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MN or Chauvin...

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Started by tecsan at 30,Mar,21 04:11  other posts of tecsan
Who do you feel was wrong or right...How will the jury decide...Like to be a fly on the wall during deliberation...

New Comment

By tecsan at 02,Aug,21 03:42 other posts of tecsan 
Anyone here know where Chauvin is right now or any progress of the railroading trial he had???

By tecsan at 04,Jul,21 03:17 other posts of tecsan 
No one knows what is going on now with this case...The trial was just a media circus...
By sherryann at 04,Jul,21 03:32 other posts of sherryann 
Tecsan, whats going on is a white police officer was crucified for doing his job by trying to arrest a black drugged up combative resister. Lots of whites get killed by police, more than blacks do, but you wont hear a peep about them.
By Ananas2xLekker at 04,Jul,21 08:30 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
'combative resister'? He was lying on the ground in handcuffs!
Is begging for your life combative?

Yes, white people get killed by police too. People are not protesting police violence
for the fun of it, they want changes. They demand rules for some checks and balances on the police, which would also protect white lives.
By sherryann at 04,Jul,21 12:29 other posts of sherryann 
Yes he was combative while resisting arrest. When the police tell you to get in the car, you comply without any backtalk & don't resist arrest. Yes he most definitely was combative while resisting arrest. And no, "protesting" (looting robbing starting fires attacking police officer's), does not protect whites. I don't know how to link but there was going to be a protest until BLM found out the person was white so they called it off. I'd love to hear your opinion on that.
--------------------------------------- added after 52 minutes

Ananas, ZeroHedge . Portland police rush to tell BLM the person they shot & killed was white so no need to protest.
Does this white mans life not count? To me he matters!
By Ananas2xLekker at 04,Jul,21 13:57 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Maybe he had been resisting arrest before, but I've seen no video of that, so it could be just the cops lying about it. I've only seen a defenseless man being murdered.
If you think backtalk is enough to kill someone over, you are calling for fascism.

Even if it was true that "Portland police rush to tell BLM the person they shot & killed was white so no need to protest." (which I don't believe), then who is wrong there? The Portland police.

If you don't want white people being killed by the cops either, join the protests.
Maybe the government would actually do something about police violence,
if it wasn't only black people protesting.

If your country doesn't solve your police violence problem, the protests will continue and become harder. If you think you can suppress the protests, you are wrong.
If you want an actual civil war, keep supporting cops murdering black people.

How should I know if that white guy who was killed was not actually threatening
the lives of the police or innocent bystanders? Should I just take your word for it?
I'm sure it happens, but I'm also 100% sure black people get killed for less
than white people and more often.
By sherryann at 04,Jul,21 15:27 other posts of sherryann 
Regarding your question if you should take my word for it, no. On second thought, you are right about everything. Have a nice day.
By Ananas2xLekker at 05,Jul,21 13:30 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
LOL. I wish changing people's mind was that easy.

Still, It's the best way I have ever seen to get rid of an annoying liberal.

By phart at 07,Jul,21 12:56 other posts of phart 
granted,once the thug was in the cops car handcuffed, he should have been left there and the complaints dealt with by ems,or just haul his ass on down to the jail. Dragging him back out and putting him on the ground,I don't understand.UNless like I have said before,there may have been history between the cop and the thug since they worked together and the cop saw a chance to shut him up for good.I do not agree with the long sentance,time served was enough for a involuntary manslaughter charge which is about all I see the cop should have been charged with. As for the other 3 that no one mentions, I don't see that they should be punished at all,they did NOTHING so they are not liable.
had they got involved, then yes,perhaps guilty of something.but they stood by and let chauvin do his thing on his own,shit in his own bed or whatever you may call it.

By tecsan at 06,Jul,21 04:11 other posts of tecsan 
You put that way better than I could have...Total agreement here...

By Ananas2xLekker at 06,Jul,21 13:04 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
It's true that more white people are getting killed by the police than black people,
in numbers.

About 2x as many white people are killed vs black. However black people are 13% of your population, so black people are 3.8x more likely to get killed by police.
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In relation to crime; in total 2.6x more white people get arrested than black people.
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So, it's true that more black people are getting killed by police, because black people commit 2.9x more crimes per capita.
However 3.8x more black people get killed per capita vs 2.9x more black people commit crimes per capita.

Do you think that people should just trust that the police doesn't kill anyone
without cause?

Or do you think some protest is warranted, as long as they were 100% peaceful
and they didn't call themselves 'Black Lives Matter', but something more neutral,
like 'Stop Police Violence'?
By tecsan at 07,Jul,21 05:52 other posts of tecsan 
I know that most police do not kill because of color...However; there are a few bad apples in every basket and you know this...Just remember, get rid of police and tell me what cities would look like...Yes, they would all be burning down...We have seen it...
By Ananas2xLekker at 07,Jul,21 09:53 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Those bad apples have been very busy. It's not bad apples, it's a culture. Have you seen the video of cops laughing about brutalizing an old woman with dementia, who forgot to pay in a store? They laughed about the sound that her arm breaking made, while she was in the holding cell for hours. There was a new female cop, that looked uncomfortable with that, but she went along with it. Nice lesson for the next generation of cops. I know this is anecdotal, but there are many videos of cops behaving like assholes (arresting women naked, killing dogs, flipping cars, etc.).

At one point it will be someone you care about. You can prevent it by demanding basic humanity from your cops. Getting rid of the police is bullshit (that's not what defund the police means, that's a strawman), you actually set standards on police
and enforce them, just like the police does to you.

You are the employer of the police, you pay their salary. Would you accept violent, abusive behavior from your employees, if it was your business?

Fox4: Video shows officers laughing, fist-bump after arresting woman with dementia:
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Fox didn't show the actual conversation. CBS did:
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By tecsan at 05,Jul,21 04:34 other posts of tecsan 
What to expect from the media circus next...???

By tecsan at 04,Jul,21 05:18 other posts of tecsan 
Where is Chauvin now, hmm I wonder...???
By Ananas2xLekker at 04,Jul,21 08:36 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Latest update, from the 25th of June:

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By tecsan at 03,Jul,21 05:06 other posts of tecsan 
Yes he was, by a damn jury that should have been sequestered from the beginning...Fuck the judge...

By #610414 at 20,Apr,21 21:14
By leopoldij at 20,Apr,21 22:56 other posts of leopoldij 
The policemen in the US kill people very easily. He shouldn't have killed him. It was totally unnecessary. A totally unnecessary loss of life. Every life is precious. The policeman had issues. The victim died for trying to use a fake paper note. That kind of abuse of power shouldn't be allowed in a democratic country.
By #610414 at 20,Apr,21 23:13
And yet
By leopoldij at 20,Apr,21 23:27 other posts of leopoldij 
Too many guns. Too much violence.
From outside, it looks like there's
a constant mini war going on in the US,
one whose intensity is growing year after year.

