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Would you join a gym if it had coed showers and locker rooms

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Started by #591921 at 21,Feb,22 16:57
I saw a video online recently where in Europe they have communal showers and coed locker rooms. I'm a fan of this because to me it desexualize the naked body. It also forces those who shower at the gym to be more open one with their own body but to also accept others bodies. I'm a fan and would love a gym like this just so that people need to get over what another person's nude body looks like and spend more time on conversation and truth. It's also always been apparent to me you never have a more honest person than a nude one. What's your thoughts?

Similar topics: 1.Locker Rooms   2.In the minority as 'cut or 'uncut'   3.Micropenises in locker rooms   4.Gym locker room...   5.Wrong changing rooms.  

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By wycowboy at 24,Feb,22 22:22 other posts of wycowboy 
I wouldn't have a problem with it. I can control my erection if needed and seeing all that bare flesh is what I like to see.

By Alwaysnude at 24,Feb,22 13:14 other posts of Alwaysnude 
I would that the way it is Europe co ed baths no one seems to care but in the US we would probably turn inti pervs?

By #275407 at 23,Feb,22 02:50
I've read that most girls don't get turned on by looking at naked guys.
By bella! at 23,Feb,22 03:41 other posts of bella! 
I suppose it depends on what the man looks like, no? Generally speaking, are men "turned on" by the sight of all naked women or does it depend on how that women looks to them?
By #275407 at 23,Feb,22 05:10
What women find attractive is different then what men find. Women look for stability, personality and chest and arms on a guy, where men look for pussy, ass tits and how easy it is to get a women in bed. It's all about sex for the guy. This was posted in cosmo magazine asking women what they find most attractive in men.
By bella! at 23,Feb,22 06:46 other posts of bella! 
Ah! You are speaking of what qualities you might look for in a long-term and meaningful relationship.

I wouldn't doubt that some women desire stability if they are seeking a long term relationship guess is that if I were in a coed locker room and I spied someone that I thought was visually attractive, it might not be what someone else finds visually attractive. And I guarantee you that my eyes are not able to visually discern which man is able to provide stability.

If we are talking apples to apples, I'm asking you if it is probable or slightly possible that you would be turned on aka sexually stimulated IF you were naked and in a coed locker room while in the pressence of ANY female that is fully clothed or in some degree of undress? My guess is that it is only possible and dependent upon the female, unless, of course, you're just a horny ol' dawg!
By #275407 at 23,Feb,22 07:34
I am a horny old dawg I'm not a boob man, I luv looking at girls behinds and what turns me on the most is when a girl wears tights. I climb the walls. But I'm a people watcher, I like to look at both sexes and judge them on my 1 to 10 scale by there figure.
By bella! at 23,Feb,22 10:29 other posts of bella! 
One of the men I dated was a Detroit Police Officer and his partner's thing was that he loved, loved, loved, do you hear me, LOVED panty lines. Whatever! Different strokes for different folks. People like what they like, but men are weird!

By #591921 at 23,Feb,22 22:36
Actually it turns me on more if anything. A woman who will have a meaningful conversation while either or both of us are undressed or only one is would honestly be the lady I would most likely shower beside so the conversation could continue.

By #275407 at 24,Feb,22 04:16
If the wind blows I get an erection, I have to think about folding cloths or something else to keep getting hard. Even a naked guy will get me hard, just taking my cloths off in front of someone else gives me a raging hardon.
By bella! at 24,Feb,22 05:31 other posts of bella! 
Seriously cody8789, taking your clothes off in front of someone gives you a raging hard on? Oh, I can't imagine that is always "convenient" or comfortable for you! Women are definitely wired differently then men and thankfully it's unlikely we will get aroused every time the wind blows or if we do, it's not so visible.
By #275407 at 24,Feb,22 06:35
I think it's because sex is always on my mind and I can say it keeps me from having a normal relationship with anyone because I always want sex. I'm not proud of what I'm going to say next, but I've cheated on most every one of my relationships because I couldn't get enough sex. I've slowed down since Covid hit, and hope I can sometime in the future have a relationship with someone that I luv for who that person is and not let sex control me.
By bella! at 24,Feb,22 11:17 other posts of bella! 
I hope that that one special person comes your way in 2022. x

By #591921 at 23,Feb,22 22:44
That isnt true Cody however it is true most ladies arent visually stimulated like us men but point is they dont really like a naked man. But if for instance they see a man in a public situation and can openly see his junk they cant take their eyes off it. Or at least some can't. Trust me thsts exactly why I was asked to please wear shorts over my leggings in yoga. Women dont want to see a naked man no. But you put him out on the beach in a speedo or put him in the gym or a yoga class in pouch leggings or shorts and most ladies are going to be distracted. At least any sexually active one will. They dont want to see the skin or honestly only most of the package and yes it turns them on.
By #275407 at 24,Feb,22 04:03
Not, I live on the beach and I've talked to several girls that don't think a man is sexy in a speedo, they prefer board shorts.
By bella! at 24,Feb,22 05:41 other posts of bella! 
Um, the women most likely prefer board shorts to speedos because the guy inclined to wear a speedo is 50+, out of shape and his belly flab over hangs the front of his suit and gives the appearance that he is butt naked.

cody8789, you know that you are in remarkable shape. Side by side, you would be able to go toe to toe with any 30 year old gym rat. I'm not sure if you partially attribute your lean, muscular body to genetics/good genes or discipline and hard work but you look AMAZING!

By #202392 at 23,Feb,22 23:50
I would absolutely join a gym like that! Sounds like a dream come true!

By nekekal at 22,Feb,22 19:38 other posts of nekekal 
Absolutely. Showering with a bunch of naked women would be a dream come true. Naturally, my cock would get hard. Hopefully they would admire it. Maybe some would want to try it. The worst that can happen is that I go home with a big hard on, but that is my normal state.
By #591921 at 23,Feb,22 02:37
Oh I'm sure if I saw a fairly warm lady I would range from excited to fluffed but I would enjoy being able to see and be seen
By nekekal at 23,Feb,22 02:43 other posts of nekekal 
Naked women make my cock hard. I would lobe to be able to do a show and tell.

By phart at 21,Feb,22 17:59 other posts of phart 
I prefer my privacy.
What short time,over the course of the 7th thru 9th grades in school,I was constantly picked on.
So damn glad to be AWAY from such environments. You should never be forced to be exposed anywhere anytime unless you WANT TO BE.

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