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Started by mr_blue at 17,May,23 13:49  other posts of mr_blue
Wtf bro, why did you delete your account?
Come back

New Comment

By Jamie at 18,May,23 22:00 other posts of Jamie 
Cody8789 come back we missed you..
By PITBULL at 18,May,23 23:25 other posts of PITBULL 
He'll be back but he won't tell anyone here he is back

By bella! at 19,May,23 17:40 other posts of bella! 
I hope cody does return if only to touch base with YOU. You and cody have been online buddies for over a decade and it's sad that he left so abruptly.
By PITBULL at 04,Jun,23 00:08 other posts of PITBULL 
If he comes back I will protect Cody from you. You are a nasty toxic woman.
By bella! at 04,Jun,23 00:48 other posts of bella! 
Has anyone told you lately thay you are one fucked up dumbass? If not, let me be the first.

IF cody deleted his profile because I gifted him a membership, that's really weak. IF cody deleted his profile because he THINKS that I "stalked" him, that would be sad because that's so not the truth. IF cody deleted because of your "ass-holery" actions, attitude and obsession with him, I might tend to believe it, but alas, he publicly acknowledged being your friend.

This is Cody's post made on February 28, the last day he spoke to me. He wrote;

"Just to let everyone know, I enjoy being friends with Freddy, he brings excitement to this site everyday.... I don’t take any negative comments by anyone here to seriously, it’s all about having fun, even from the negative members that keep up the excitement...."

For reasons unknown to me and many, cody admired you, a bully, a foul mouthed, bully. And in reality, not only are you a bully, are a nasty, negative, ignorant little man....
By PITBULL at 04,Jun,23 03:29 other posts of PITBULL 
Cody didn't make that statement to you. You have stolen from my member's opinion page. You are pathetic!
By bella! at 04,Jun,23 06:59 other posts of bella! 
cody didn't make what statement to me?

Did you have difficulty reading and comprehending my post, "college boy"? I think you did. You are a more ignorant, dumbass than I ever imagined.
By #681164 at 04,Jun,23 12:20
This guy is missing a few essential marbles.
By PITBULL at 04,Jun,23 13:36 other posts of PITBULL 
woody58 and bella! both of you are senile
By bella! at 04,Jun,23 14:39 other posts of bella! 
And you are definitely one BIG DUMB-FUCK! 👍
By PITBULL at 04,Jun,23 14:47 other posts of PITBULL 
and you are the worst member of June. You and your friend CAT are running the same path
By bella! at 04,Jun,23 18:05 other posts of bella! 
Your dumbass created a poll that ran less than 24 hours and ONLY ATTRACTED 4 VOTERS. I might have been selected as the "Worst Member June" by your vote and Rob00's vote but you are the worst member 24/7 and 365 days of the year. You are the not only a horse's ass, you are the ULTIMATE SUPREME WINNER!
By PITBULL at 04,Jun,23 22:32 other posts of PITBULL 
yes, and most voters are saying you are the Worst Member of June. Go race with your friend CAT.
By bella! at 04,Jun,23 22:35 other posts of bella! 
Your dumbass poll attracted only 3 other members. Yeah, you and the other guy sealed my "win"!
By PITBULL at 04,Jun,23 22:37 other posts of PITBULL 
the fat cow bella! is mad because she won the SYD Worst Member of June. Sorry queen bella!. You are nasty troll
By bella! at 04,Jun,23 23:24 other posts of bella! 
I'm curious, do you ever shut your nasty mouth?
By PITBULL at 04,Jun,23 23:39 other posts of PITBULL 
I don't answer questions here
By bella! at 05,Jun,23 01:18 other posts of bella! 
It doesn't surprise me that you don't or won't answer questions. I suspect that it has something to do with your reading and limited comprehension issues.
By PITBULL at 05,Jun,23 01:21 other posts of PITBULL 
thank you for the beautiful display of your obnoxious behavior here. NOW CODY IS NOT COMING BACK

By #681164 at 05,Jun,23 03:50
Hey, easy, bro. She's a lady. Take it like a man. You need someone to fuck try me. Leave the ladies alone.
By PITBULL at 05,Jun,23 13:08 other posts of PITBULL 
you are useless old man
By phart at 05,Jun,23 15:58 other posts of phart 
If I may ask, how useful are you?
By PITBULL at 05,Jun,23 20:39 other posts of PITBULL 
a young guy very useful if you know what I mean
By #681164 at 05,Jun,23 23:25
You clean toilets? Are you an illegal. 🤣🤣🤣
By PITBULL at 05,Jun,23 23:48 other posts of PITBULL 
you stupid cunt. This is why Cody is not coming back.

The illegal is between my legs you old faggot

By phart at 06,Jun,23 02:09 other posts of phart 
I need some pressure washing done, some shrubs trimmed!
By #681164 at 06,Jun,23 02:26
By phart at 06,Jun,23 13:01 other posts of phart 
And uh, About those gutters?
By #681164 at 06,Jun,23 15:08
How much you charge?

By dgraff at 04,Jun,23 17:30 other posts of dgraff 
Maybe I should call him I’ve been trying to give him his space I’m sure he’s just taking a break we all need one once in awhile
By bella! at 04,Jun,23 18:47 other posts of bella! 
Don't call cody, give him some breathing space.
By dgraff at 04,Jun,23 21:28 other posts of dgraff 
Yeah you’re right
By bella! at 04,Jun,23 22:10 other posts of bella! 
Thank you.