I'm not a sociologist or historian but
when a country reaches the level that
most people are so scared that they have
to equip themselves with dozens of guns,
pistols, machine guns, bazookas, ... I don't
know what, then you know that that country
is in decline: its inhabitants do not trust
one another and feel they need to have mini-armies.
And the police force is encouraging violence.
And people believe that this is normal.

Why don't they read some history or look
around to see that this is evidence of
decline? Even if they have 10 or 100 times
the number of guns they have, it's futile.

I don't know what to say. It's so sad.
I feel sorry for all the people there
that feel constantly threatened.

Ideally, police shouldn't have guns either.
Someone tries to steal candy from a shop,
or pay with fake notes, or commits a minor
crime.... you don't send a policeman with a
gun there. Unless everyone is loaded with
bullets and guns then, I get it, guns
bring guns, violence begets violence,
it's a never ending vicious circle.

I'm so happy I live in a place where I'm afraid
of nothing. We can live the doors unlocked,
nobody has guns, we just have to deal with
pretty thefts occasionally.
By phart at 21,Apr,21 00:58 other posts of phart 
A situation of someone stealing can escalate in a hurry to something requiring a gun to prevent.They don't like witness's.
Like I said in another thread,don't like cops,fine,just don't dial 911.
They have a important job.without them,it would be stone age behavoir.
--------------------------------------- added after 8 minutes

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By leopoldij at 21,Apr,21 02:01 other posts of leopoldij 
What is 911?
By phart at 21,Apr,21 18:47 other posts of phart 
it is a system using the telephone to call for emergency help.1 call can get police,fire,ambulance.
The few times I have used it I found it to be very frustrating.
The operator ask 5400 questions so fast you can't answer the first 1 and if you are in the middle of a emergency,say someone dieing, you find yourself trying to help the dieing ,and wanting to cuss the dumb bastard out over the phone asking you your name,your date of birth and so on while you simply asking for EMS to come quick to 3421 East first street quick to save a persons life.

By tecsan at 09,May,21 06:15 other posts of tecsan 
Has to be kidding...
By leopoldij at 09,May,21 13:01 other posts of leopoldij 
I am not American or live in the US. Take for example, a Kyrgyzhian citizen. They would not necessarily know the American rescue phone numbers.
Let me reverse the question and you'll understand. Do you know the emergency phone number in Macao?
By phart at 13,May,21 00:14 other posts of phart 
Yea,i kinda figured things were different in that aspect in other countrys.
By leopoldij at 13,May,21 02:10 other posts of leopoldij 
Yes, sometimes very different

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By tecsan at 14,May,21 08:07 other posts of tecsan 
Does this little graph represent people shot for trying to take advantage of other's rights...Do you need an example???Other countries do not mind when someone steals from your property, but here we do...
By leopoldij at 14,May,21 15:59 other posts of leopoldij 
Exactly. We don't care much if we lose material things because we don't even want to have too many possessions. Possessions make people unhappy because they want more and more and more. Happiness lies in simplicity. We learn, from early age, that we shouldn't strive to acquire much but be happy with few things. One friend made some money with his farm (he grows fruit like pears and apples) and for a while he thought he should buy a bigger car. He just owned a truck for his work and a little Fiat for pleasure. He said he'd buy a big Honda. We talked to him out of it. We told him that he'd have to spend more money for fuel, more money for insurance, and, what's worse, he'd drive longer distances and pollute the environment more but also be worried that someone might steal his fancy Honda. He understood that a worry-free life is much more important than a bigger car.

We like to live peacefully and not own much, not eat much, not have big houses. Possessions, we know, make you a slave, just like drugs do. In fact, one of the reasons that people take drugs is because they may have lost 1 million out of their dozens of millions. The more you have, the more you worry, the more anxious you are, the more guns you collect, the more drugs you take, the more unfulfilling your life is. Having nothing is of course terrible, but having a lot is equally bad. So there's an optimum. If one has a little money, enough food to eat, few posessions and lots of friends then one is maximally happy.
By tecsan at 15,May,21 00:36 other posts of tecsan 
Well you just admitted that there are criminals there...Fancy new car and have to worry about it being stolen...Someone tries to steal mine, I will not just watch, they will get capped if they do not comply with me to stop and wait for the police to arrive...
By Ananas2xLekker at 03,Jun,21 18:14 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Are you also calling yourself pro-life?

By tecsan at 14,May,21 08:05 other posts of tecsan 
Do not know where you live leo, but do you trust everyone in the city you are in...I mean with your life, like you have been putting it so far...
By leopoldij at 14,May,21 15:47 other posts of leopoldij 
We leave in peace and there's
no reason not to trust people.
I leave my door unlocked and it's fine.
Not always, but quite a lot.
My neighbours do the same.
There's nothing to steal anyway because
we're not rich. Maybe a thief can take
the radio or the computer. I don't care.
Never happened. We don't need guns here.
That's why I say I'm lucky.
In bigger cities there's police who help.
But, unlike what we read about the US,
police do not kill. I do understand that
weapons are needed in the US because the
society is built on guns and if everyone
else around you is armed, then you feel
the pressure to get armed too. I do understand the rationale
governing your society, but not
many societies in the world are like this.
After all I read, I'm really scared to
go again to the US for any extended
periods of time. Because I'd have to buy
guns. And this would make me kill someone
and killing another human being, even
when fully justified, is, for me,
something that I wouldn't be able
to live with in my life.
I'd probably end up with severe guilt
and depression. Like the kind of things
that happen to soldiers who are
forced, by the nature of their job,
to kill human beings.
By tecsan at 15,May,21 00:31 other posts of tecsan 
I agree with a lot of what you said...However; I am from a very large family and only four of us have guns...I would feel bad and probably scarred for life if had to shoot someone and it was justified...Even in your country is it possible for people to get guns???(Sorry, silly question)...But I do remember years ago where we never locked our house doors or our cars, hell I still have some family members that do neither and one even leaves the keys in the car in case others want to use it...But guns are everywhere, if you take them out of the hands of the law abiding then how do you take them out of the hands of criminals???
By leopoldij at 15,May,21 03:26 other posts of leopoldij 
I don't know anything about guns, I've no ideas if one can own them or not.
I agree with what you say. If there are many criminals around with guns then the whole dynamics changes.
By tecsan at 15,May,21 06:25 other posts of tecsan 
Thanks, that was my point and most people always leave that out of the argument... There will always be criminals with guns, even in your country so why should you not feel compelled to protect yourself...
By leopoldij at 15,May,21 08:19 other posts of leopoldij 
Because of what I explained. Violence isn't an issue here as in the US. The writer crime that can happen is a theft, maybe, even that doesn't happen. And who cares about a theft? We don't have much to lose because we don't own much.
By tecsan at 16,May,21 03:45 other posts of tecsan 
Guess you just explained why a woman was killed for a two dollar winning lottery ticket...

By tecsan at 17,May,21 01:42 other posts of tecsan 
Also does the crime have to occur to you or an immediate family member before you take notice???
By leopoldij at 17,May,21 07:31 other posts of leopoldij 
That's ok man. I understand that you and all Americans need guns. Have them. That's fine. You live in a kind of society where violence is the norm, not the exception.

