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Why is membership dropping

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Started by #437945 at 02,Nov,13 15:06
I have noticed membership dropping,is this normal,does it usually go up and down

Similar topics: 1.Membership   2.Notice for premium members   3.Membership D R O P ?!?   4.SYD membership numbers   5.Fake accounts  

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By #415959 at 02,Nov,13 23:36
The unfortunate fact that "Google" no longer recognizes this site, has tipped the scale with fake accounts deleted, versus new member accounts created.
By #354961 at 02,Nov,13 23:47
I think is quite important to figure why the members are leaving.
By #68656 at 03,Nov,13 10:31
We would average around six or so fake account detections or references from other members and deletions each day.
By #354961 at 03,Nov,13 11:49
That's fine John. Fakes you can find everywhere but doesn't belongs here.
Here is an different issue:
I'm still in the contact with a few members which have been here for a long time but left. And the reason is not the numbers of fakes, the reason is behavior of some other members here. Sadly, but true.
By bella! at 03,Nov,13 20:34 other posts of bella! 
So the behavior of some members caused some of your friends to leave? Perhaps you should ask those dear friends you are in contact with, if their departure was quickened due to unsolicited and rude private messages.

By #201583 at 03,Nov,13 20:33
I just ran a search and SYD and SYC came up. Granted they were on page 4 and 5.
By admin at 03,Nov,13 21:28 other posts of admin 
And that is the problem. It's not that Google does not recognize the site. Google simply penalized all adult sites. That's why you cannot find many of them on the first pages even on porn searches.
By #201583 at 03,Nov,13 23:35
A lot of people are turning to Bing, and SYD is number one.

By #437945 at 02,Nov,13 16:34
So, Hello
By hytiger at 03,Nov,13 20:23 other posts of hytiger 
This is "show your dick" where are your pics?

By hytiger at 03,Nov,13 20:20 other posts of hytiger 
Numbers go both up, & down!

By fila1305 at 02,Nov,13 21:27 other posts of fila1305 
I think you'll find a big part of your answer on this thread: /forum/thread.php?id=21608
By CreativeOne at 02,Nov,13 21:56 other posts of CreativeOne 
"Great advice" !

I remember when Admin first added that thread !

By bella! at 02,Nov,13 16:05 other posts of bella! 
People join for various reasons and for various reasons, they leave. ( Boy, was that vague. ) . Me, I have had several different profiles over the last 3.5+ years, I delete, then find myself returning to the site and wanting to be part of the "group" once again. In less than 90 days, I will have 2 years of continuous membership and I look forward to the perk of being on the evaluation panel.
By JeffinKS at 02,Nov,13 18:28 other posts of JeffinKS 
I thought you were already on the panel....
well it is something to look forward to... being hounded for voting against someones friend.....
By bella! at 02,Nov,13 18:34 other posts of bella! 

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