlmn 
YeP, a tough situation... especially since my greatest satisfaction cums from eating pussy.

By #711401 at 21,Apr,24 14:55
I'd be quite happy wanking.

By leopoldij at 15,Apr,23 00:25 other posts of leopoldij 
It's a problem.
You gotta find someone to have sex with.
By massco at 17,Apr,23 01:55 other posts of massco 
It is a problem for me for several reasons.
By leopoldij at 17,Apr,23 03:43 other posts of leopoldij 
I understand....

By #677384 at 15,Apr,23 00:12
I would tell her that you are a man, and if she has no interest in sex with you, then you will find someone that does bro. I had a gf years ago that didn't want to have sex anymore. I found out much later she slipped and fell on my buddy's cock a few times. She had never been with another guy, so I didn't get upset about that as much as her lies when I tried to talk to her. At least I told her up front I have needs, and would find some other girl. I tried to talk to her, and was honest.
By massco at 17,Apr,23 01:57 other posts of massco 
I have tried this. And the answer is go ahead and do that but make sure you don’t come back to this house.

By nekekal at 14,Apr,23 20:24 other posts of nekekal 
I am in the same position. Wife hates cock. She won't fuck it, suck it or touch it. I don't think that she likes me well enough to want to make me feel good.

I though about the options, and decided to stay with her and hopefully find someone to fuck. But I have been unsuccessful in that. Guys give better blow jobs than women anyway and I have found a few of those.

Hope springs eternal, but it makes for some long horny weeks.

By #690553 at 14,Apr,23 15:49
Sounds like my husband.

I just cheat on him all the time. I need to be sexually satisfied as well!
By massco at 14,Apr,23 16:28 other posts of massco 
Yep need to find a lady like you.

By nekekal at 14,Apr,23 20:17 other posts of nekekal 
I needed to find you, we both would have felt better.

By #536019 at 14,Apr,23 19:53
When my wife went asexual, I explored the other part of my bisexuality. Got with men of all ages and races. Didn't have "a relationship" with any of them.

By wycowboy at 12,Apr,23 14:55 other posts of wycowboy 
It's been a while for me as well. My wife isn't much interested anymore and it's longer and longer in between times she wants it. I jerk off a lot now and am always open to sex with another female. This is a small town so I have to be very careful but it's worth the risk to me.

By #688177 at 11,Apr,23 17:32
I am in the same boat, I guess thats why I ended up here.
Love her to bit's but there is just no sex.
I was hoping to find someone local to me but not a chance.
90% of the contact I have is with guys, not that I am interested but more than willing to chat with them.
so only talk to a few women & only a couple are from the UK.
chances are nothing will come of being here for me.
but you never know your luck.

By steve8211 at 11,Apr,23 14:28 other posts of steve8211 
Same thing happened to me. I go to a masturbation group here local and get on a web site Sniffies to find locals and get on to find friends to play with. I love to edge and masturbate for hours and even get on snapchat with others
By massco at 11,Apr,23 17:25 other posts of massco 
Thanks for those suggestions. I like to edge also. But I can only enjoy that for a while. Human touch is needed. Preferably female.

By knewbi at 11,Apr,23 14:51 other posts of knewbi 
I guess that here would be a good place to start a jerk off session. A good friend of ours, his lady can't have sex other than oral and hand jobs. He gets damn horny to fuck a pussy. My wife and I have been swinging for some years now and since he is a good friend and his lady is fine with it, I loan my wife to him from time to time. We use to swing with him and his lady when she was able to. Always willing to lend a helping hand, or whatever it takes, for a friend.

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