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Glans shapes

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Started by #106045 at 25,Sep,10 22:18
Hi I heared there are different types/shapes of glans. Like helmet shaped or acorn shaped. Anyone know more about this? I would like to know what I am so if anyone can tell me I'll post a pic.

[deleted image]

Similar topics: 1.uncut penis glans vs cut penis glans   2.Small foreskin   3.As square shaped glans as possible?   4.When do you skin it back?   5.Glans Shapes (New and Improved)  

New Comment

By Hihello at 31,Dec,19 19:59 other posts of Hihello 
[deleted image]

What shape would you consider mine to be?
By eonblue at 26,Jan,20 01:59 other posts of eonblue 
One word description, perfect! Blunt tapered head sitting atop a massive thick shaft.... Waiting to penetrate sand spread/stretch my tight ass!
By Hihello at 26,Jan,20 02:06 other posts of Hihello 
Thanks man

By #526290 at 24,Jan,20 21:07
I can’t get the damn pic to load. Check mine out it is huge!

By #463848 at 23,Jan,20 09:03
I prefer the helmet head although a long penis with a small arrow head is always good to see. I always feel that it is made for penetration.

By #591921 at 22,Jan,20 05:01
Mushroom head or Helmut head is what I would say. And they actually have head pumps now to just pump your head up thick and puffy. But different ones are different shapes I suppose. Personally once I got engaged to my ex wife she moved back to town and looked up the old girl who used to cut her hair. She asked her who are you getting married to. She told her and the girl told her"girl he has the prettiest dick I've ever seen". My fiance at the time laughed and said yeah its pretty cute isn't it.

By petunia51 at 14,Dec,19 16:36 other posts of petunia51 
Mine. Do you like my glans

By #537387 at 02,Dec,19 23:20
[deleted image]
I like it helmet.

By Steve116969 at 04,Nov,19 04:27 other posts of Steve116969 

By #583549 at 03,Nov,19 12:19
I believe that my glans is flared!

By #532851 at 03,Nov,19 09:52
I have a helmet head.

By Cock112 at 02,Nov,19 10:40 other posts of Cock112 

What would u consider mine?

By foreskinlover52 at 28,Apr,16 13:28 other posts of foreskinlover52 
Dont know what I have for a gland
By HJ_buddy at 01,Nov,19 11:04 other posts of HJ_buddy 
You have a nice flared glans

By ScottsCock at 11,May,18 16:44 other posts of ScottsCock 

By #539358 at 09,May,18 22:57
Ive got a really prominent glans, when my foreskin is forward you can clearly see the ridge underneath

[deleted image]

By fatcock66 at 06,May,18 17:32 other posts of fatcock66 

By #518391 at 06,May,18 08:12
My helmet...
[deleted image]

By MoeJoe at 28,Feb,11 08:30 other posts of MoeJoe 
My beautiful head...

By #455846 at 29,Jul,16 16:16
that looks awesome

By #74896 at 12,Oct,16 20:24
Sexy cock

By #289712 at 28,Aug,16 19:13
[deleted image]hows mine? Would you call it a bell or shroom?

By #505379 at 25,Apr,16 16:04
[deleted image]
By #174339 at 28,Aug,16 07:48
It is awesome

By doedeldi at 01,Aug,16 15:21 other posts of doedeldi 

By ilovemydick at 29,Jul,16 17:22 other posts of ilovemydick 

By #455846 at 29,Jul,16 16:17
this shape ?

[deleted image]

By #260700 at 27,Jul,16 03:14

By shavedpubis at 24,Jul,16 02:54 other posts of shavedpubis 

By cut5x5 at 23,Jul,16 14:28 other posts of cut5x5 
Helmet or mushroom?

By #121361 at 23,Jul,16 14:17
[deleted image]

By cumn4u at 23,Jul,16 09:32 other posts of cumn4u 

By #285354 at 23,Jul,16 01:22
[deleted image]

I guess that I would be classified as an acorn???

By #149019 at 04,May,16 10:29
[deleted image]

By #485312 at 04,May,16 10:22
[deleted image]

By heylittleman at 28,Apr,16 13:22 other posts of heylittleman 

Full blooded

By #206678 at 27,Apr,16 18:15
Skinned back showing glans.[deleted image]

By cut5x5 at 26,Apr,16 15:24 other posts of cut5x5 
[deleted image]

Don't know what shape mine is.

By #46165 at 26,Apr,16 00:49
there isnt a dick here i wouldnt suck

By #496814 at 13,Nov,15 21:10
[deleted image]

See my other pics for sideview.

By Texas_Born29 at 13,Nov,15 20:24 other posts of Texas_Born29 

By mess at 13,Nov,15 18:34 other posts of mess 
Guess I'm more acorn? Not sure...

By #12345 at 18,Dec,13 16:41
[deleted image]
[deleted image][deleted image]
By #457775 at 12,Nov,15 11:39
Like a bull head

By #34386 at 27,Sep,10 19:03
You name it

[deleted image]

[deleted image]

[deleted image]
By #33070 at 26,Feb,11 23:12
Just hot

By dickisgreat at 19,Feb,14 06:33 other posts of dickisgreat 
helmet, with a couple rare bonus extra-hot features: the tip is squared off, and it bulges out on either side of the pee-hole.

By #457775 at 12,Nov,15 11:37
Hot helmet

By jocstfr at 22,Jan,12 15:24 other posts of jocstfr 
Can anyone tell me how my cock head would be classified?
By dickisgreat at 19,Feb,14 06:29 other posts of dickisgreat 
nice fat mushroom there, or maybe helmet

By cockalisious at 17,Feb,14 18:25 other posts of cockalisious 
i think im in the helmet shaped section:

By #415581 at 18,Dec,13 17:06
What category would you put my glans in:

[deleted image]

[deleted image]
By stroker11 at 17,Feb,14 18:00 other posts of stroker11 
Very fine with lickable slit......perfect for tonuge action!

By Cutewilly at 17,Feb,14 16:29 other posts of Cutewilly 
Not sure what shape mine is....

By #289712 at 17,Feb,14 11:40
My magic mushroom head [deleted image]

By #10886 at 27,Sep,10 17:42
[deleted image]
I have been scratching my head trying to figure out what I am!!
By slipper at 17,Feb,14 06:27 other posts of slipper 
I can answer that for you... VERY NICE!!!

By #264686 at 16,Feb,14 12:46
[deleted image]

what type or shape is mine?

By #593 at 19,Feb,13 12:09
Bullet-shaped is most common in uncut - the foreskin "shapes" it that way, like a foot in a particular shoe will 'conform' in shape. The foreskin also acts to make the glans a bit longer than the cut glans. See my site - uncut and bullet-shaped, above average length.

By taurus at 22,Jan,12 16:30 other posts of taurus 
how bout this one?

By #106045 at 26,Sep,10 16:28
Yeah it does look like a helmet, i wonder what type mine is.
By Vita at 22,Jan,12 15:14 other posts of Vita 
[deleted image]

By #22155 at 03,Mar,11 07:26
So how would you categorize mine?

[deleted image]

[deleted image]

By Vita at 27,Feb,11 09:17 other posts of Vita 

By Stiffcock47 at 17,Nov,10 06:32 other posts of Stiffcock47 

Adult Discussion Forum