Started by #96004 at 26,Aug,10 09:48
Similar topics: 1.Advice for attempting first time anal 2.Advice for prep for anal... 3.First Anal Sex experience 4.Anal survey 5.Any advice about taking my first cock?!?!?! PLEASE! New CommentComments: |
How pleasurable it will be for you I cannot predict, and it has nothing to do with sexual orientation. I'm as gay as they come, and while I've engaged in receptive anal sex hundreds of times, for me the physical pleasure is so slight it is almost non-existant. The pleasure I get is emotional and psychological. Other men find being sodomized so pleasurable the they can even reach a climax and ejaculate this way. And many of these men identify as straight.
An unwritten rule of anal sex is that the peceptive party gets to control the entry. If you are on top, gently lower yourself onto your partner's penis. Take as much time as you need for a comfortable entry before allowing him to begin his thrusting. If you are standing or lying side by side, back into his penis, again taking as much time as you need before he starts to thrust. I would not recommend that you allow him to mount you for your first time. It is much harder to control entry this way.
Of course this rule is not always followed and some men do indeed force themselves into other men. Whether or not this is rape depends on how much the other man enjoys being taken by force. This is not my style, but some do indeed like this.