By tecsan at 18,Jun,21 07:36 other posts of tecsan 
Maybe you are right with your poem or whatever...But if a criminal with a gun comes onto my property, then they will be met with gun...

By phart at 21,Apr,21 23:49 other posts of phart 
As I have said,somewhere in this thread,there are no winners in this situation.
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Please tell me what Starbucks has to do with the verdict? Why should that company,or anyone for that matter ,experiance a financial loss because someone was not happy with a verdict?

By tecsan at 22,Apr,21 06:04 other posts of tecsan 
Why did he not just get in the dam vehicle instead of fighting/resisting...Probably was waiting for the drugs to dissolve in his mouth...
By leopoldij at 22,Apr,21 13:00 other posts of leopoldij 
True. He should have obeyed the orders, no matter how trivial. But to be killed because you disobey a minor order only happens in societies where violence is institutionalized. It would not have happened in, say, the Netherlands because police aren't trained to kill and don't carry weapons. I get it, the US is very different society where guns are everywhere and so is violence, so police are trained to kill. That's what has to change. To little by little get rid of the institutionalized violence and become like a modern western country where you feel more tranquility, you aren't afraid of the mob, the police, the government,... This will result in disarmament. People won't be suspected of being able to shoot and the authorities will be more humane in response. That's what should happen. I understand, however, it can't happen overnight. Meanwhile, police must still be carrying guns and using force. They got to combat the war zone in the US streets. I'm really sorry for the state of affairs there.
By Ananas2xLekker at 23,Apr,21 23:15 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Just a correction; in The Netherlands the police does carry weapons. However, they rarely resort to using them.

Below is an overview of the period 2016 - 2020:

Number of shooting incidents: 34
Number of injured: 33
Number of fatalities: 4

Number of shooting incidents: 23
Number of injured: 20
Number of fatalities: 3

Number of shooting incidents: 27
Number of injured: 26
Number of fatalities: 3

Number of shooting incidents: 16
Number of injured: 12
Number of fatalities: 4

Number of shooting incidents: 22
Number of injured: 18
Number of fatalities: 5

We do have some Extraordinary Investigating Officers that do not carry firearms.
In Norway most policemen keep their firearm sealed in a locker in the patrol car.
In the UK, most policemen don't carry firearms.

The difference is that your police is trained to escalate and our police is trained to DE-escalate.
By leopoldij at 24,Apr,21 00:44 other posts of leopoldij 
Just a correction: I don't live in the US. I'm lucky!
I don't need guns, like Americans do.
How sad can they be for feeling afraid,
every day, so afraid, it's a war there.
Thanks for the statistics.
By Ananas2xLekker at 25,Apr,21 13:05 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Sorry, I forgot you're from the UK.
Actually, I do think the idea of a war zone in the streets of the US is also exaggerated by the media. They show the Black Lives Matter protests as violent mobs, but most are peaceful. The media blames murders to the BLM movement, that have nothing to do with it. The agenda for that is making it possible to beat down those protests harder and not do anything about police violence. In one state they proposed to make it legal to drive into a protest. They also proposed to hold everyone accountable for one person in a protest doing something illegal and detaining everyone until trial, without bail.

Both parties are unwilling to do anything. The Democrats were happy Chauvin got found guilty, mostly because it gets the pressure off to do anything about police violence. I've seen a sickening speech from Nancy Pelosi, where she thanks George Floyd for 'sacrificing his life for justice'. How fucking stupid is that. He was not planning to die that day and his death is just proof that justice is miles away. One asshole cop being convicted doesn't change anything.
By leopoldij at 25,Apr,21 16:18 other posts of leopoldij 
Yes, it's stupid to call Floyd a martyr. He was not planning to be. He was an unlucky guy who died because Chauvin killed him on purpose.
Somehow, the police in the US should be told not to kill whenever they feel like it. But it's a complex problem. In a society where guns are everywhere, how do you deal with that?

By tecsan at 04,May,21 11:36 other posts of tecsan 
Can you post crime statistics...Ex...people killed by violence...
By Ananas2xLekker at 10,May,21 12:33 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Here are some statistics about the number of people who were killed by violence,
in The Netherlands (Mannen = males, Vrouwen = females):

I don't know if you can see the source: only registered users can see external links
By tecsan at 11,May,21 01:27 other posts of tecsan 
Let me be more clear...The USA..
By Ananas2xLekker at 12,May,21 13:02 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
OK, here are your national murder statistics up to 2020:

And here is how the US compares with the rest of the world
(Up to 2017. It probably takes more time to collect all global data):

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By tecsan at 15,May,21 00:40 other posts of tecsan 
The shooting incidents you state, are they by police or between criminal and criminal...If just the police then state statistics for the latter...

By tecsan at 28,Apr,21 05:54 other posts of tecsan 
Another correction, police are not trained to kill, but to incapacitate...
By Ananas2xLekker at 30,Apr,21 13:58 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Floyd was already incapacitated, but Chauvin knelt on his neck for another 9 min.
Was he trained to do that? There are lots of complaints that he did it before...
By tecsan at 01,May,21 04:48 other posts of tecsan 
Think you should do more research an ass...9 mins really...Hope you correct your mistake...If someone is still resisting or non compliant, yes he needs to be restrained...But I somewhat agree with you, when no pulse or breathing was present then all three should have got off of him...So the incident could have been avoided if George would have just got in the vehicle...Claustrophobia is just BS...If that were true how in the hell was he in that dam mercedes ༼☯﹏☯༽
By Ananas2xLekker at 01,May,21 14:53 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
There are no what-if's about it. No cop should kill any person unless there is no other way to prevent that person from killing or seriously harming another person.
Didn't you say "all lives matter"?

Chauvin clearly intended to kill Floyd, while there was no danger to anyone,
so Chauvin is a murderer.
There are circumstances in which a cop should be punished less severe than a civilian for the same offense, but these are not such circumstances.
Chauvin is one of those 'rotten apples' that need to be dealt with. If he hadn't become a cop, he would have probably turned out as some sadistic murderer.
I do think he should not be put in prison between regular criminals, because that is cruel and unusual punishment.
By tecsan at 02,May,21 06:16 other posts of tecsan 
And if the four officers would have let the druggie drive away and he hit and killed a child...What say you...Oh you would be fine with that...I am not trying to defend chauvin, the last 2-3 minutes were damming...
By Ananas2xLekker at 06,May,21 18:34 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
So they have to kill any druggie, because it's possible that they might kill someone? You might kill someone someday, because you're radicalizing
at an alarming rate. Should the cops preventively kill you?

