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Started by tecsan at 30,Mar,21 04:11  other posts of tecsan
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Is begging for your life combative?
Yes, white people get killed by police too. People are not protesting police violence
for the fun of it, they want changes. They demand rules for some checks and balances on the police, which would also protect white lives.
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Ananas, ZeroHedge
Does this white mans life not count? To me he matters!
If you think backtalk is enough to kill someone over, you are calling for fascism.
Even if it was true that "Portland police rush to tell BLM the person they shot & killed was white so no need to protest." (which I don't believe), then who is wrong there? The Portland police.
If you don't want white people being killed by the cops either, join the protests.
Maybe the government would actually do something about police violence,
if it wasn't only black people protesting.
If your country doesn't solve your police violence problem, the protests will continue and become harder. If you think you can suppress the protests, you are wrong.
If you want an actual civil war, keep supporting cops murdering black people.
How should I know if that white guy who was killed was not actually threatening
the lives of the police or innocent bystanders? Should I just take your word for it?
I'm sure it happens, but I'm also 100% sure black people get killed for less
than white people and more often.
Still, It's the best way I have ever seen to get rid of an annoying liberal.
had they got involved, then yes,perhaps guilty of something.but they stood by and let chauvin do his thing on his own,shit in his own bed or whatever you may call it.
in numbers.
About 2x as many white people are killed vs black. However black people are 13% of your population, so black people are 3.8x more likely to get killed by police.
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In relation to crime; in total 2.6x more white people get arrested than black people.
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So, it's true that more black people are getting killed by police, because black people commit 2.9x more crimes per capita.
However 3.8x more black people get killed per capita vs 2.9x more black people commit crimes per capita.
Do you think that people should just trust that the police doesn't kill anyone
without cause?
Or do you think some protest is warranted, as long as they were 100% peaceful
and they didn't call themselves 'Black Lives Matter', but something more neutral,
like 'Stop Police Violence'?
At one point it will be someone you care about. You can prevent it by demanding basic humanity from your cops. Getting rid of the police is bullshit (that's not what defund the police means, that's a strawman), you actually set standards on police
and enforce them, just like the police does to you.
You are the employer of the police, you pay their salary. Would you accept violent, abusive behavior from your employees, if it was your business?
Fox4: Video shows officers laughing, fist-bump after arresting woman with dementia:
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Fox didn't show the actual conversation. CBS did:
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From outside, it looks like there's
a constant mini war going on in the US,
one whose intensity is growing year after year.
I'm not a sociologist or historian but
when a country reaches the level that
most people are so scared that they have
to equip themselves with dozens of guns,
pistols, machine guns, bazookas, ... I don't
know what, then you know that that country
is in decline: its inhabitants do not trust
one another and feel they need to have mini-armies.
And the police force is encouraging violence.
And people believe that this is normal.
Why don't they read some history or look
around to see that this is evidence of
decline? Even if they have 10 or 100 times
the number of guns they have, it's futile.
I don't know what to say. It's so sad.
I feel sorry for all the people there
that feel constantly threatened.
Ideally, police shouldn't have guns either.
Someone tries to steal candy from a shop,
or pay with fake notes, or commits a minor
crime.... you don't send a policeman with a
gun there. Unless everyone is loaded with
bullets and guns then, I get it, guns
bring guns, violence begets violence,
it's a never ending vicious circle.
I'm so happy I live in a place where I'm afraid
of nothing. We can live the doors unlocked,
nobody has guns, we just have to deal with
pretty thefts occasionally.
Like I said in another thread,don't like cops,fine,just don't dial 911.
They have a important job.without them,it would be stone age behavoir.
--------------------------------------- added after 8 minutes
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The few times I have used it I found it to be very frustrating.
The operator ask 5400 questions so fast you can't answer the first 1 and if you are in the middle of a emergency,say someone dieing, you find yourself trying to help the dieing ,and wanting to cuss the dumb bastard out over the phone asking you your name,your date of birth and so on while you simply asking for EMS to come quick to 3421 East first street quick to save a persons life.
Let me reverse the question and you'll understand. Do you know the emergency phone number in Macao?
