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Would you suck your own cock?

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Started by #94900 at 08,Aug,10 09:08
If i could suck my own i would.... or maybe some boys out there can????

Similar topics: 1.Would U suck my Cock for $20   2.How do you ask a guy if you can suck his cock?   3.Cocks I would Suck... Craving a Cock in my Mouth!   4.Sucking cock   5.I Want to Suck Cock!  

New Comment

By Jamie at 19,Mar,25 03:22 other posts of Jamie 
I sure would if I could

By t-rex at 18,Mar,25 21:42 other posts of t-rex 
I also would if I could, sounds so exciting

By earthy at 18,Mar,25 20:30 other posts of earthy 
I would if I could but can't, I've tried lol
By german_guy at 18,Mar,25 20:47 other posts of german_guy 
same here

By Smoothsilk at 18,Mar,25 17:21 other posts of Smoothsilk 
I can only get close enough to shoot a load in my mouth.

By #730269 at 18,Mar,25 01:10
If I could I would!! Have cum in my mouth and on my face!! Would rather give to someone else!

By Cody8789 at 01,Dec,23 07:51 other posts of Cody8789 
Don’t need to, I have no problem finding anyone who wants to do it for me
By Ananas2xLekker at 14,Mar,25 17:10 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
There's millions of bands making great music, to listen to whenever we want.
Still there are people who like making music themselves.

By act2now at 14,Mar,25 17:02 other posts of act2now 
I used to be able to. Not flexible enough anymore.
By Ananas2xLekker at 14,Mar,25 17:07 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Me too. If I still could, I would do it all the time.

By Bicunova at 13,Mar,25 19:41 other posts of Bicunova 
Hell yes

By BoneRanger at 13,Mar,25 16:18 other posts of BoneRanger 
I think it's safe to say that we all would at least try it out if we could do it. However I don't even like the feeling that I get sometimes when I shoot a huge load on onto myself. There has been times when it felt emasculating. I try to avoid this at all cost. I am very capable of shooting a shot well over me head, I wouldn't like it if I was moaning and as I came and shot into my own mouth

By Olddude at 20,Sep,24 18:57 other posts of Olddude 
Sure wish I could! I would suck it every chance I got!!

By Eikenhofman at 19,Sep,24 23:33 other posts of Eikenhofman 
Wish I could but not flexible enough.

By #721925 at 19,Sep,24 22:52
I can't suck my cock just lick the head

By t-rex at 19,Sep,24 20:33 other posts of t-rex 
Hell yes

By #716698 at 15,Sep,24 18:36
It's funny you should ask that. This happened in my car. A friend asked me if I would suck my own cock. I told him I would if he would hold it. He held my cock and pushed my head down before he took a turn sucking it.

By quint at 20,Aug,24 16:42 other posts of quint 
.. if I could, you'd probably never see me again!
By tb1 at 13,Sep,24 12:20 other posts of tb1 

By #722199 at 11,Sep,24 09:57

By Alwaysnude at 24,Aug,24 20:52 other posts of Alwaysnude 
oh yes
--------------------------------------- added after 16 seconds

oh yes

By t-rex at 24,Aug,24 18:08 other posts of t-rex 
I have dreams of doing this, but I can’t, so I have to settle for someone else doing it 😃

By #715264 at 20,Aug,24 10:40
Hell yes I did and if I stretch out and loose a lil bit in my be able to swallow my entire cock again.fucking loved sucking my cock and balls..and will again soon.ive never had a blowjob better then the one I gave myself..

By Arlo at 17,Aug,24 13:25 other posts of Arlo 
Of course. Just not flexible enough.

By bioldcocksucker at 15,Aug,24 21:15 other posts of bioldcocksucker 
Yes, I which I could
By tb1 at 16,Aug,24 18:21 other posts of tb1 
Me too

By beauregard19 at 16,Aug,24 16:03 other posts of beauregard19 
I snapped the back clean off a computer chair doing it once!

By #717471 at 16,Aug,24 13:04
Of course! But it's too damn small!

By Smoothsilk at 15,Aug,24 15:50 other posts of Smoothsilk 
If I could. Can get close enough to cum in my own mouth.

By Bicunova at 12,Aug,24 18:12 other posts of Bicunova 
Hell yes!

By #720147 at 11,Aug,24 18:46
In a heartbeat. Alas I’ve never been quite able.

