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Do you have safe sex?

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Started by #6522 at 26,Jan,09 20:24
This is the question thats been going around do people have safe sex

Similar topics: 1.Hetero mature--Like to try sucking cum out:***Is it safe? this safe?   3.Is safe(r) sex still important to you?   4.JohnS, could you please shut up sometimes?   5.Please Stay Safe  

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By #588373 at 30,May,19 07:47
I swallowing safe?

By phart at 18,May,19 18:02 other posts of phart 
Uh no, I have not had safe sex. I have never saw a safe that aroused me.
By #455846 at 24,May,19 12:59
By phart at 29,May,19 22:00 other posts of phart 
You know,I went to the farm store yesterday and they had this really big,tall safe with all kinds of pinstripeing on it.Had a cute little yellow clearance tag on it.I started feeling a little tingle down there and had to get away from it. Sadly it didn't have sexy little legs on it like the 1 I sold a couple weeks ago..

By #586508 at 29,May,19 21:21
I've only had sex with females and I used a condom 75% of the time until I turned 21 and got into the bar scene. Since then I've never used one since except for two times with two separate girls that were not very sexually experienced. The first time I was drunk and it just didn't feel right so I took it off a few minutes in and once she I realized it she just flat out told me that I better cum in her mouth because she wasn't cleaning it up off of her lol. The second time I was with a new girl who I ended up being with for 4 years. I put it on and just kept losing my erection so I took it off and she was a little freaked because she had never had sex without one. She ended up letting me finish in her mouth and became a sex addict pretty much after that! Swallowed more of my cum in the first few months than the total of all the others I had been with. Sure do miss her......

By #585606 at 18,May,19 08:46
I never have safe sex tbh
By #455846 at 24,May,19 13:07
Too often Ive had condoms slip off.
By #294721 at 27,May,19 08:55
Or just conveniently to be horny,drunk, unwilling or out of condoms to use them
By #585606 at 27,May,19 11:59
Haha I do this all the time, get a guy over for sex then when it comes down to it I tell him I'm out of condoms.
By then I've got him too horny to stop so he does me bareback.
By #294721 at 27,May,19 12:05
Nothing wrong with that
By #585606 at 27,May,19 16:42
If he's hesitant I give him the old lines "I never usually fuck bareback" "I've only ever done it in relationships after we've both tested" etc
After a few lines like that, the fact I've made sure he's mega turned on an hard beforehand an my legs spread open even the most safe top gives in an ends up balls deep bareback
By #294721 at 29,May,19 19:57
So true

By leopoldij at 27,May,19 18:41 other posts of leopoldij 
Yes. I use a condom when I fuck.

By #275407 at 21,May,19 02:44
I Allways pick a safe spot to have sex
By leopoldij at 27,May,19 18:40 other posts of leopoldij 
That takes some planning and patience. I don't always do that.

By #536019 at 18,May,19 13:49
Condom for fucking and being fucked. Bare for sucking and being sucked. (I'm a Bisexual.)
By SluttySarah069 at 23,May,19 16:43 other posts of SluttySarah069 
Same here - I love sucking cocks and swallowing spunk but when I fuck or am being fucked then it has to be with a condom.
Only sensible - I don't want HIV/AIDS or any other STI. However, there is always a risk when sucking off cocks and swallowing - I was told by the STI clinic to Spit or Swallow - don't wallow.
By leopoldij at 27,May,19 18:39 other posts of leopoldij 
There is a risk with sucking cocks even without swallowing.

By #455846 at 24,May,19 13:05
No, most girls don t seem to like the idea of stopping and putting a condom on me etc. So I just go without. Quite honestly I think most guys with fat girth have a somilar 'problem' ..

By #522791 at 23,May,19 15:58
Never!!! Lol nah I do and should everybody else...stay safe ppl

By wycowboy at 18,May,19 12:25 other posts of wycowboy 
If I am with my wife, which is rare, we do not have sex much anymore, no I do not use a rubber. When with anyone else, yes, a rubber goes on. These days it is a necessity. When I matured sexually in the 70's it wasn't a big deal and was mostly so you lessened the chance of an unwanted pregnancy. Today it could mean your life.

By #583549 at 18,May,19 09:57
I always have safe sex.I choose my partners carefuly and all is good.

By #88663 at 06,Apr,11 14:57
Of corse

By #33070 at 03,Apr,11 20:33
I have always except once and I hate that I didn't put on a rubber again

By #2331 at 03,Apr,11 19:57
My safe wont let me fuck it!!!
By #107983 at 03,Apr,11 20:11
You have to sneak up on it

By #21910 at 22,Nov,09 10:01
No sex is safe except monogamous sex with a clean husband, wife or partner. There is only safer sex, Trusting your health if not your life to a thin latex sheath is about as safe as playing Russian Roulette with a Glock and hoping for a misfire.
By Gntlmn at 03,Apr,11 15:16 other posts of Gntlmn 
...especially since Glocks aren't revolvers....duh!

By #3997 at 16,Nov,09 17:46
Not since i have been with my wife, but if we play with others then yes i use a condom

By #7976 at 04,May,09 02:47
Fortunately I grew into sexual maturity in the 60s & 70s when the worst social disease was a case of the clap and a week on penicillin. I had many lovers in the "free sex" era and never had a problem. Now, I would actually be a bit timid about having sex with someone I didn't know very well or who presented me with a clean bill of health from a recent exam. Sad that we have come to that but it's the times. As for safe sex, my wife neutered me after our second child and we don't need a prophylactic cover. If I were to stray however, you can be damn certain I would use a rubber and probably some type of antibiotic cream underneath. Safe, for me it would be an impartiality. On a final note, when I was screwing like a male rabbit in a hutch full of bunnies, I never used much protection but was a master of pulling out more or less in time. No kids from those days but I have never figured out exactly why. Just lucky I guess.

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