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We like to live peacefully and not own much, not eat much, not have big houses. Possessions, we know, make you a slave, just like drugs do. In fact, one of the reasons that people take drugs is because they may have lost 1 million out of their dozens of millions. The more you have, the more you worry, the more anxious you are, the more guns you collect, the more drugs you take, the more unfulfilling your life is. Having nothing is of course terrible, but having a lot is equally bad. So there's an optimum. If one has a little money, enough food to eat, few posessions and lots of friends then one is maximally happy.
no reason not to trust people.
I leave my door unlocked and it's fine.
Not always, but quite a lot.
My neighbours do the same.
There's nothing to steal anyway because
we're not rich. Maybe a thief can take
the radio or the computer. I don't care.
Never happened. We don't need guns here.
That's why I say I'm lucky.
In bigger cities there's police who help.
But, unlike what we read about the US,
police do not kill. I do understand that
weapons are needed in the US because the
society is built on guns and if everyone
else around you is armed, then you feel
the pressure to get armed too. I do understand the rationale
governing your society, but not
many societies in the world are like this.
After all I read, I'm really scared to
go again to the US for any extended
periods of time. Because I'd have to buy
guns. And this would make me kill someone
and killing another human being, even
when fully justified, is, for me,
something that I wouldn't be able
to live with in my life.
I'd probably end up with severe guilt
and depression. Like the kind of things
that happen to soldiers who are
forced, by the nature of their job,
to kill human beings.
I agree with what you say. If there are many criminals around with guns then the whole dynamics changes.
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Please tell me what Starbucks has to do with the verdict? Why should that company,or anyone for that matter ,experiance a financial loss because someone was not happy with a verdict?
Below is an overview of the period 2016 - 2020:
Number of shooting incidents: 34
Number of injured: 33
Number of fatalities: 4
Number of shooting incidents: 23
Number of injured: 20
Number of fatalities: 3
Number of shooting incidents: 27
Number of injured: 26
Number of fatalities: 3
Number of shooting incidents: 16
Number of injured: 12
Number of fatalities: 4
Number of shooting incidents: 22
Number of injured: 18
Number of fatalities: 5
We do have some Extraordinary Investigating Officers that do not carry firearms.
In Norway most policemen keep their firearm sealed in a locker in the patrol car.
In the UK, most policemen don't carry firearms.
The difference is that your police is trained to escalate and our police is trained to DE-escalate.
I don't need guns, like Americans do.
How sad can they be for feeling afraid,
every day, so afraid, it's a war there.
Thanks for the statistics.
Actually, I do think the idea of a war zone in the streets of the US is also exaggerated by the media. They show the Black Lives Matter protests as violent mobs, but most are peaceful. The media blames murders to the BLM movement, that have nothing to do with it. The agenda for that is making it possible to beat down those protests harder and not do anything about police violence. In one state they proposed to make it legal to drive into a protest. They also proposed to hold everyone accountable for one person in a protest doing something illegal and detaining everyone until trial, without bail.
Both parties are unwilling to do anything. The Democrats were happy Chauvin got found guilty, mostly because it gets the pressure off to do anything about police violence. I've seen a sickening speech from Nancy Pelosi, where she thanks George Floyd for 'sacrificing his life for justice'. How fucking stupid is that. He was not planning to die that day and his death is just proof that justice is miles away. One asshole cop being convicted doesn't change anything.
Somehow, the police in the US should be told not to kill whenever they feel like it. But it's a complex problem. In a society where guns are everywhere, how do you deal with that?
in The Netherlands (Mannen = males, Vrouwen = females):
I don't know if you can see the source: only registered users can see external links
And here is how the US compares with the rest of the world
(Up to 2017. It probably takes more time to collect all global data):
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Was he trained to do that? There are lots of complaints that he did it before...
Didn't you say "all lives matter"?
Chauvin clearly intended to kill Floyd, while there was no danger to anyone,
so Chauvin is a murderer.
There are circumstances in which a cop should be punished less severe than a civilian for the same offense, but these are not such circumstances.
Chauvin is one of those 'rotten apples' that need to be dealt with. If he hadn't become a cop, he would have probably turned out as some sadistic murderer.