By Antonek at 11,Aug,24 03:51 other posts of Antonek 
When I was a teen, I could get the head of my cock in my mouth, at least far enough to swirl my tongue around it. I probably would have done it more if either my cock was longer or I was more flexible. It was one of those things I just had to try.
By #718164 at 11,Aug,24 03:53
Totally agree with you.

By Geraldgg at 06,Aug,24 08:29 other posts of Geraldgg 
If I could I would. Believe me I have tried

By mmoon42 at 05,Aug,24 08:30 other posts of mmoon42 
Of course! There’s not been one cock I’d love to suck more than my own

By Bi7incher at 31,Jul,24 04:52 other posts of Bi7incher 
Hell yes I would if I could and as I already almost always swallow my own cum after jerking off if I could suck my own I could feed myself straight from my cock

By earthy at 30,Jul,24 16:38 other posts of earthy 
I've tried but I can't reach it

By cumonme1 at 30,Jul,24 15:54 other posts of cumonme1 
I have tried and couldn't get my mouth on it, so I have to suck on the hard cock's of others.

By fs9318 at 30,Jul,24 14:49 other posts of fs9318 
I used to lock myself in the bathroom when I was 14 and suck my cock. I managed to get most of the shaft into my mouth and loved shooting into my mouth.

By Ivanna66 at 30,Jul,24 04:37 other posts of Ivanna66 
Yes, I sucked my own dick and came in my own mouth when I was young and flexible.

By #719585 at 29,Jul,24 18:48

By kupreanoff at 28,Jul,24 20:24 other posts of kupreanoff 
I wish

By BlazerDad at 27,Jul,24 15:44 other posts of BlazerDad 
As a teen and into my early 20's I was able to go down on my dick about two inches worth. I would first piss in my mouth then when growing hard, suck to completion. Didn't do it a whole lot, mainly because I grew up on a large cattle farming operation and I discovered newly born calves.

By CutBritDude at 27,Jul,24 13:53 other posts of CutBritDude 
I used to be able to do this as a teen and younger man! Could get all of the head and about and inch maybe a bit more of the shaft. Hot as fuck 🔥🔥🔥 used to love sucking my dick until I nutted in my mouth. Yes I always swallowed, why wouldn’t you…?! I’ve tried recently and can’t do it 😭 I’m gonna try and work myself back up to it 😈

By Smoothsilk at 26,Jul,24 16:37 other posts of Smoothsilk 
If I could suck my cock, I would never leave the house!

By NakedAtoms at 15,Feb,24 00:42 other posts of NakedAtoms 
[deleted image]

I would do it for sure

By Blade at 08,Feb,24 04:29 other posts of Blade 
I wish I tried it as a teen. I first tried it when I was late 20s. I just got my dickhead in my mouth. But I had to stretch to do it, so not most comfortable.

I had started to put on weight then, so I can only imagine how much I could get in my mouth when I was really skinny.

By Homer33 at 22,Nov,23 21:13 other posts of Homer33 
I would do it if i could. When i was 17-20 years i could touch the tip of my dick with the tip of my tongue
By #705311 at 31,Jan,24 14:32
Same here when I was in my teens and skinny. Wish I had tried more to at least be able to lick the head.

By bostonspdo at 31,Jan,24 01:32 other posts of bostonspdo 
I would if I could but I can't.

By tecsan at 01,Dec,23 06:46 other posts of tecsan 
By Ananas2xLekker at 28,Jan,24 00:15 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
To get off, of course! You wouldn't then?

By curiousrene at 27,Jan,24 01:05 other posts of curiousrene 
I wish I was that flexible. I think I would love it.

By #688177 at 23,Jan,24 07:55
My back would not let me, but I would yes, I think most women would lick there own pussy if they could too

By wankme at 22,Jan,24 23:09 other posts of wankme 
Did when I was younger and skinnier. Probably for the best that I can't anymore or I'd just be sucking myself off all of the time.

By Antonek at 23,Nov,23 03:40 other posts of Antonek 
It seems a lot of us tried just to know. When I was a teen, I could get the head of my cock in my mouth but just barely. Unfortunately it was too much work to be enjoyable.

By mrseveninches at 21,Nov,23 19:40 other posts of mrseveninches 
I could get half my dick in my mouth when I was younger. Nowadays I'm only able to lick my own dickhead.

By yellowman at 17,Nov,23 11:40 other posts of yellowman 
Oh how I wish that I could.......
By tb1 at 17,Nov,23 16:30 other posts of tb1 
Me too

By nakedjim at 17,Nov,23 13:48 other posts of nakedjim 
In those good, younger years I could get the head in. Love tongue teasing my Pee hole & drinking my cum.

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