By #610414 at 04,Jun,23 23:34
Have you given it some thought that maybe he's going through some tough times in his life?
By dgraff at 05,Jun,23 00:56 other posts of dgraff 
Maybe but we are all going through some tough times right now this is Biden’s America
By #610414 at 05,Jun,23 01:09
Oh for fucks sake. This is important. This has nothing to do with politics. I'm worried.
By dgraff at 05,Jun,23 09:47 other posts of dgraff 
Don’t worry he’s just fine maybe he is helping the homeless people with food
By #610414 at 05,Jun,23 11:40
Is this true or did you Phart?
By dgraff at 05,Jun,23 11:50 other posts of dgraff 
Your guess is as good as mine
By #610414 at 05,Jun,23 11:55
I'd love to dildo you. 🤣🤣🥰😈
By dgraff at 05,Jun,23 11:57 other posts of dgraff 
Ok 👍
By #681164 at 05,Jun,23 23:26
Careful Amigo. I'm personally aquatinted with her dildo collection.
By dgraff at 06,Jun,23 01:01 other posts of dgraff 

By bella! at 05,Jun,23 01:56 other posts of bella! 
mr_blue , I'm very sorry that I allowed myself to become part of the negative and ugly undertone and shitshow that developed within this thread. Please accept my apology.
By #681164 at 05,Jun,23 03:51
The only one to blame is Pitbull.
By bella! at 05,Jun,23 04:03 other posts of bella! 
No, it's not totally his fault as I played into his hand by responding to his outlandish and bullshit posts.
By #681164 at 05,Jun,23 23:28
I'm sorry for that. We know where that hand of his has been.

By PITBULL at 03,Jun,23 01:22 other posts of PITBULL 
I must confess I was in love with Cody
By #681164 at 04,Jun,23 12:20
You don't know what that means
By PITBULL at 04,Jun,23 13:40 other posts of PITBULL 
you and the fat cow bella! are to blame for Cody's departure

By bella! at 04,Jun,23 14:43 other posts of bella! 
This proclamation would surely make any sane person throw up and delete their profile!

By Jamie at 03,Jun,23 01:46 other posts of Jamie 
I'm thinking he is back. With a new name he was in chatroom early today.
By phart at 03,Jun,23 01:55 other posts of phart 
Well, thats good!
I have been wondering how his car was holding up long term after getting flooded.

By #610414 at 03,Jun,23 02:51
You want to share the name?
By Jamie at 03,Jun,23 03:17 other posts of Jamie 
I'm not saying till I'm sure
By #610414 at 03,Jun,23 03:41

By bella! at 04,Jun,23 00:53 other posts of bella! 
Best if you keep it to yourself.
By phart at 04,Jun,23 01:18 other posts of phart 
Yea, if he wants us to know he is here,he will let us know.

By Sir-Skittles at 20,May,23 02:52 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
What the fuck??!!!!!


By Ray10754 at 18,May,23 00:15 other posts of Ray10754 
Maybe he just got tired of all the bulshit! so called adults acting like adolesants, calling each other names, Doing the he said she said nonsense, time for a whole lot of the people that are here to grow the fuck up. I have been here for many years and seen a lot of decent people leave because of all the childish ness. My grand children act and behave 100% better than some of the people here. But hey who am I? Usually I don't indulge in the conversations, but it is really beginning to be more like a session of Romper room than an adult site, not that much fun any longer, just my three cents on the topic!!
By whatsupcocks at 18,May,23 01:27 other posts of whatsupcocks 
Romper Room, love it. Studies show that one out of three Trolls are just as dumb as the other to Cunts. " KEVIN BLOODY WILSON ".

By #610414 at 18,May,23 15:03
Ray10754 why blame what happens on the conversations? Is that why you are here for? On a site dedicated to cock and pussy you consider chats more important? I sign in and it takes me to a combined cock and pussy collage. Going to the forums is my choice. I don’t have to go there, and, frankly, reading countless threads about “Is my dick big enough?”, “Am I gay because I sucked a dick?”, or “who wants to fuck my wife/girlfriend/husband/boyfriend?’ Can get very boring fast. The chat rooms are not much better. Almost all are about latent homos showing off their cocks to other males. You say you’ve been here for many years. Do you support the site? Do you pay to be here? Your three cents are noted. I just don’t share your point of view. 👿
By Ray10754 at 18,May,23 17:30 other posts of Ray10754 
Cat! I will not get into a pissing contest with you over this post, I simply expressed my opinion on a subject witch I am totally entitled to do. As far as I am concerned the topic is over and done with, I will not converse with you about it any further , As I will not contribute to the commotion you seem to thrive on. Have a good day.

By PITBULL at 18,May,23 14:18 other posts of PITBULL 
Cody8789 is gone compliments of the nutjob of this site bella!

By phart at 17,May,23 16:55 other posts of phart 
I give up trying to understand alot of what goes on on this site.
Cody was friendly, smart ,and I don't understand the leaving.

By #610414 at 17,May,23 15:49
I know. It's a shock. I really like him. He's honest, nice, and really yummy. 😢

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