By tecsan at 11,May,21 01:31 other posts of tecsan 
I agree with your first part...But your 5th sentence, there is the trouble I have...
By Ananas2xLekker at 12,May,21 12:32 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
You mean not put him in prison between regular criminals? Just my opinion, but
I don't think he deserves an even worse prison time than any civilian murderer.
If you put him between them, he will likely be killed very quickly. I don't think he deserves a death sentence. I also think 'prison' does not equal 'revenge'.
Prison is punishment, but it should also be rehabilitation. Not rehabilitation as a cop or any other job where he has the power to hurt people, but after he has served his time, let him be productive in a safe way.
By tecsan at 12,May,21 23:59 other posts of tecsan 
You are fooling yourself if you think prison rehabilitates...That is a myth...Convicts in prison are treated as low life scumbags...Humiliated and force to eat crap...Ad/seg is there for a reason though a police officer cannot be put in gen/pop unless you are looking for a death sentence...Kind of like putting a child molester in gen/pop would = the same...The medical care is almost third world...
By Ananas2xLekker at 13,May,21 09:36 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
That's because you have too many people in prison. You have the biggest prison population in the world, 2,193,798 and the biggest imprisonment rate 737/100,000. It would be too expensive to even try to rehabilitate them.
The problem is that recidivism is than very high as well, so the prison population doesn't go down. It's a perpetuating cycle.

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It does strike me how you compare a bad cop with a child molester. Chauvin is bad, but he is also a victim of your system. Less than Floyd, but still worthy of some sympathy. He might be a bit easier to rehabilitate than a child molester.
By tecsan at 14,May,21 06:50 other posts of tecsan 
So your belief is that everyone should be treated the same in prison...Hell, you have a point there, by your rule many would be killed...Remember AD SEG and what it means...

By tecsan at 09,May,21 06:16 other posts of tecsan 
The greatest and most powerful...Glad I live here...
By Ananas2xLekker at 12,May,21 13:12 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Most powerful? Sure, absolutely, no doubt about that.
The greatest? Depends on your personal preferences. I can see how the US checks all your boxes. I hope you can understand how a lefty like me would be miserable living in the US, even though I think I would do pretty well economically.
I'm already getting quite depressed from living in The Netherlands, which is
socialist compared to the US. I sometimes dream about moving to Denmark.

By leopoldij at 18,Jun,21 10:40 other posts of leopoldij 
Yes, he had drugs. He was under influence. So what? A policeman doesn't have the right to kill.
By tecsan at 19,Jun,21 05:38 other posts of tecsan 
Phart has the best point here...Obey the law...
By leopoldij at 19,Jun,21 12:07 other posts of leopoldij 
The law has to make space for mistakes.
You don't get killed.
In civilised countries, that is.

By phart at 23,Apr,21 18:54 other posts of phart 
Bare in mind had the thug used a good bill,and left without inncident,he would still be doping and smokin today.But no,he had to act a fool,and then the snow ball started rolling down hill,end result,his death.Not aggreeing he should have died,he should have been left in the backseat cuffed until ems got there.but we can't fix that,Chauvin could have been held accountable with a involuntary manslaughter charge perhaps would have been equitable.
By leopoldij at 23,Apr,21 21:29 other posts of leopoldij 
These things don't happen in civilised countries mate. It's only because you live in a country full of internal wars that you see these things. Everyone is armed because everyone is afraid. If the US becomes like a modern democratic country, then these killings and violence won't exist. Russia, US, China, full of violence.

Anyway, it's not my problem. But I just feel sorry for you and all Americans who have to live under these conditions.
By phart at 23,Apr,21 23:01 other posts of phart 
If there wasn't hope of some time,some way of getting certian people to understand how things could work, we do have the option of leaving.But The US has alot of potential.Just need to get the crazys off the streets.
By Ananas2xLekker at 23,Apr,21 23:22 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
The crazies are not your problem, it's your culture of everyone for themselves.
Your empire is crumbling and it's all your own damn fault.
You will never get anywhere, if you don't start working together.
By leopoldij at 24,Apr,21 00:41 other posts of leopoldij 
That's what I meant to say too, the US is falling apart unfortunately. All empires do.

By leopoldij at 24,Apr,21 00:38 other posts of leopoldij 
It's a constant war in the streets of US. that's not right.

By tecsan at 11,May,21 06:11 other posts of tecsan 
Now that I agree with mostly...But if he would have just got in the car then all would have been avoided...Also his behavior before hand has a lot to be desired...Druggie and a theif...

By tecsan at 17,May,21 03:58 other posts of tecsan 
Now that is what I was getting at, an involuntary manslaughter charge...I do not think intent was there...He was concerned with his safety as well as the publics...Others that think different should put themselves in his place...I only say I would not have done it because my training far exceeds his...

By tecsan at 28,Apr,21 07:13 other posts of tecsan 
Do they though...Try to just comply and avoid confrontation...Wow that is easy right...Maybe for libs not so much...

By tecsan at 21,Apr,21 06:30 other posts of tecsan 
He was guilty by a pressured jury...Hell, they all knew what it meant to hold out for 'non guilty'...Their names will be mentioned in the coming days...Which one of them wanted to risk their house being burned or pig blood smeared on their house...
By #610414 at 21,Apr,21 11:34
By phart at 21,Apr,21 18:28 other posts of phart 
I politely ask for some evidence to support that.Not saying you are wrong,not saying I am right,but I would like to hear your reasoning.
The jury was exsposed to Aunt Maxine and her threats of confrontation and inciting violence in round about ways.
They were confronted with the law enforcement gathering in preparations for the verdict. Their id's are vulnerable and could be leaked for violence against them and their homes,familys,bussiness's,hell their city in general.

Had the thug been left in the back seat for ems to deal with,none of this would be going on.So chavin did fuck up to a point but Murder? Hell no.

As for the jurys safety,hell,I wouldn't doubt that their names are on a hot list already to be ticketed and generaly annoyed by law enforcement member that feel like they and their coworkers were stabbed in the back.
Can you imagine trying to enforce a law now in that state?
Difficult at best.
By #610414 at 21,Apr,21 22:54
Phart, there exist video that shows the cop kneeling on the victim for 9 min and 20 seconds. Anyone with a clear mind would end with the same verdic. Everyone from the president down thought he was guilty. What he could have done has nothing to do with what happened. If,after all that, the jury had reached a not guilty vote, they would be home not in any danger, but, it would have been a travesty of justice. They were not coerced to vote guilty. Their own eyes told them so.
I have some questions. Why are you and some other members so rabid to make the cop be right and Floyd wrong? What bothers your sensibilities so much? Would you feel the same if a white guy had died?
The enforcement of the law is not predicated on the general public making it easy. If you are a good person you don’t need a cop to tell you how it’s done. And if you break the law, a cop or cops will stop you.
By phart at 21,Apr,21 23:18 other posts of phart 
If you will read,I have not said Chauvin was totally innocent.He made a bad call taking the thug out of the backseat in the first place.He was no longer a threat.
As for the Kneeling,there was evidence shown in the trial that indicated that may or may not have contributed. The "Beyond the shadow of a doubt" thing comes to mind when presented with the evidence of OD and heart issues.
That is why I have said that a lesser charge would have had more merits that murder.

