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Started by routemaster at 09,Jan,24 15:10  other posts of routemaster
This has been mentioned before by someone, rather a long time ago but is still happening. Every time I try to leave a public message on a new member who has just joined, I get a message saying "Are you spamming?" Anyone know why?

Similar topics: 1.Was bored so I made this!   2."Are You Spamming" ?   3.Why does my main page say I'm spamming when I comment?   4.Spamming   5.Slight change  

New Comment

By sherryann at 09,Jan,24 16:11 other posts of sherryann 
YesI get this all the time. I admit I say similar things to those who pm me, but that are you spamming thing comes up every single time.
By t-rex at 10,Jan,24 01:12 other posts of t-rex 
You can spam me anytime sweetheart
By sherryann at 10,Jan,24 02:05 other posts of sherryann 
By routemaster at 10,Jan,24 07:29 other posts of routemaster 
Thanks, Sherryann, its a frigging nuisance. Also, when I've posted complimentary comments on a pic I like, I'm now getting "you cannot post this". Go back a second time and the comment goes through. Madness!
By sherryann at 10,Jan,24 15:43 other posts of sherryann 
Hi routemaster. Yes I usually post "nice dick" or something, then it says, you already posted this or something similar.
By phart at 10,Jan,24 15:47 other posts of phart 
frustrating, there is only so many ways to say something simple and it won't let you
By Cody8789 at 10,Jan,24 15:49 other posts of Cody8789 
Add a period or comma after and it will go through

By sherryann at 10,Jan,24 15:50 other posts of sherryann 
Yes I know. I usually say the same stuff only because I've been doing it that way for so long, but you can't really change words much when commenting on dick.
--------------------------------------- added after 32 seconds

Oh ok. Thanks, will try that.

By #610414 at 11,Jan,24 16:40
Sherryann, that’s your problem. YOU should tell the truth.
By sherryann at 11,Jan,24 18:54 other posts of sherryann 
CAT ok. but sometimes when they ask if their dick is small and want me to ridicule I just can't. Never understood that fetish.
By #610414 at 12,Jan,24 00:46
I do. That's what they like and the effort is small. Most are nice guys with a harmless fetish.
By sherryann at 12,Jan,24 01:02 other posts of sherryann 
Oh I agree they're all very nice,I just don't get why ridicule and humiliation is desired.
By #610414 at 13,Jan,24 13:45
I don’t either.
By sherryann at 14,Jan,24 01:22 other posts of sherryann 

By #705346 at 10,Jan,24 12:59
Yeah, I know the problem. It helps if you slightly reformulate the post. But, then again, there situation where that's diffcult. Not many ways of saying "Happy New Year"
By #610414 at 11,Jan,24 16:42
Have you tried, “Ramey Wen Yppah”?
By #705346 at 11,Jan,24 17:13
emit txen yrt ll'I
By #610414 at 11,Jan,24 17:15

By Luvanicecock at 11,Jan,24 16:26 other posts of Luvanicecock 
I haven’t had that happen to me yet

By #610414 at 10,Jan,24 12:50
I get a lot of PMs and sometimes it becomes hopeless to answer all. I don't want anyone to feel I'm ignoring him. When that happens I copy/paste the first answer to all. I avoid the "are you spamming" by inserting a different emoji with every answer. It works most of the time.

By #700043 at 10,Jan,24 01:38
Yes i have seen this, on the other side of the coin, have you ever been spammed on this site ?
By routemaster at 10,Jan,24 07:30 other posts of routemaster 
Thanks, dynamic, no I have never been spammed on this site, at least not yet. Sorry if you have.
By #700043 at 10,Jan,24 08:22
Nor i, was just wondering
By routemaster at 10,Jan,24 09:48 other posts of routemaster 
That's good to know.

By phart at 09,Jan,24 15:13 other posts of phart 
Yea, or the message, 'this has already been posted".
Annoying for sure.
By #526977 at 09,Jan,24 19:21
Me too
Never understood it!
By routemaster at 10,Jan,24 07:31 other posts of routemaster 
Thanks phart and alanhuk, yes it is BLOODY annoying. Sorry it happens to you too, I just don't understand why it does.

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