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who has fucked his brother and vice versa?

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Started by #131120 at 01,Feb,11 17:17
i have fucked my brother and he has fucked me and we still does it.

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By SexyboytoyzMtl at 17,Oct,23 20:39 other posts of SexyboytoyzMtl 
My brocher force me to fuck with him at 5yo

By wycowboy at 11,Aug,22 14:31 other posts of wycowboy 
I don't have a brother but my cousin and I used to suck each other off and had anal a few times.

By #675771 at 10,Aug,22 22:27
Warching my older step bro and his buddy kiss and touch through the slightly open door one evening. I touched myself as they sucked each other's cocks. I bumped the door by mistake and they saw me. My step bro took My pants off snd used me

By #652988 at 27,Dec,21 15:56
I did one te and he was tighter than any pussy I ever had

By cumonme1 at 11,Apr,20 11:04 other posts of cumonme1 
I wanted my brother to fuck my ass but all he wanted was to suck my cock
By Blade at 12,Apr,20 04:44 other posts of Blade 
Did he? Was he older or younger?
By cumonme1 at 12,Apr,20 11:50 other posts of cumonme1 
He was older than me.

By cumonme1 at 21,Apr,20 11:11 other posts of cumonme1 
no he never did he just wanted my cock

By #517674 at 14,Apr,20 13:56
I have flipped fucked my brother and Stepdad since I was 13yo

By #434617 at 07,Apr,20 23:46
Never had sex with my brother but when we were young I noticed his was bigger and shortly after he noticed which he loved to comment on but since I was 3 years older I figured mine would be bigger when I got puberty first but that never happened... When I was 13 or 14 and he was 10 or 11 his was still bigger than mine... I tried telling him it just looked smaller than his because of my hair but he didn't believe me and wanted us to measure them so we did and not surprisingly his was bigger... A few years later after he had hit puberty he loved to brag and say his soft cock was like 5 or 6 inched and he figured mine had grown over the past 2 or 3 years too so he wanted us to drop out pants and see how big we were... I was curious if his really was as big as he said so I decided to do it...
Mine hadn't really grown at all but his really was big even soft... No exaggeration the way I saw his cock like that soft and it was big like he said... His soft was a lot longer than mine hard and a lot thicker too.. Plus he had some really big balls compared to my little balls.. One of his nuts was at least as big as both mine

By #589016 at 20,Aug,19 20:21
My older step bro and i were alone at home one night when he put his hand in my pants and squeezed my cock and balls. He took my pants off and rubbed our cocks against each other. His cock was bigger and he made me suck it. He then put me on my back and fucked me

By #275407 at 02,Mar,18 03:18
I have a ****, and he would be the last person on earth and then some, that I would want to have sex with.
By #460385 at 21,Oct,18 01:50
That's because you are normal. Not a Fucktard like these other weirdos.
By #275407 at 21,Oct,18 06:38
I've noticed quite a few on this site, makes me wonder why I'm here. I guess I just like the fun

By #568296 at 21,Oct,18 01:25
My step **** fucked me in the sitting room while his boyfriend watched.

By #549130 at 02,Mar,18 03:13
My older **** fucked me many times, he has a bf now but he sometimes still fucks me

By #218023 at 05,Mar,13 14:56
My **** sucked me off many times I wanted him to fuck me up the ass but he wouldn't do it. he want me to suck him off I said i would if he fuck me up the ass he still refused so i never got to suck him off big mistake on my part
By bella! at 05,Mar,13 15:34 other posts of bella! 
Be thankful that your **** stopped the cycle and had the common sense to realize those actions were wrong, wrong, WRONG!!!!!!!!

By #88663 at 05,Feb,11 13:54
I don't have a brother,but the boy across the street and I used to fool around and fuck each other all the time

By #13219 at 02,Feb,11 04:17
I had no brother
By #135959 at 02,Feb,11 08:51
Sorry to here that I'll be your little bro if you want

By #135959 at 02,Feb,11 08:47
I fucked my brother a lot growing up I miss it we see each other now and again but he's married now and we don't talk about it . But I do wonder how big his dick is

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