To make the cop the bad guy totally in every friggen case that gets tossed to the court of public opionion,such as this forum, prompts people to have even less respect for the cops just simply doing their jobs.There was crooked and bad cops long before you and I were born and there will be plenty after we are gone.
But to continue at the current rate,is going to prompt a shortage of law enforcement officers,it will prompt and has already prompted alot of them to seek other employment.
This is a travisty considering that crime rates can and will go up as the number of people enforceing laws go down. All the more reason to hang on to my protection tools.NO 1 at the other end of the 9-11 to come help me. OR perhaps the councilors they send out can coach me on how to take shallow short breaths to speed up my dieing on the ground after being beaten to death by thugs.
By tecsan at 09,May,21 06:21 other posts of tecsan 
You steal all my arguments, but that is ok...You put it great...

By tecsan at 22,Apr,21 03:14 other posts of tecsan 
There also exists video of Floyd resisting, not willing to comply with commands and not willing to just sit in the dam vehicle...Why resist...I do say Floyd and Chauvin were both wrong...But one lost his life...Was the officer to blame or were there mitigating factors ie. CAD, cardiomegaly, drugs...Blackwell stated that Floyd's therapeutic level of methamphetamine was below normal...Anyone here ever here of a therapeutic level of methamphetamine???Not to mention fentanyl which in this case was also illegal...We all know he was trying to swallow the pills and spit them out in patrol vehicle...How many had he taken before the incident???
By #610414 at 24,Apr,21 16:30
Tecsan you are just one in a long list of people that believe that just because a lawbreaker dies by the hand of a cop we should just look at all the reasons why the cop should go free.CAD, drugs, bad timing,fentanyl, all should be reasons to KILL the person they are arresting. After all, blacks and other minorities are guilty until proven innocent and as such, they are fair game to kill or maim without expecting more than a few days behind a desk.Way to go Tecsan. Now we know
By tecsan at 25,Apr,21 05:12 other posts of tecsan 
And people like you believe that Floyd is innocent as hell...Dam druggie...Non conpliant ass he was...Who the hell acts like that in a food store...Who the hell spits out meth laced with fentanyl in a police vehicle...Who refuses to get in a police vehicle after being advise he/she is under arrest...Stop and answer them questions...
By #610414 at 25,Apr,21 11:10
I don’t have to. None even comes close to merit their murder. Floyd may or may not have been innocent, but the cop WAS GUILTY. Get over it
By tecsan at 26,Apr,21 03:30 other posts of tecsan 
So was floyd...If he would have just simply complied then maybe he would still be here...༼☯﹏☯༽
By #610414 at 26,Apr,21 13:34
But he didn’t and he was murdered. You can talk until you are blue in the face. HE WAS MURDERED.
By phart at 26,Apr,21 14:22 other posts of phart 
And yet ,the judge saw fit to seal the jurist id's for 6 months. I hoped it could be longer for their safety.
There is major issues with this whole event.and calling it murder does not solve anything.
By #610414 at 26,Apr,21 15:38
Non-the-less the jury of his peers said he is a murderer. Move on
By phart at 27,Apr,21 00:50 other posts of phart 
They said he was a murderer under pressure.

By tecsan at 28,Apr,21 05:45 other posts of tecsan 
None the less his peers were under duress...
By #610414 at 28,Apr,21 11:01
I think they were under pressure to bring justice to the proceedings. You can say what you want. The cop was guilty of murder and that’s how they voted.
By tecsan at 29,Apr,21 05:26 other posts of tecsan 
Maybe or maybe not...But you just admitted the jury was under pressure to bring justice to the proceedings...Whose form of justice are you speaking of, yours, mine or half a million other people...

By tecsan at 22,Apr,21 01:45 other posts of tecsan 
Appeal will be based mainly on Maxine...But, fear of reprisal from rioters should be focused on too...What would the town look like today if Chauvin was found not guilty???

By tecsan at 22,Apr,21 06:06 other posts of tecsan 
Biased justice yes...If that suits you then guess so...
By #610414 at 29,Apr,21 11:14
It does
By tecsan at 08,May,21 06:53 other posts of tecsan 
Got you...You are biased...Against who I wonder...
By #610414 at 08,May,21 21:51
Tecsan if I don’t agree with you I’m biased? If that’s true then you are biased too. The majority of the electorate of this country thinks Biden is better than Trump. Biased? The majority of the Democrats think Republicans lost their balls and are biased. Democratic bias?

By tecsan at 08,May,21 06:51 other posts of tecsan 
That verdict will be the most ridiculous in history...And maybe the judge will be evicted...
By #610414 at 08,May,21 21:53
Right behind the impeachment trial verdict of that Clown, Trump
--------------------------------------- added after 17 minutes

Who Is Judge Peter Cahill? He presided in the George Floyd trial. He was appointed by a Republican governor and re-elected twice in 2014 and2020

Cahill, 64, a Hennepin County Judge, was appointed by former Republican Gov. Tim Pawlenty to the bench in 2007. Voters then elected him again in 2014 and 2020, and his current term expires in January 2027.
Get him out and appoint a Democrat
By tecsan at 10,May,21 05:40 other posts of tecsan 
Cahill is sweating in his black robe...Like I have been stating the jury was swayed by media...As for a Rep judge, I do not think it matters...Cahill was wrong by not sequestering the jury from the get go...Probably will bite him in the ass...
By #610414 at 10,May,21 13:59
What ever you and others come up with, the cop was found GUILTY. Can't change that

By tecsan at 10,May,21 05:40 other posts of tecsan 

By tecsan at 03,Jun,21 06:47 other posts of tecsan 
Justice hell...Can you say railroaded???
By #610414 at 03,Jun,21 13:34
Yes. I can also say, "justice is served." GUILTY, GUILTY, GUILTY.

By tecsan at 18,Jun,21 06:16 other posts of tecsan 
Dead topic...MN railroaded Chauvin and all know it...

By tecsan at 05,Jun,21 06:21 other posts of tecsan 
Why did the defense never bring up the fact that 'Floyd's' drug levels would be lower hours after...Everyone in the world knows he was on drugs...Look at the video in the store...What normal person acts like that...

By phart at 03,Jun,21 18:38 other posts of phart 
clean up and move on.!
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By tecsan at 22,May,21 04:28 other posts of tecsan 
Bet the media plays out on this BS...Probably most will not report the mistrial...All the mainstream care about was 3 guilty verdicts...All came in their pants with that decision...Stupid and fucked up...GUILTY on all charges, that was a freddy mickey mouse court and judge...
By leopoldij at 22,May,21 20:45 other posts of leopoldij 
Is freddy still a supreme judge? Has he found all the rats he's looking for?
By tecsan at 23,May,21 01:15 other posts of tecsan 
Freddy is an idiot and a want to be...He has no idea of the law...
By leopoldij at 23,May,21 03:51 other posts of leopoldij 
No kidding! I thought he had a p.h.d. in law.
By tecsan at 03,Jun,21 04:08 other posts of tecsan 
He/she wishes...Just a moron here...

