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Started by routemaster at 11,Oct,22 20:13  other posts of routemaster
What sad news I've just seen, that GREAT star of stage and screen, Dame Angela Lansbury, a Londoner like myself, has passed away at the age of 96, same age as the Queen, and just five days before her 97th birthday. OK, like the Queen, it is not a tragedy, it was to coin a cliche "a good innings" but nevertheless is still very sad. I loved Dame Angela in "Bedknobs and Broomsticks" in 1971 but for younger audiences she'll probably best be remembered for the t.v. series "Murder, She Wrote" which is also quite a long time ago but you wouldn't think so due to constant repeats. Angela also played "Madam Arcati" in Noel Coward's "Blithe Spirit" on the London stage some years ago too. A true star who will be sadly missed. R.I.P.

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New Comment

By #610414 at 13,Oct,22 02:26
RIP. You will be missed with your gentle soul.

By phart at 12,Oct,22 13:23 other posts of phart 
96 years ,she had a good run.

By pifad at 12,Oct,22 04:21 other posts of pifad 
Wonderful actress. R.I.P.
By tb1 at 12,Oct,22 04:27 other posts of tb1 
I fully agree, she’ll be missed.

By PITBULL at 12,Oct,22 00:32 other posts of PITBULL 
not many news outlets mention her passing. I just find out from SmartNews first.

By Sir-Skittles at 11,Oct,22 22:21 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Murder she Won't...


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