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Started by petunia51 at 08,Aug,22 16:58  other posts of petunia51
Hi! Have you ever met and had sex with another user? I ask both male and female users. And if so, how was it?

Similar topics: 1.Who would travel to meet folks they get to know on this site?   2.Locations?   3.Has 'meet up for sex' ever worked for you?   4.Sites to meet people that don’t charge   5.MEET TO JERK YA MEAT  

New Comment

By Tempp at 28,Aug,22 02:56 other posts of Tempp 
None from this site, and there are almost 20 who give their location as my town. I think most people on this site are not really interested in hookups. I have had a few encounters using SilverDaddies.

By cumcouplessa at 22,Aug,22 01:31 other posts of cumcouplessa 
Unfortunately, all the compatible guys we chat to are thousands of miles away

By phart at 09,Aug,22 02:52 other posts of phart 
I doubt there is 6 people on this site that would actually meet another member. These are scary times, with all kinds of issues like std's and virus's going around.
People get to know you just to exploit you in any way they can.

Meeting someone would be fun,but you need to be carful. Keyboards can hide assholes.
By #275407 at 20,Aug,22 18:23
I think after monkey pox goes away it could be better. I'm not afraid of Covid, but no way do I want monkey pox

By #610414 at 20,Aug,22 19:30
I'm with both you guys

By earthy at 20,Aug,22 18:10 other posts of earthy 
I've hooked with a guy on Adam 4 adam. Love it.

By #463848 at 10,Aug,22 08:11
Never met, although some might have been possible but for the distance. The lockdown and now the monkeypox are stifling possible meets even more.

By #671846 at 09,Aug,22 21:05
Trying to

By knewbi at 09,Aug,22 20:31 other posts of knewbi 
Just one.. Met him somewhere else but knew he was here too.

By Dev01 at 09,Aug,22 02:54 other posts of Dev01 
Have met many from here, No sex just friends

By #648813 at 09,Aug,22 02:45
Yes. He is a cock worshipper and treated me so well. Face fucked him deep throating me. Got sucked dry. Incredible hook up from a person on this site.

Adult Discussion Forum