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Started by #159795 at 13,Sep,11 16:12
Imagine buying a membership so you dont lose your so called fake cyber friends, now that really is sad Luv 69 has no real friends

Similar topics: 1.Notice for premium members   2.Why is membership dropping   3.Hottest Christmas themed pic contest   4.Membership D R O P ?!?   5.Fake accounts  

New Comment

By #85103 at 13,Sep,11 18:58
Hi Matt's wife.
Yeah, I saw you deleted me and I still have no idea why you along with about 20 other people did so
I loved your pics too.
By SpiceySkin at 13,Sep,11 20:08 other posts of SpiceySkin 
We all have
By #59855 at 13,Sep,11 22:24
From Matt's Wife: Sorry, I just am not sure what to do. We had alot of friends and rather than pick 100 I just deleted everyone.
By MoeJoe at 14,Sep,11 08:30 other posts of MoeJoe 
Matts Wife: The only option you really have now in orfer to allow all of your former Friends to see your pics is to adjust your profile settings to allow all memebers to see your stuff.
By #59855 at 14,Sep,11 16:57
From Matt's Wife: @Moe, that is not an option and is not going to happen. I say who see's the pics and when they see them. I will not open our pics up to more attacks again. I will leave the site first. What needs to happen is either increase the number of friends or take away the ability to vote on pics.
By #190275 at 15,Sep,11 00:21
why would people attack your pictures? Some people are just Blerh...... let me quote George Carlin "Just think of how stupid the average person is, and then realize half of them are even stupider!"

By pifad at 14,Sep,11 05:08 other posts of pifad 
Ok folks, here's my take on this whole mess. If you keep in contact with your friends you never really lose them. Adding and deleting means nothing at this point. I am waaaay over my 100 limit and I'm not knocking anyone off the list. I did delete some at first thinking if I didn't I'd be in deep do do, but then I figured what can they do to me? HA!
By admin at 14,Sep,11 14:28 other posts of admin 
I NEVER said that any of you MUST delete your friends. You will not be able to add new ones and the features of those pages will be limited by 100 (or whatever your current limit is) first friends automatically anyway. But that's it.

Most of you do not get this. I had a real problem with database server and I solved it simply limiting operations. You may have 100'000 friends (though actually you cannot add that many, I'm only speaking figuratively), but only 100 first will be processed by the script. My problem solved and I don't care what you do with your friend lists. You may leave them untouched. You won't be able to add new ones however if you are over the limit.
By #159795 at 14,Sep,11 14:58
Well said admin but sadly you are wasting your time , it will have flown over most off their heads. Why do you need that many friends in the first place, I can guarantee those with that many so called cyber friends dont even chat with 99% of them , so relax and chill out there are more important things to worry about, like when is monted going to be king again
By #59855 at 14,Sep,11 16:58
From Matt's Wife: I am getting tired of your insults ever, I though you were better than this. What happened to you?

By #59855 at 13,Sep,11 18:11
From Matt's Wife: This is a sad thing ever, now people can't see our pics and I will not be delisting them as private.
By #159795 at 13,Sep,11 20:20
Is it really worth getting up tight about , come on surely there are more important things to worry about.
By #59855 at 13,Sep,11 22:24
From Matt's Wife: Not really worried ever, it will either work itself out or it won't

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