By tecsan at 02,Jun,21 07:46 other posts of tecsan 
Guess most of the country went with MN...Biased jury from hell...Defense was an idiot...

By tecsan at 16,May,21 04:08 other posts of tecsan 
This trial was just an abhorrent attempt for political gain...Sad to say...

By phart at 14,May,21 01:19 other posts of phart 
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So perhaps they don't know who the jurors are yet but gee,let's try to intimidate the witness's.

By phart at 04,May,21 21:58 other posts of phart 
AND NOW LADIES AND GENTLEMEN,the truth starts to leak out around the seems of this bloated septic tank.
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Juror LIED about protesting Floyds death.
LIED! Can you say, MISSTRIAL?
By sherryann at 04,May,21 23:52 other posts of sherryann 
By phart at 05,May,21 01:12 other posts of phart 
TADA! Here ye go liberals, here is what happens when you try to shit the system. You wanted the cop convicted of more than what he was guilty of,so it happened because of a scared jury.

Now the real problem is, when the miss trial is declared, the libtards won't accept the fact that also a juror lied, and ruined it, they will just be pissed off the cop got another trial and will be burning and looting again in the streets.
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now your little house of cards is about to blow over.
By #632705 at 05,May,21 01:33
I want him to be let out then a black lives matter person will take him out the right way with a bullet right between the eyes.
By phart at 05,May,21 01:40 other posts of phart 
Um, so you want yet another person to be on trial for murder? Another BLACK MAN in jail? 1 of The very things blm'rs are complaining about?
By #632705 at 05,May,21 02:23
Okay maybe not shot. Let’s go this way instead! The passage in Leviticus states, "And a man who injures his countryman – as he has done, so it shall be done to him [namely,] fracture under/for fracture, eye under/for eye, tooth under/for tooth. Just as another person has received injury from him, so it will be given to him." (Lev. 24:19–21).

By tecsan at 06,May,21 04:04 other posts of tecsan 
This sounds ridiculous...How can a human being even want that to happen to another...Are you really serious with that comment dabber...
By #632705 at 06,May,21 06:29
It did not treat George Floyd as a human so it deserves the same fate!

Leviticus 24:19-21 NLT
“Anyone who injures another person must be dealt with according to the injury inflicted—a fracture for a fracture, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Whatever anyone does to injure another person must be paid back in kind. “Whoever kills an animal must pay for it in full, but whoever kills another person must be put to death.
By tecsan at 06,May,21 07:03 other posts of tecsan 
That was ludicrous...No normal person believes that crap...Stop with the biblical crap...༼☯﹏☯༽
By #632705 at 06,May,21 10:47
The jury found it guilty of being a redneck
Whitebread, chicken shit motherfucker! That is good enough for me to see it swinging from the end of a rope. Police are just a bunch of punk motherfuckers with badges, guns, and free reign to do their will. Time to take this country back from the Gestapo.
By tecsan at 08,May,21 06:56 other posts of tecsan 
I do hope like hell that you get your way in your dream city with no police...Hell, let us see how that works out...༼☯﹏☯༽

By tecsan at 08,May,21 06:54 other posts of tecsan 
So you condone in murder...How ignorant dabber...

By tecsan at 05,May,21 05:26 other posts of tecsan 
I have said mis-trial since the reading of the verdicts...You are so right with Chauvin not having a fair trial...The judge should be on trial for misconduct also...༼☯﹏☯༽
By #610414 at 06,May,21 10:53
You guys are all full of crap
By phart at 06,May,21 13:07 other posts of phart 
And you are typing that as if you are a quart low?
By #610414 at 06,May,21 20:05
just an opinion, baby. Don't have a hissy-fit

By #632705 at 06,May,21 22:18
I’ll fully admit I’m crazier than a pet coon!
By #610414 at 07,May,21 11:46
In that case don’t go near highways.

By #610414 at 07,May,21 12:07
I am so tired to hear the new ways people want a replay.
We lost the election? Throw it out. Let’s run a new election.
We don’t like a verdict? Let’s throw it out and do a new trial.
We lost the game? Let’s replay the game.
We don’t like our lives? Let’s put down those people that are different.

GO AHEAD. ASSURE ME THIS IS THE AMERICAN WAY. In all my adult years I’ve never had a bigger need to throw up in disgust. In another thread a friend suggested this country is on a downward slope. Initially I disagreed. Now, reading the posts here and extrapolating it to the national views....................I have to agree. Pardon me, I have to throw up.
By phart at 07,May,21 13:34 other posts of phart 
This is fast becomeing a visable case of tainted jury Which with all the publicity this case had before trial,and the millions paid in damages before hand, it was easy to understand the pressure the jury was under.Now with clear and undeniable evidence that at least 1 juror lied,,it is even worse.
IF nothing is being hidden,and everything is being done above board ,the opposing side should welcome a chance to vindicate themselves .
By #610414 at 07,May,21 20:26
Even if the jurors had a gun to their head, and they did not, they reached a verdict. If it doesn’t suit you or anyone else, than try to get an appeal going in a lawful way. Not as a bunch of gossip. And in anyway, the verdict stands.
By tecsan at 08,May,21 06:50 other posts of tecsan 
If someone had a gun to a kids head...Then what...Was about the same crap...
By #610414 at 08,May,21 12:14
What if a meteor was on its way to hit earth? Deal with reality. The reality is the verdict was guilty. People these days think that if they don’t like results they should be able to redo it. Elections, trials, games. Trump should have been found guilty in his impeachment trial. The Republicans in the Senate shot that down. Reality. Trump lost the election. Reality. The cop found guilty. Reality.

By tecsan at 02,May,21 07:36 other posts of tecsan 
Chauvin found guilty on three charges, yes...By a pressured jury, I think...Tell me not one of the 12 found an inkling of a doubt...The ones that think he is guilty could have found some doubt...Coerced jury...

By Sir-Skittles at 19,Apr,21 23:10 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Libtard and known scummy cunt Mad Maxine Waters just sank this trial with her call for confrontation and violence. The judge lit her old ass up... and on appeal, Chauvin walks. This bitch is also one of the most corrupt members of congress...


Another unhinged lefty that needs clearly needs a lobotomy.
By phart at 20,Apr,21 02:03 other posts of phart 
Oops,I didn't know you had mentioned this,I stuck a news link to another post.--------------------------------------- added after 85 secondsLobotomys leave people in a bad state,perhaps unrepairable.Nothing I would wish on anyone,even those I can't stand.
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By Ananas2xLekker at 23,Apr,21 09:13 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
You were wrong again, Chauvin was found guilty on all charges.

