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sucking your own cock

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Started by #153584 at 08,May,11 02:53
who on SYD can suck your own cock? let me know what it is like. if you cant suck your own cock, have you ever tried or wanted to.
i have tried before but was not flexible or long enough.

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By Ananas2xLekker at 20,Dec,18 20:06 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
When I was in my early twenties, I found the idea on the internet. I was quite limber and after a few minutes of practice, I could already lick the tip of the head while I was standing. That felt good, so I practised on it a lot for days. I made it further every day and could suck on almost the complete head and keep it up a while. I tried it standing and laying down with my legs thrown back over my head. Standing gave me more freedom of movement, but laying down got me further. Taking the head completely in my mouth, sliding in and out and licking all around with my tongue, made me cum quickly several times. But I never dared to cum in my own mouth and I had never even thought of tasting a drop of my own cum. However, on a night I was more limber than usual, I was stretching the experience, enjoying the sucking just as much as the feeling I gave myself. I combined it with looking lots of porn and found a video of a guy blowing his load in his own mouth, making a show of it, licking it all up and swallowing most. I still didn't consider doing it myself, but it made me horny as fuck. I watched that video over and over and my searches for porn become more cum related. Looking videos of girls taking the biggest facials I could find. It made me get used to the idea, but I still didn't want to do it. Getting on the edge to cumming, I started sucking myself with passion. I was still planning to cum in a paper towel, until I was overwhelmed with pleasure. I just couldn't stop sucking and accepted I would take my cum. I thought "How bad can it be?". Then I blew my biggest load ever.

I wrote a story about that in my blog. I invite everyone to read that, because it would be weird to write the whole story again.

Now years later, I like to taste my cum and do it regularly. Also I sometimes shoot my cum in my own mouth. I really regret not being able to suck myself any more.

By foreskinlover52 at 20,Dec,18 17:40 other posts of foreskinlover52 
I have sicked my own cock for years and have a few pocs posted..Once I have even licked my own balls but now sucking the head and shooting my sperm into my mouth is what I do most

By spermkiss at 20,Dec,18 15:55 other posts of spermkiss 
This reminds me of the old joke: "Why do dogs lick their own genitals?" "Because they can."

There isn't a man in the world who wouldn't suck his own cock if he could, and some men (about one in 400) are limber enough and/or have a long enough cock to do it. Teetee on this very site is one of those men. Check him out. Not only is he a handsome guy with a nice lean physique and an attractive set of equipment, but he can also self suck. He is gracious enough to post photos of himself doing it.

By #554763 at 20,Dec,18 14:39
When I was young I could reach my cock with my tongue, not anymore though

By DJS at 20,Dec,18 13:15 other posts of DJS 
Never,maybe because am less flexible now or my cock shrunk..

By smokieb69 at 20,Dec,18 06:43 other posts of smokieb69 
Yes, I do - check out my pics

By #547532 at 18,Dec,18 21:56
I wish I could. The best I can do is lick the head while I stroke it. I am hoping one day in hopefully the very near future I will be able to give myself a full cock blowjob.

By #64328 at 18,Dec,18 19:02
I could when I was young and did pretty regularly. I even let a friend watch me do it when we were in jr high because he didnt believe I could. He did admit that he had tried several times but never was flexible enough.

By mrseveninches at 18,Dec,18 17:17 other posts of mrseveninches 
In my younger days i could get half my dick in my mouth.

By knewbi at 15,Dec,18 20:42 other posts of knewbi 
I can't but wish that I could. I have tried a number of times and ways but never made it. If I could I would truly enjoy stepping into a restroom while out and about and giving myself that desired blow job any time I wanted it. All I can do now is wank off but a nice BJ would feel so terrific.

By wycowboy at 15,Dec,18 15:15 other posts of wycowboy 
I wish I could. I've tried but I am not flexible enough nor am I long enough to get it done. Best I have been able to do is cum in my own mouth but it's been years since I could bend enough to accomplish even that.

By cumonme1 at 15,Dec,18 12:44 other posts of cumonme1 
Wish I could

By #573046 at 13,Dec,18 00:23
I have tried that a lot of times.When I was younger furthest I could reach was my lips on the tip of my cockhead and I was able to lick my cockhead with my tongue.I felt the taste of my dick and felt good.Tried sliding more of my dick in my mouth, but wasn't that flexible.

By #181785 at 28,Jul,11 06:27
Was able to suck whole cock as a teenager. Now get close, still working on flexability. Hope to suck it again soon If I do I'll post pics.

By 3fdfd at 27,Jul,11 14:47 other posts of 3fdfd 
Always wanted to, but never could !

By big9inch21 at 13,May,11 00:40 other posts of big9inch21 
I can get alittle past my head!!

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