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Cumming for the first time

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Started by Cummingforyou at 10,Jun,23 12:32  other posts of Cummingforyou
Interested to know when you first cummed , age , what felt like dry, wet , did you cum by yourself or someone else . Was it a wank mutual wank or sex

I was a late starter despite getting boners. When I was in a park 10 years old when I seen my first adult cock, I suppose I was kind of molested , but this guy took out his cock got hard and asked me to rub it , was amazed by the size, he then asked me to show mine which was hairless and so small compared to his , he put his hand it which was pleasurable and kept pulling his own cock when shot this white stuffI had never seen . That was my first indication of what jizz was

It was not until I was 15 that I got my own first cum again by a stranger in a park . He asked to suck on his cock which I was not good at and he wanked himself off till the white stuff shot out. I asked what the hell it was and h said he would show me . Took my penis out and started to pull the foreskin back and forth giving me a thingling feeling and kept going till I felt I was going to pee and couldn’t help it. He just went faster and the next I know I was shooting this white stuff out but gave me an incredible pleasure in which my knees went weak and I just pushed myself forward to meet his strokes . I shot 6 ropes of cum when I had to push him hand away as he came to sensitive . My first cum

Similar topics: 1.time for cumming   2.anal creampies?   3.Cum without cumming.   4.First time mastrubating   5.First time you ever had an orgasm......  

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By Lvphose at 14,Dec,23 02:23 other posts of Lvphose 
By accident home from school in grade school touching myself and came! Since then I was hooked.

By #665411 at 08,Dec,23 23:25
I always love this type of question. Although I had been playing with boys, since I was like six years old, I knew nothing about orgasms and cuming. That is until 1986 when I went to Boy Scout camp and got to share a tent with a 24 year old leader (I was 12) it was freaking amazing I was so ready for what happened. He sucked my cock and it felt like I had to pee, I was too embarrassed to tell him I had to pee at a moment like that not to mention it felt amazing and I didn’t want him to stop. So I just tried to hold it and tried to hold it, eventually though I had my very first wet orgasm. Somehow I knew I didn’t pee. Still talk to the guy today. The only that I have is that I didn’t get a chance to plat with more adult guys.

By nekekal at 08,Dec,23 23:17 other posts of nekekal 
My penis has always been my best plaything. I honestly don't remember a time when it didn't provide me pleasure at night and in the morning. And it seemed like it would always respond to me by getting stiff. My best attempt very early was by rubbing the head of my penis against the sheets and blankets of the bed. I am surprised that I didn't get a blister, but it always felt good and ended with feelng very good. I must have been 6 or so.

I shared a room with my older brother. Bunk beds. There is no way that you can play with your penis in any fashion without your bunk mate knowing what you are doing, so he would come down and help. He liked my bigger penis since it was easy for his bigger hands and I could play with his tiny penis fine. Both of us were having dry orgasms but just that.

About the time he was in the 5th or 6th grade, I would have been 8 or 9, he told me that he had found out another, better, way to play with our penises. It was the traditional up and down motion. It was great for me because my penis was big enough for hip to wrap his hand around it and stroke. It was harder for me to do him. His penis was not long enough to put my hand around it. But this motion caused me to put out some liquid. It might have just been precum, but felt great and gave me renewed reason to place with my penis. At this point I just could not leave it alone.

I would jack off in the basement, in the bedroom, in the bathtub, everywhere. We moved from that house when I was 11 and by then I was spewing cum everywhere. I am surprised that I didn't wear it out. I didn't know what a penis was supposed to do except provide me hours and hours of pleasure.

By Olddude at 08,Dec,23 20:29 other posts of Olddude 
I started getting erections around 12, got so hard it hurt! Not sure at that age why. Around 13 I was laying in bath tub and started soaping up and washing penis, it was feeling better and better and then OMG what was that! White shot out end. WOW that felt good, I was hooked stroked it when I ever I could. Shortly after that I found 2 books stuffed away in attic all about sex! Read them from cover to cover, needless to say I was well informed after that. I think back on occasion about that first cum, WOW what a discovery!

By Hardatlunch1981 at 08,Dec,23 17:00 other posts of Hardatlunch1981 
I don't remember the exact age, but probably around 12. I had been masturbating for a while already, always dry. One time, I remember having a little slick spot after having my orgasm. I thought it was odd, but when I masturbated after that time, I noticed more of the wet stuff. I finally figured out what it was and tried to, unsuccessfully, collect some to look at under my microscope, lol.

By Francesco at 08,Dec,23 12:16 other posts of Francesco 
eleven years old... it was so strange...I knew the theory but was taken aback by that amazing feeling I experienced for the first time, I think it will remain the best orgasm I have ever had!