I know you already had your lobotomy, but I'm not getting one so I can agree with your stupid ideas.
By phart at 23,Apr,21 18:50 other posts of phart 
You were born with issues,no intervention nessasary!,It's ok, I won't laugh or make fun of you,I will just ask that you Read the post I put in Bellas thread about liberal whites, I might try to locate it and repost it for you.
Chauvin was found guilty by a frightened and nervous jury that did what they could to save themselves and their familys and their city.
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By tecsan at 24,Apr,21 03:58 other posts of tecsan 
Chauvin was found guilty of all charges by a scared jury that not one of them would vote the other way...Commonsense can tell us all that...༼☯﹏☯༽

By tecsan at 24,Apr,21 05:48 other posts of tecsan 
Agree again...The last line needs some cleaning though...༼☯﹏☯༽

By tecsan at 01,May,21 05:13 other posts of tecsan 
I agree with every word you called the bitch Maxine...Yes he has an automatic appeal...Cahill fucked up by not sequestering the jury from the start...

By tecsan at 29,Apr,21 08:37 other posts of tecsan 
Chauvin gets a new trial, hopefully out of the eyes of libturds...Do not get me wrong, I think he is guilty of manslaughter, but not murder...

By tecsan at 26,Apr,21 06:30 other posts of tecsan 
Changed my mind about being a fly on the wall...That deliberation was as mickey mouse as freddy's court crap...

By tecsan at 26,Apr,21 06:23 other posts of tecsan 
When the libs want to start spouting off...Why can they not also include the whites, spanish etc in their argument...You know when many blacks were killed by police, let us include all that were killed by police...Oh now we go back to, well I do not need to say it...It does does not fit their political agenda...Floyd was wrong and so was Chauvin...

By tecsan at 22,Apr,21 07:04 other posts of tecsan 
Appeal...Relevant yes or no???

By tecsan at 22,Apr,21 06:07 other posts of tecsan 
The jury felt threatened no doubt...cahill should have recognized it...Chauvin was rail roaded...cahill and jury scared of the consequences of a non guilty verdict...

By tecsan at 21,Apr,21 06:11 other posts of tecsan 
Did Chauvin have the kind of money the state did to hire several attorneys and several expert witnesses???Think, if you lived in the city there, would you want it to be known that you were the one juror hold out for 'Not Guilty'...You're house would be burned as well as family members put in danger...Fair trial, I think not...
By phart at 21,Apr,21 18:29 other posts of phart 
fair trail, HA! on on tv's Matlock maby. Fair trial with democrats in charge is a pipe dream.

By tecsan at 21,Apr,21 06:06 other posts of tecsan 
Disappointment...Less than a day to convict, what a railroad job by the prosecution...

By #636792 at 20,Apr,21 15:47
Maxine waters fucked the whole thing up. As did the mayor of Minneapolis. They need to go the fuck away. Let this be the end of their political careers.
By tecsan at 21,Apr,21 04:15 other posts of tecsan 
I agree...Be an excellent reason for an appeal...

By tecsan at 17,Apr,21 06:41 other posts of tecsan 
Prosecution rests and now the defense...The defense screwed up though, they let the prosecution witness get the last word...Probably a mistake...
By sherryann at 18,Apr,21 17:49 other posts of sherryann 
Tecsan, you've said the defense screwed up more than once. Care to say why in detail? I think Mr. Nelson is doing a great job. He is working alone. The prosecution team has several members.
By tecsan at 20,Apr,21 06:37 other posts of tecsan 

By Ananas2xLekker at 14,Apr,21 08:56 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
George Floyd obviously had medical issues. He had heart disease, hypertension and sickle cell trait. In addition to fentanyl and methamphetamine, the toxicology report from the autopsy showed that Floyd also had cannabinoids in his system when he died.
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That doesn't mean George Floyd would have died that day, if Derek Chauvin hadn't crushed his neck for 8 minutes 46 seconds. Most people would have died from that.

There was no reason for Derek Chauvin to do what he did, so he is a killer. I do think he intended for George Floyd to die, so that would be second-degree murder. It might even be first-degree murder, because Chauvin and Floyd knew each other. However, both are hard to prove, so his conviction might end up at third-degree murder.

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There are a few things to consider for his sentence:
- The police are doing a very difficult job
- Training of police is lacking a lot
- Because the police have a monopoly on violence, they also have a high responsibility to protect human life, even if their own life is in danger (this was obviously not the case here)
By dgraff at 14,Apr,21 09:21 other posts of dgraff 
Oh bull shit chauvin was a man that did his job well and im sure him and Floyd new each other well being Floyd was a habitual career criminal I think the officers should be decorated with medals 🎖 for taking the garbage off the city streets
By Ananas2xLekker at 14,Apr,21 13:00 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
So you want cops to be murderers?

Where did you find that Floyd was a 'habitual career criminal'?
Or is that just your assumption?

Or are you just happy that the cops killed another black guy?
By phart at 14,Apr,21 13:05 other posts of phart 
take a moment to look at his prior records,he had been in prison twice,held a gun to a pregnant womans head while his cohorts robbed her house and some other stuff.He was a no good sumbitch for sure.
As for the knee on the neck thing, I don't understand why once the ahole was cuffed and in the explorer to be carryed off to jail,why he was taken back out. Shut the door and let the paramedics take him back out or take him on to jail and get some help handling him.
I feel like the ahole knew something on the cop and the cop may have saw a chance to shut him up. The cop is a known tax evader so the fake 20 thing could have been related to something that both men were involved in with their previous job as bouncers at a bar that could have been laundering fake or stolen money.
As for murder,hard to prove.The heart issues would cause oxygen deprivation, so hard to prove the necking did kill him.
By dgraff at 14,Apr,21 15:14 other posts of dgraff 
Yes thank you phart these damn liberals they want to take away guns then want to bitch when the cops do their jobs pick one fuckers you can’t have it both ways
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

And why do you care any way anal licker your way over in Europe keep your mind and your mouth on your own country
By Ananas2xLekker at 14,Apr,21 18:06 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Nope, you Americans need to be criticized, because your ignorant world view asks for it. So, you're not getting your safe space, little snowflake.
By dgraff at 15,Apr,21 02:07 other posts of dgraff 
Is that you Huxley you look different but your breath smells the same like lixsipsucket ass
By Ananas2xLekker at 15,Apr,21 12:18 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Hahahahaha! No, I'm not Huxley, but I'm continuing his legacy of annoying the shit out of right wingers.

It's nice to see you miss him. I miss him too
By tecsan at 16,Apr,21 04:48 other posts of tecsan 
Left wingers are the jackasses...༼☯﹏☯༽

By Sir-Skittles at 19,Apr,21 23:17 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
I knocked that weak cunt Huxley out of commission with a single PM... Nothing but a bully and blowhole. Fuck off
By dgraff at 19,Apr,21 23:41 other posts of dgraff 

By andrew999999999 at 18,Apr,21 15:50 other posts of andrew999999999 
dgraff You can have it both ways, most countries in the world do.
By dgraff at 18,Apr,21 22:18 other posts of dgraff 
Yeah but you guys like having your country do all the thinking for you that won’t ever happen in America we are strong minded and rebellious as hell
By andrew999999999 at 18,Apr,21 22:37 other posts of andrew999999999 
Of course it happens there. The US media tells you, its citizens, what to think, who to hate, which wars to support, and which governments to overthrow. That's why most US citizens have a negative view of the Chinese now, compared to a few years ago when it was the exact opposite, and why the opinion of Russia is lower now than at the height of the cold war.
We can be pretty rebellious here too, you might have heard of Brexit.
By dgraff at 18,Apr,21 22:56 other posts of dgraff 
The us media don’t tell me any thing if I don’t turn it on
By andrew999999999 at 19,Apr,21 15:06 other posts of andrew999999999 
Good point.

