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Wife Swaping

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Started by #690307 at 12,Mar,23 22:29
What's your view on Wife Swaping. Fun or Dangerous to do ?Does anyone have any stories to share.

Similar topics: 1.I wanna fuck my wife and her friend wife wants to swing   3.What would you do?   4.Come on my wife masturbation!   5.wife watching  

New Comment

By phart at 03,Feb,24 02:26 other posts of phart 
Quick question, if you swap wives with someone else, does the wife you got for the trade still have the same headache she had with her husband?

Just curious.
By #610414 at 03,Feb,24 22:22

By rocket1 at 16,Mar,23 16:16 other posts of rocket1 
We love it!but it's not swapping as much as my hubby gets guys to just come and use me!!we do play with other couples and swap occasionally.more often it's a single guy or two.
By #690307 at 18,Mar,23 00:43
Do you mind if I ask you a few questions. My husband has been pushing me to do it. I finally gave in and tried it and I liked. Is it normal for a guy you hooked up want to keep having sex with you.
By rocket1 at 18,Mar,23 13:10 other posts of rocket1 
Most of them do want to fuck again!
By stiffone4u at 16,Apr,23 17:07 other posts of stiffone4u 
I can't blame them.
By rocket1 at 21,Apr,23 13:43 other posts of rocket1 
Thanks sexy!love to let you use me!
By stiffone4u at 21,Apr,23 20:37 other posts of stiffone4u 
That sounds like a good time.

By Asphaltcowboy at 07,Apr,23 22:21 other posts of Asphaltcowboy 
Yes. Ever guy that has fucked my wife always wants it again

By thickswingercock at 24,Mar,23 02:52 other posts of thickswingercock 
my favorite 💦💦

By Lvphose at 22,Apr,23 20:37 other posts of Lvphose 
I’d be glad to help!

By epep50 at 31,Jan,24 06:22 other posts of epep50 
do you allow the men to fuck you raw and cum in you?
By rocket1 at 31,Jan,24 09:51 other posts of rocket1 
Yes I love creampies
By #708276 at 02,Feb,24 15:53
I would love to join as a single guy
By rocket1 at 02,Feb,24 19:25 other posts of rocket1 
That sounds very hot!!love to have you!
By #708276 at 02,Feb,24 20:34
I am ready

By cumcouplessa at 01,Feb,24 02:33 other posts of cumcouplessa 
Hubby here. Swapping is fun, but I honestly do prefer a mmf 3'some with a nice guy. It's fun to focus on giving wifey lots of pleasure and getting her to cum multiple times, and it's so easy when you have the right guy helping you and you's all work together. It's awesome making him hard and guiding his cock into her waiting pussy, playing with her clit and hearing her moan as she rides his shaft whilst sucking my cock. Exciting when we swap positions and I can see her going to town on his cock, begging him to cum in her mouth, after which she always kisses me and gives me a taste. As long as the guy knows how to play, can be a lot of fun.

By #709175 at 19,Jan,24 10:29
My wife and I enjoyed mmf threesomes our entire married life, which was 30 years.Many one nighters where we never saw the third person again but equally several morphed into relatively long encounters and with those without exception there would always develop a degree of mistrust and jealousy on my part because they came to expect sex on demand simply by showing up. Neither the wife or I would turn them away immediately but certainly contrived to end the relationship earlier than it would otherwise have been. And further more, the real turn on was the spontaneous, heat of the moment encounter anyway.

By leopoldij at 21,Apr,23 12:46 other posts of leopoldij 
I love it

By NICALEX69 at 10,Apr,23 13:20 other posts of NICALEX69 
we also want to try and find someone.
By tjhorny at 18,Apr,23 17:09 other posts of tjhorny 
Hi, if you weren't so far away I would love to join you for some fun

By #690813 at 16,Apr,23 13:21
My husband likes watching me have sex with other guys. He seems to get really aroused by the fact I pull off their condoms while having sex with them

By knewbi at 11,Apr,23 14:58 other posts of knewbi 
Wife and I have been doing it for years. It has always been a fun experience. Of coarse we are selective so that we can avoid trouble. Sometimes at sex parties where someone opens their home to a large group of people or a sex club, you can run into trouble. But you learn early on how to avoid future issues with people.

By thickswingercock at 24,Mar,23 02:53 other posts of thickswingercock 
i dont have a wife but love swapping women or just fucking guys wives with them

By leopoldij at 13,Mar,23 04:52 other posts of leopoldij 
It's a lot of fun.
By #690307 at 13,Mar,23 11:10
Have you do it before? I have a lot questions about it.
By leopoldij at 13,Mar,23 17:12 other posts of leopoldij 
Yes, but only in swingers clubs, with other people watching and some men playing with their dicks.

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