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Arse licking/rimming

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Started by #16965 at 28,Mar,10 03:10
Anyone let me rim/lick their arse?

Similar topics: 1.RIMMING   2.ASS LICKING   3.ARSE ARSE ARSE   4.Rimming   5.Self rimming/ lick your own ass  

New Comment

By #423426 at 20,Jan,17 09:54
Love to lick and be licked. You can't get more intimate with a partner. I think some girls are a little too shy to ask for it, but when you get closer and they raise their arsehole nearer your probing tongue, you know you're on a winner. I've always enjoyed doing it since the first time when I was 16. The feel of that little tight puckered star on your tongue is like nothing else, and kissing straight after is so fucking horny

By #499016 at 19,Jan,17 21:25
I have never had my ass rimmed but I can't wait to have it done and to do it.

By #527659 at 19,Jan,17 14:21
Love ass play off all types. ever since I 19, every woman I went down on got her butthole licked. My wife absolutely loves when I do it. There are times when she is not felling fresh enough to have me do it, then she has a little move that gives me a heads up. My wife licked my butt a couple times, years ago, but she stopped doing that when she stopped swallowing.

By #220845 at 02,Mar,15 19:54
I've only done it with a couple of guys ,many gals ,lie having it done to me

By routemaster at 28,Feb,15 01:23 other posts of routemaster 

By #65106 at 30,Mar,10 17:51
never had that done does it feel good
By spermkiss at 30,Mar,10 22:05 other posts of spermkiss 
Are you kidding? It feels heavenly. Not only that, but there are really fine psychological feelings to be had from oral/anal contact. In some ways the anus is the most intimate area of the body, even more intimate than the genitals. It's not as visible as the genitals, being hidden away between the butt cheeks. So when a man is face down with his legs spread and he lifts his hips into the air to expose his anus he is really opening himself up in the most intimate way. When his partner approaches from behind and kisses his anus there is a connection between two people like nothing else. If your regular sex partner will not do this for you contact me. I love to eat ass.
By #23212 at 31,Mar,10 04:24
And please let us not forget the about 5000 nerve endings in the anal area, that, to me at least, ALL, every one seem to come alive, and go 'nuts' with the waves of pleasure one feels!
By spermkiss at 31,Mar,10 05:39 other posts of spermkiss 
I think we both agree that it feels good, both for the eater and the eaten.
By #23212 at 31,Mar,10 05:57
Most indeed we do!

By foreskinlover52 at 13,Jan,15 11:03 other posts of foreskinlover52 
I have too agree..Licking a mans clean ass is a real turn on!

By #482162 at 23,Feb,15 15:00
Couldn't have said it better myself
By routemaster at 23,Feb,15 18:16 other posts of routemaster 
Certainly is - and being rimmed too!

By #483131 at 22,Feb,15 19:49
i love rimming
By routemaster at 23,Feb,15 05:26 other posts of routemaster 
So do I

By routemaster at 22,Feb,15 15:30 other posts of routemaster 

I LOVE having my arsehole rimmed
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I'll spread, you lick

By spermkiss at 29,Mar,10 00:12 other posts of spermkiss 
Ghddick, you're a man after my heart. You're a cocksucker and an ass licker and you're man enough to say so. We're birds of a feather and again I salute you.
By #23212 at 29,Mar,10 05:55
I started licking asses (boys and girls) at 12 years old, and have never stopped--there's nothing finer!
By #53643 at 29,Mar,10 20:45
Im missing out I guess, never had my bottom licked
Would you like to lick me?....I'll reciprocate (that only seems fair)
By spermkiss at 29,Mar,10 23:11 other posts of spermkiss 
You've never had your ass hole licked? Wow, I'm totally surprised. I just clicked on your page and from the photos you've posted it's aparent that your ass hole is a major pleasure center for you. And you've never had a tongue in there. Poor baby, you're really missing out. Find an ass eater NOW!
By #53643 at 29,Mar,10 23:38 ass, which is definitely a source of great pleasure, is a 'virgin' as far as having anyone else ever touch me. Im looking forward to the day when I find the right guy to turn my ass into his own playground; I want the full program: tongue, fingers, cock and a fisting would be very nice, eh?
By spermkiss at 30,Mar,10 05:22 other posts of spermkiss 
You live in Houston which is a major urban center. It shouldn't be that difficult to find a man to give you what you want. Get moving.
By #53643 at 30,Mar,10 06:24
I do have a special guy that I met thru this site and we have a pretty steamy relationship going; I have promised myself to him, he will be my first man. We live a fair distance apart, but we will get together soon I hope.
By spermkiss at 30,Mar,10 16:16 other posts of spermkiss 
Wow again! This is beginning to sound like a fairy tale. You're saving yourself for your special man. The two of you meet in person after much communication, you hit it off, you both undress, you turn and present your ass to him, he is positively enthralled as he kneels and worships your backside, he makes love to your ass, giving you physical pleasure beyond your wildest expectations and the two of you fall in love and live happily ever after. Hey, it could happen. And I'm rooting for you; I want this to have a happy fairy tale ending. Please keep me informed.
By #53643 at 30,Mar,10 21:41
We have exchanged many PM's and we have hit it off as great friends. I just know the sex will be wonderful, but I also value our friendship, hes a dear person.
We have discussed in the most intimate detail our first meeting, we have quite an extensive 'to do' list.
I will most certainly keep you in the know, it may not exactly be a fairy tale in the making, but I know it will fulfill my wildest fantasies and I think my lover to be feels the same way.
Thank you for your kind words and encouragement. bob
By spermkiss at 30,Mar,10 22:08 other posts of spermkiss 
My pleasure. Best wishes for the anal sex of your dreams.

By #23212 at 30,Mar,10 00:32
As always, 'spermkiss', your words are wonderfully warm, deliciously descriptive, and instantly inspiring!! Agreed, he most certainly needs a bum licker, rather quicker.
By spermkiss at 30,Mar,10 05:18 other posts of spermkiss 
What a kind and gracious comment. I do indeed devote some care to what I write and I thank you for noticing.

By #23212 at 30,Mar,10 00:22
Yes I would! (And it's more than "fair", it's fantastic!)

By pifad at 30,Mar,10 04:16 other posts of pifad 
Do it!

By #23508 at 29,Mar,10 18:53
Of course you can you'd have to push my wife out of the road to get to it.
By #23212 at 30,Mar,10 01:33
I'd alternate with her, OK?

By #56497 at 28,Mar,10 03:42
Yes please
By #23212 at 28,Mar,10 04:03
OK joanne, can I too? And do you 'reciprocate'?
By #56497 at 28,Mar,10 07:58
Off course
By #23212 at 29,Mar,10 05:38
Wonderful. I would love to lick you and your lovely girlfriend's cute bottoms, as much as you'd both like, and would be happy to 'make mine available' also.

By #23212 at 28,Mar,10 03:25
Sure!! As soon as you get yourself over here. (But sorry, the 'front' part has been 'cut' )

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