By thicknsmooth at 08,Dec,23 04:23 other posts of thicknsmooth 
I was 11 going on 12 years old and my mom told me to vacuum my room when I got home from school. So there was no one home and I started to vacuum the room when I got the idea to let the vacuum suck on my cock. I loved the feeling of it sucking and slapping my soft cock all around inside the vacuum tip and soon I felt this dizzy feeling and I felt liquid come out of my cock head. It felt so good that I could not stop. I later realized that I came for the first time. I became addicted to doing this and I enjoyed it for a short time and then my cock would not fit into the vacuum hose anymore

By Smallpaul at 18,Jul,23 12:23 other posts of Smallpaul 
I was 13 and on holidays with my parents. They went for a walk, and I stayed at the apartment. I felt an erection of my dick (then tiny, about 8 cm or 3 1/2 inches erect) and took it out of my pants. I started moving my foreskin forth and back a little bit (I coudn't pull it back completely till I was 19). That felt good, and after some time I had a new and pleasant sensation, and a few milky drops fell on the floor. I had to hurry to clean eyerything up before my parents came home.
That was the first time I realised cumming. I had had some erections before, but never masturbated.

By Cody8789 at 16,Jul,23 05:01 other posts of Cody8789 
Wow, I’m surprised you all remember the first time you came. I can’t remember even the last time I did, I have a great memory and can’t remember anywhere near when I became sexually active.
By #662360 at 16,Jul,23 06:59
A good point, but for some of us, like me, discovering masturbation and the exquisite pleasure of my first ever orgasm was such a vivid and life changing experience I’ll never forget it. Much like the first time I ever saw a naked woman, or touched a girls cunt first time. Such experienced remain in one’s memory!

By BigDaddy132 at 16,Jul,23 03:24 other posts of BigDaddy132 
I went to a friends house after school when i was 13.H He'd found a porn video of his Dads.We had all seen magazines but never actual sex on video. I had never had my cock so hard in my life. I got home and was already naked when i locked my bedroom door. I was so aroused I probably only got a half dozen strokes in before I came.I had been jacking off for a year but that was the first time cum squirted out. I was dizzy and shaking and could not wait to do it again.

By #691730 at 11,Jul,23 19:24
Had my first orgasm at the age of 12 prepuberty
...didn't start producing sperm until a year or so later.
By #662360 at 11,Jul,23 20:37
Sounds like me. I shot my first load of cum from masturbating at age 13.
By #691730 at 11,Jul,23 20:54
I was so proud to finally get pubic hair and be able to ejaculate
By #662360 at 12,Jul,23 13:54
Me too! I started getting pubic hair about age 12 and was quite embarrassed at first. Then in the gym showers at my all boys school we became quite proud of how much cock fur we had. After I’d first masturbated at age 13 I felt a mile high at school the next day having discovered the secret of “wanking off” other boys were talking about. It wasn’t long before I was wanking and hand jobbing with other boys.

By jazdragon61 at 15,Jun,23 23:24 other posts of jazdragon61 
I was a late starter I had wet dreams most nights since 11 and knew vaguely that you slide your cock in your hand until it got hard and then orgasm. But no matter how often I tried nothing happened just spunk filled briefs in the night. Then finally at fifteen it happened. I was in the bathroom wanking working hard when this sensation came over me I thought I needed to pee but then suddenly this amazing sensation filled my body and the cream finally shot out of my cock man it was so amazing such a feeling of extasy and pleasure. I never have reached that extreme level of pure pleasure again.

By #514663 at 14,Jun,23 19:55
My first time was pretty young i was about 8 when I discovered it. I was laying in bed and somehow realized it felt good to rub my blanket on my penis. After a min or two of rubbing myself I got this super intense sensation that I now know to be an orgasm. I did it just about every night after that. Usually on my back, sometimes I'd take my pants completely off and lay on my stomach and hump my pillow until orgasm. I wasn't able to ejaculate yet only dry orgasms. They were just as intense though and would make my penis super hard. I started having wet orgasms a few years later

By LGA6969 at 13,Jun,23 19:02 other posts of LGA6969 
When I was 12-13 I use to hump my pillow at night. I would get naked and lay on my bed one of the nights I was humping away and going fast and furious and it happened, This feeling came over my body and begun to shutter and twitch then I blew the biggest load all over the pillow and sheets. That was my first real orgasm. It felt wonderful. Needless to say I had to get up extra early and wash my sticky sheets. Lol

By gayguy at 12,Jun,23 22:34 other posts of gayguy 
Lots of dry orgasm since about 10 year old with friends Blew my first load at about 12 year old

By Jimjim at 10,Jun,23 23:49 other posts of Jimjim 
I was very young. I used to hump my pillow to a dry orgasm. The first time I ejaculated I was like 13

By #662360 at 10,Jun,23 18:08
I first came when I was 13. I’d been getting good hard erections for some time and I’d found playing with my stiff erect cock felt good. One summer night I was laying naked on my bed and playing with my erect penis. Purely by accident I got the tugging / stroking action up and down my shaft just right. I remember thinking this feels real good. After a couple of minutes incredible pleasure suddenly welled up in my cock, my shaft became even harder. Then I spurted about a spoonful of white creamy liquid up my belly. Boys at school had been talking about masturbation and I knew immediately that I’d masturbated for the first time. At school next day I was so proud. Soon I was masturbating with other boys and we were wanking each other off.

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