By Ananas2xLekker at 14,Apr,21 15:16 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Strange, on one side you are giving a motive for premeditated murder by Chauvin
('a chance to shut him up') and on the other side you think murder would be hard to prove.

Maybe his heart issue accelerated the death of Floyd, but don't you think Chauvin would just have waited a little longer for Floyd to die, if Floyd did have perfect health?

If you hit a person with your car and they die, but the person would have survived if they didn't use anticoagulants, you would still be found guilty. Killing a grandmother with a hammer is not less of a crime, because a big strong man would have survived the attack. Or are you saying that only the lives of perfectly healthy people matter?

Maybe we shouldn't grieve that hard for Floyd, if he actually was a criminal, but you need to get rid of cops like Chauvin, who play judge, jury and executioner or are themselves criminals and have a motive to kill someone to hide their own crimes.
By phart at 15,Apr,21 01:49 other posts of phart 
It will be hard to prove beyond reasonable doubt that he was murdered.
I think the cop will get aquited,and then all hell will break loose.
Can't let a good crisis go waste.
By Ananas2xLekker at 15,Apr,21 12:25 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
You might be correct about that. It wouldn't be fair, but past events give a good indication that your prediction is probable.

By tecsan at 16,Apr,21 06:03 other posts of tecsan 
Good job dgraff...I agree before you ruffle the feathers...

By tecsan at 15,Apr,21 05:08 other posts of tecsan 
You raise some good points...But, if I were on the jury now it would be not guilty...However; going back before the trial I would have said guilty as hades...But, now the medical aspect has come into play...Yes Floyd had some health issues...Was he aware of them...Yes...Were officers aware of them No...Let us say you had his same health issues would you do drugs (generally speaking) or would you argue and dis-obey a police officer...Just comply and argue your point in court would be the right thing to do...Do you not agree...
By thebeewolf at 18,Apr,21 16:05 other posts of thebeewolf 
Anyone would have died on that street if they were kneeled on in this way. Anyone. Regardless of medical conditions. Anyone who disagrees should step up and volunteer to show us how it's done.

By #610414 at 18,Apr,21 17:10
The cop is a murderer. I don’t think he intended to kill but, like Dgraff, he wanted to hurt Mr Floyd. So many say, “Well, he was a habitual offender” There’s a reason why you can’t bring past crimes into a jury case.
By dgraff at 18,Apr,21 21:46 other posts of dgraff 
What makes you think i would want to harm Floyd he had the biggest dick sucking lips I ever seen

By phart at 20,Apr,21 02:03 other posts of phart 
Well, things may have been screwed up for a guilty verdict by none other than Auntie Maxine!
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By thebeewolf at 18,Apr,21 15:44 other posts of thebeewolf 
Dude stone cold murdered him. Anyone who can watch that whole video and think "I need more information" is a dummy. It doesn't matter one bit what kind of person Floyd was. Not at all. It doesn't matter what he said or did before being cuffed. Not one little bit. Chauvin fucking murdered him. The end.

By phart at 16,Apr,21 15:40 other posts of phart 
You know,I don't think there will be a winner in this situation.But plenty of loosers.
Life lost,life wasted,tax payer money wasted,cops career wasted,Town still burning so to speak with flames and violence.
By tecsan at 17,Apr,21 04:45 other posts of tecsan 
Sorry come across this after I asked the other question...You are right...Burning, looting and violence if it does not go the way some want...

By tecsan at 16,Apr,21 07:20 other posts of tecsan 
The defense and prosecution rested today...About another week probably for deliberation...

By tecsan at 15,Apr,21 05:53 other posts of tecsan 
The defense has put doubt in my mind...I have many more questions the defense has not explored yet, will he (Nelson)...???

By tecsan at 14,Apr,21 02:42 other posts of tecsan 
Defense kind of screwed themselves today...

By tecsan at 13,Apr,21 01:53 other posts of tecsan 
Maybe in two weeks or so we will get the verdict...I think it is going to be bad for the defense...How will that affect law enforcement in this country...All will be afraid of consequences if they have to arrest a black person...

By #613564 at 06,Apr,21 04:02
Having served on a Jury, and been given the Legal Definitions, and the POINTS, to agree, to give a Guilty verdict, I think that he will be acquitted, and then a week of riots and shooting, and more people killed.
Too many things with Floyd's drug use, and there is a 'Reasonable Doubt' with many points of the charges against him.
Yeah, I think he was an asshole, and was just abusing a black man, but I don't think that they will prove that what Chauvin did, killed him.
By tecsan at 06,Apr,21 07:00 other posts of tecsan 
That was a great comment and is what I have been thinking sort of for a while...

By tecsan at 11,Apr,21 04:34 other posts of tecsan 
I agree...But the defense still has a long harsh road to travel and Nelson is not that great...

By tecsan at 12,Apr,21 04:49 other posts of tecsan 
I dont know, but is not looking good for Chauvin right now...

By tecsan at 11,Apr,21 04:30 other posts of tecsan 
Think the prosecution is winning so far, but there were many missed opportunities for the defense...Nelson is failing...

By Sir-Skittles at 05,Apr,21 18:01 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Another low-energy, low-participation forum started by Tecsan. No one cared what Monted said either
By tecsan at 09,Apr,21 04:42 other posts of tecsan 
Care to explain Monted...Seems a few of you are obsessed with it...You talking about fredrica or yourself???༼☯﹏☯༽

By tecsan at 09,Apr,21 04:43 other posts of tecsan 
BTW, stop being jealous since my posts get more comments than your...༼☯﹏☯༽

By #637742 at 08,Apr,21 04:45
He murdered a man, and we all got to witness it. Floyd could’ve had drugs in his system, the knee on his neck for 9:29 minutes killed him.
By tecsan at 08,Apr,21 06:37 other posts of tecsan 
You are a 929 person...Would he had lived in a jail cell if he would have just got in the dam vehicle like he was asked to do several times...Probably would have been found dead in a cell from an overdose...

By tecsan at 05,Apr,21 07:24 other posts of tecsan 
Racist shits has weighed in...Now safe for others...

By Sir-Skittles at 30,Mar,21 12:03 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
You are already a cockroach lurking in the night. Running for shelter when the sun rises!
By tecsan at 31,Mar,21 05:56 other posts of tecsan 
You should already know my position on this...You are an idiot and a liar...

By tecsan at 02,Apr,21 07:45 other posts of tecsan 
The stupid ignorant reply again...

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