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Started by routemaster at 29,Oct,24 23:04  other posts of routemaster
I know its a good age but this is still a great shame, Mitzi was one of my all-time favourites. I only found out from the IMDB and she actually passed away on 17th October 2024. When I was a small boy, my gran took me to see the 1958 film version of Rodgers & Hammerstein's "South Pacific"; when she sang "I'm In Love With a Wonderful Guy" on the beach direct to the camera, I decided I was going to marry her but when I saw the film again about 10 years later, I decided I was going to marry John Kerr instead! Mitzi also appeared with Gene Kelly and Kay Kendall in "Les Girls" in 1957 and in the same year the black and white "The Joker Is Wild" with Frank Sinatra. Also in the 1954 film "There's No Business Like Show Business" with Ethel Merman, Marilyn Monroe and Donald O'Connor and a few other musicals including Cole Porter's "Anything Goes" in 1956. She had a lengthy later career with her own stage and t.v. shows which were very popular. I am very upset at her passing. R.I.P. Mitzi. ( :

Similar topics: 1.i love my middle aged cock...   2.TWO SAD PASSINGS   3.RIP David Bowie   4.Rip Wayne Stevens   5.JERRY LEE LEWIS, R.I.P.  

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By CAT52! at 03,Nov,24 15:34 other posts of CAT52! 
“I’m going to wash that man right out of my hair”. I loved her in South Pacific.
By Sir-Skittles at 17,Nov,24 18:20 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
I am sure you saw it when you were in high school

Old rat
By CAT52! at 17,Nov,24 19:40 other posts of CAT52! 
I guess your Mom gave up her corner. Too old to spread her legs. My question is, “Are you the only botched abortion your Mom had or are there more? There’s a lot of homeless men in the Bronx.
By Sir-Skittles at 17,Nov,24 19:58 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Your mom and your daddy are both in the ground!

You are not far behind!

By #725380 at 17,Nov,24 18:52
I have had many crushes on starlets when I was discovering the pleasures my erection was giving me. Connie Stevens was probably my biggest dick-throb. At the time I wanted her I had no idea what I would do with her because I knew nothing about fucking and even less about sucking. Now I know a LOT about sucking as I find so much pleasure in sucking cock and swallowing cum.

By jester_60 at 01,Nov,24 20:05 other posts of jester_60 
Wow. I can't believe I dudnt hear about her passing. What more surprising is that I found out on SYD..IRONICLLY I just watched South Pacic this past Saturday. 😔

By BirdDog at 31,Oct,24 02:10 other posts of BirdDog 

By tb1 at 30,Oct,24 05:05 other posts of tb1 
Very sad, R.I.P.

By t-rex at 30,Oct,24 01:33 other posts of t-rex 

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