I do think he should not be put in prison between regular criminals, because that is cruel and unusual punishment.
at an alarming rate. Should the cops preventively kill you?
I don't think he deserves an even worse prison time than any civilian murderer.
If you put him between them, he will likely be killed very quickly. I don't think he deserves a death sentence. I also think 'prison' does not equal 'revenge'.
Prison is punishment, but it should also be rehabilitation. Not rehabilitation as a cop or any other job where he has the power to hurt people, but after he has served his time, let him be productive in a safe way.
The problem is that recidivism is than very high as well, so the prison population doesn't go down. It's a perpetuating cycle.
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It does strike me how you compare a bad cop with a child molester. Chauvin is bad, but he is also a victim of your system. Less than Floyd, but still worthy of some sympathy. He might be a bit easier to rehabilitate than a child molester.
The greatest? Depends on your personal preferences. I can see how the US checks all your boxes. I hope you can understand how a lefty like me would be miserable living in the US, even though I think I would do pretty well economically.
I'm already getting quite depressed from living in The Netherlands, which is
socialist compared to the US. I sometimes dream about moving to Denmark.
You don't get killed.
In civilised countries, that is.
Anyway, it's not my problem. But I just feel sorry for you and all Americans who have to live under these conditions.
Your empire is crumbling and it's all your own damn fault.
You will never get anywhere, if you don't start working together.
The jury was exsposed to Aunt Maxine and her threats of confrontation and inciting violence in round about ways.
They were confronted with the law enforcement gathering in preparations for the verdict. Their id's are vulnerable and could be leaked for violence against them and their homes,familys,bussiness's,hell their city in general.
Had the thug been left in the back seat for ems to deal with,none of this would be going on.So chavin did fuck up to a point but Murder? Hell no.
As for the jurys safety,hell,I wouldn't doubt that their names are on a hot list already to be ticketed and generaly annoyed by law enforcement member that feel like they and their coworkers were stabbed in the back.
Can you imagine trying to enforce a law now in that state?
Difficult at best.
I have some questions. Why are you and some other members so rabid to make the cop be right and Floyd wrong? What bothers your sensibilities so much? Would you feel the same if a white guy had died?
The enforcement of the law is not predicated on the general public making it easy. If you are a good person you don’t need a cop to tell you how it’s done. And if you break the law, a cop or cops will stop you.
As for the Kneeling,there was evidence shown in the trial that indicated that may or may not have contributed. The "Beyond the shadow of a doubt" thing comes to mind when presented with the evidence of OD and heart issues.
That is why I have said that a lesser charge would have had more merits that murder.
To make the cop the bad guy totally in every friggen case that gets tossed to the court of public opionion,such as this forum, prompts people to have even less respect for the cops just simply doing their jobs.There was crooked and bad cops long before you and I were born and there will be plenty after we are gone.
But to continue at the current rate,is going to prompt a shortage of law enforcement officers,it will prompt and has already prompted alot of them to seek other employment.
This is a travisty considering that crime rates can and will go up as the number of people enforceing laws go down. All the more reason to hang on to my protection tools.NO 1 at the other end of the 9-11 to come help me. OR perhaps the councilors they send out can coach me on how to take shallow short breaths to speed up my dieing on the ground after being beaten to death by thugs.
There is major issues with this whole event.and calling it murder does not solve anything.
--------------------------------------- added after 17 minutes
Who Is Judge Peter Cahill? He presided in the George Floyd trial. He was appointed by a Republican governor and re-elected twice in 2014 and2020
Cahill, 64, a Hennepin County Judge, was appointed by former Republican Gov. Tim Pawlenty to the bench in 2007. Voters then elected him again in 2014 and 2020, and his current term expires in January 2027.
Get him out and appoint a Democrat
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So perhaps they don't know who the jurors are yet but gee,let's try to intimidate the witness's.
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Juror LIED about protesting Floyds death.
LIED! Can you say, MISSTRIAL?
Now the real problem is, when the miss trial is declared, the libtards won't accept the fact that also a juror lied, and ruined it, they will just be pissed off the cop got another trial and will be burning and looting again in the streets.
