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Circumcision style?

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Started by Robino at 02,Aug,21 21:27  other posts of Robino
Hey, I got recently circumcised and I am not really sure what style of circumcision I really got now. I think it's a bit difficult to tell. what would you think? more pictures are on my would be nice to hear some other opinions.

thanks for your messages

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New Comment

By Lvphose at 03,Oct,21 02:17 other posts of Lvphose 
Well I have 2-life (age) indexes. I’ve gone from a 1-2 with a gradual change index to now that I’m 60, I’m am a 4
By galaxy123 at 07,Oct,21 12:43 other posts of galaxy123 
yes, I think the older you get the longer you stretch your foreskin.

By galaxy123 at 04,Aug,21 10:25 other posts of galaxy123 
I am not circumcised but have damaged my foreskin and frenulum in the past. If you look at this link it will give you an idea of the style and coverage you have. only registered users can see external links
By new2day at 04,Aug,21 12:17 other posts of new2day 
I'm a 1 or 2, no loose skin unless I'm cold!

By Robino at 04,Aug,21 21:46 other posts of Robino 
ok that's a cool site, I guess now I got probably no 2 or 3. I'm not really sure. before it was no. 9 I think.
By #631189 at 16,Aug,21 21:55
I’m a CI-6 soft and a CI-4 hard.
By thesevenpointfive at 22,Aug,21 16:52 other posts of thesevenpointfive 
I think yours looks like a low and loose type, but need to see it hard. I am a C2 on that scale

By Lvphose at 03,Oct,21 02:08 other posts of Lvphose 
Thanks for the link

By #613564 at 06,Sep,21 06:25
What is C2, C3, or all these things?
I thought cut, or not?
By galaxy123 at 01,Oct,21 14:10 other posts of galaxy123 
The scale refers to the coverage you have of your glans (head of your penis). A CI-1 for example is a very high circumcision, there is zero skin left. Mine for example is a CI-9 a long foreskin overhang when soft and only a tiny amout of glans visible when hard.


By massco at 06,Sep,21 12:07 other posts of massco 

Not sure never knew there was a style.
By thesevenpointfive at 06,Sep,21 16:48 other posts of thesevenpointfive 
Looks loose but high when erect

By nekekal at 30,Aug,21 23:25 other posts of nekekal 
Cool information. I didn't know anything. It seems that I am a C 3. When erect, I look more like a C 2, but it says go with flaccid. Definitely a 3 soft.

By cut5x5 at 16,Aug,21 14:12 other posts of cut5x5 
Mine is high and tight.

By #631189 at 16,Aug,21 21:56
And it’s the perfect size too

By Ozmen666 at 16,Aug,21 00:26 other posts of Ozmen666 
This is the style I got at birth

By #647975 at 06,Aug,21 05:12
[deleted image]

like a mushroom
By Robino at 15,Aug,21 22:42 other posts of Robino 
yes it really looks like a mushroom. that's a good comparison

By Manitobamayhem at 05,Aug,21 12:14 other posts of Manitobamayhem 
Check mine out. Mines a CI-4
By galaxy123 at 06,Aug,21 13:58 other posts of galaxy123 
Yes that looks about right. When were you circumcised?

By new2day at 04,Aug,21 12:01 other posts of new2day 
Low and loose as someone has already said. Mine is high and tight, the scar about an inch from the glans and very little loose skin... hence the name.

By #648042 at 02,Aug,21 22:13
Low & Loose
By Robino at 02,Aug,21 22:26 other posts of Robino 
ok why you think low and loose?
By #631189 at 03,Aug,21 16:47
No inner skin on show.
By Robino at 03,Aug,21 17:09 other posts of Robino 
oh okay I'm not really sure how to recognize inner skin
By #631189 at 03,Aug,21 21:28
When you pull your skin right back it’s the pink skin underneath.
--------------------------------------- added after 26 seconds

When you get a tight cut the scar line is right down the shaft leaving the inner skin exposed
By Robino at 03,Aug,21 21:32 other posts of Robino 
ok thanks, I guess now I know what it means. good to know^^

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