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Public nude exposure

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Started by #669054 at 05,Oct,22 09:34
Does anyone else like to go nude in public?
Occasionally I do, and I always seem to get a nice reaction. Like recentely I was nude walking on a hiking trail and happened to run into two beautiful Asian women (mother and daughter I'm guessing)
They greeted me with smiles and I instantly got hard. They seemed to be enjoying it, and actually asked if it felt good. I replied that it did, and I also began stroking myself in front of them. It only took me about 15 seconds to cum in front of them. They seemed to really enjoy the show and I sure loved giving it to them.

Similar topics: 1.being nude in public   2.public nude   3.Public nudity   4.Clothing in public   5.Cock cages in public?  

New Comment

By CaptainCanada at 16,Mar,25 00:02 other posts of CaptainCanada 
I would do it more often if I lived alone and in an area with mainly adults.

By Alwaysnude at 13,Mar,25 23:10 other posts of Alwaysnude 
love being nude in public WNBR and other events

By BoneRanger at 13,Mar,25 15:49 other posts of BoneRanger 
I enjoy this but only when I have a woman with me. This way if anyone happens to see me jerking my big cock or shooting a huge load, I won't go to jail....lol. I really wish that I had my wife or GF record me cuming outdoors a few times. I have shot some legendary loads outside on hiking trails

By Lik2play at 13,Dec,24 18:57 other posts of Lik2play 
Yes I live being naked. I'm naked at home . I drive around naked in the country an in the city ..
I stay a clothing optional B&B
I love to walk around hotels nude gets a lot of reactions..

By Gmoney821 at 05,Sep,24 11:32 other posts of Gmoney821 
#669054: That is my absolute fantasy. To be naked in front of Asian women and have them like it. And not get arrested.

By #688512 at 23,Feb,23 14:44
Of course! I enjoy being seen by anyone who wants to see me.

[deleted image]

By Mynakedcock at 22,Jan,23 21:47 other posts of Mynakedcock 
I go nude in the New Forest when ever I can, I like walking nude and I often get caught by other walkers, I just carry on walking as though nothing was amiss sometimes they will strike up a conversation with me I will always have a chat if they do, and if the chat is sexual I will rub one out at the same time.
By neednopants at 23,Jan,23 17:35 other posts of neednopants 

By neednopants at 23,Jan,23 17:35 other posts of neednopants 
Nudity = natur. And natur is everywhere at any time. So I try to get out of my clothes and shoes as often as possible.

By routemaster at 06,Oct,22 18:05 other posts of routemaster 
I've only gone nude in public on nudist beaches and at a nudist club I went to for 18 years, I LOVE being nude in public

By #677376 at 05,Oct,22 17:47
That would be so cool! I’ve thought of doing the nude bike rides as participants seem to get away with public exposure without getting in trouble!

By wycowboy at 05,Oct,22 17:06 other posts of wycowboy 
I go nude in public as often as I can. I always get hard if I know someone is looking at me.

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