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now your little house of cards is about to blow over.
Leviticus 24:19-21 NLT
“Anyone who injures another person must be dealt with according to the injury inflicted—a fracture for a fracture, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Whatever anyone does to injure another person must be paid back in kind. “Whoever kills an animal must pay for it in full, but whoever kills another person must be put to death.
Whitebread, chicken shit motherfucker! That is good enough for me to see it swinging from the end of a rope. Police are just a bunch of punk motherfuckers with badges, guns, and free reign to do their will. Time to take this country back from the Gestapo.
We lost the election? Throw it out. Let’s run a new election.
We don’t like a verdict? Let’s throw it out and do a new trial.
We lost the game? Let’s replay the game.
We don’t like our lives? Let’s put down those people that are different.
GO AHEAD. ASSURE ME THIS IS THE AMERICAN WAY. In all my adult years I’ve never had a bigger need to throw up in disgust. In another thread a friend suggested this country is on a downward slope. Initially I disagreed. Now, reading the posts here and extrapolating it to the national views....................I have to agree. Pardon me, I have to throw up.
IF nothing is being hidden,and everything is being done above board ,the opposing side should welcome a chance to vindicate themselves .
Another unhinged lefty that needs clearly needs a lobotomy.
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I know you already had your lobotomy, but I'm not getting one so I can agree with your stupid ideas.
Chauvin was found guilty by a frightened and nervous jury that did what they could to save themselves and their familys and their city.
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That doesn't mean George Floyd would have died that day, if Derek Chauvin hadn't crushed his neck for 8 minutes 46 seconds. Most people would have died from that.
There was no reason for Derek Chauvin to do what he did, so he is a killer. I do think he intended for George Floyd to die, so that would be second-degree murder. It might even be first-degree murder, because Chauvin and Floyd knew each other. However, both are hard to prove, so his conviction might end up at third-degree murder.
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There are a few things to consider for his sentence:
- The police are doing a very difficult job
- Training of police is lacking a lot
- Because the police have a monopoly on violence, they also have a high responsibility to protect human life, even if their own life is in danger (this was obviously not the case here)
Where did you find that Floyd was a 'habitual career criminal'?
Or is that just your assumption?
Or are you just happy that the cops killed another black guy?
As for the knee on the neck thing, I don't understand why once the ahole was cuffed and in the explorer to be carryed off to jail,why he was taken back out. Shut the door and let the paramedics take him back out or take him on to jail and get some help handling him.
I feel like the ahole knew something on the cop and the cop may have saw a chance to shut him up. The cop is a known tax evader so the fake 20 thing could have been related to something that both men were involved in with their previous job as bouncers at a bar that could have been laundering fake or stolen money.
As for murder,hard to prove.The heart issues would cause oxygen deprivation, so hard to prove the necking did kill him.
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And why do you care any way anal licker your way over in Europe keep your mind and your mouth on your own country
It's nice to see you miss him. I miss him too
We can be pretty rebellious here too, you might have heard of Brexit.
('a chance to shut him up') and on the other side you think murder would be hard to prove.
Maybe his heart issue accelerated the death of Floyd, but don't you think Chauvin would just have waited a little longer for Floyd to die, if Floyd did have perfect health?
If you hit a person with your car and they die, but the person would have survived if they didn't use anticoagulants, you would still be found guilty. Killing a grandmother with a hammer is not less of a crime, because a big strong man would have survived the attack. Or are you saying that only the lives of perfectly healthy people matter?
Maybe we shouldn't grieve that hard for Floyd, if he actually was a criminal, but you need to get rid of cops like Chauvin, who play judge, jury and executioner or are themselves criminals and have a motive to kill someone to hide their own crimes.
I think the cop will get aquited,and then all hell will break loose.
Can't let a good crisis go waste.
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Life lost,life wasted,tax payer money wasted,cops career wasted,Town still burning so to speak with flames and violence.
Too many things with Floyd's drug use, and there is a 'Reasonable Doubt' with many points of the charges against him.
Yeah, I think he was an asshole, and was just abusing a black man, but I don't think that they will prove that what Chauvin did, killed him.