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getting erection in front of doctor

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Started by #204001 at 19,Nov,11 23:59
has anyone got an erection in front of male doctor and if sowhat happened about it.

Similar topics: 1.joke   2.... Playing Doctor when we were kids ...   3.experiences with your guy doctor   4.Physsician Induced Erection   5.What is the reason of my erection stops completely ?❗  

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By galaxy123 at 24,Feb,23 13:51 other posts of galaxy123 
I have been naked in front of many doctors and nurses and once or twice got an erection but one interesting time was when I was 14. My father was circumcised but my parents decided to wait and ask me if I would like to be circumcised too. So when I was 14 my parents and I sat down and they explained that if I wanted to get circumcised I could, I remember speaking to them about it and comparing mine with my Fathers. They offered to take me to a specialist doctor, so he could examine me and then we could all discuss the options and I could make the decision myself.
I thought this was a good idea so my parents and I went to see the specialist. He examined me, checked the coverage and movement, rolling it back and forth, checked to see if it was too tight, he did this when I was soft but then asked if I could get an erection so he could see if it got too tight when hard. He looked at the Frenulum and asked questions about if I had ever had any irritation or infection under the foreskin. My parents were present during the examination then afterwards I got my clothes back on and we discussed it.
The doctor said that my foreskin functioned normally and that if I wanted to get circumcised I could but there was no medical or pressing need. So I took a few days to think it over and then decided to keep my foreskin.
By german_guy at 24,Feb,23 18:58 other posts of german_guy 
you done right
By galaxy123 at 25,Feb,23 11:53 other posts of galaxy123 
thanks. And thanks to my parents. Especially my mother as her side of the family are all intact and my fathers circumcised. I think she played a big part in me not getting circumcised as a baby.
By german_guy at 25,Feb,23 15:45 other posts of german_guy 
and you were really lucky to have that Mother

By #677384 at 23,Feb,23 23:29
Not with a male doc, but about a week after my appendectomy I went in for a follow up visit. I try to stay smooth...no pubic or ass hair at all. The doc was an attractive woman, so was the nurse witnessing..(I guess they have to). Anyway the doc mentioned it is easier and better to give an exam like that without all the hair and I got half hard during the exam. I could tell they both were staring at my cock and that always turns me on. It just happened to be the same nurse that helped the surgeon a week before with my surgery. I got to chatting with her as we were in the room waiting for the doc, and we hit it off so we exchanged numbers. I noticed the girls were giggling a little at the front desk as I was leaving. A few days later I met the nurse for drinks and she told me how sexy she thought I am naked and she had never seen a guy that was smooth and I was the first guy they didn't have to shave before surgery lol. She also said she really hoped to be working for the follow up visit because she knew I wasn't married lol. We became FWBs and still are today...7 yrs later.
By doedeldi at 25,Feb,23 13:34 other posts of doedeldi 
erfolgreicher Arztbesuch.

By #679615 at 23,Feb,23 23:18
If the hottest 24 year old asian female doctor needs to inspect your cock spread the pee hole and massage your balls checking for testicular cancer how can you not? Its impossible. Finally I had to give up and just let it get hard,, embarrassed.. She did well to coverup saying ok very good you have a nice healthy erection so lets make sure you are in good shape.. This was a health screening for a job.. I'm sure she giggled and told everyone.

By #689038 at 23,Feb,23 21:44
only when I was a teenager

By Lik2play at 23,Feb,23 04:15 other posts of Lik2play 
Yep. It'what it was.

By #463848 at 24,Dec,22 13:55
Only been examined by two doctors, both male. Although I didn't know it at the time one of them was homosexual.

By jimbo111949 at 22,Dec,22 02:16 other posts of jimbo111949 
I had prostate cancer about 20 years ago and one of the side effects is ED. The treatment they gave me was one that I had to use a syringe to inject it in my penis. It was a female doctor, but, that didn't bother me as she watched me get harder than I had ever been. Don't get erections that often any more (I'm 73).

By bernd123 at 11,Jun,22 07:18 other posts of bernd123 
never happend.

By nekekal at 10,Jun,22 04:56 other posts of nekekal 
My last exam was with a woman doctor. She had a trainee, young woman, that did everything that the doctor did.

I like women to do the rectal exam and prostate fondling. They have longer thinner fingers and it feels less intrusive. I don't find anything erotic about a finger up my ass.

So, mostly i just suffered through the rectal exam by the both of them. When they did the testicle exam and and hernia I started to feel a bit aroused with two women playing with my cock and balls. I think the younger one was noticing something because she suddenly started talking about her husband. No particular thing but suddenly it was important to distract herself.

Then they left and I got dressed. Lol

By #671055 at 10,Jun,22 04:35
Not with a male doc, but a female PA-C. The doc I was supposed to see was delayed in a complication in a surgery, so I got a young, very attractive lady Physician Assistant.
Long story, but she had to do a prostate exam, as well as a rectal exam, because my Primary Doc thought I might have cancer.
I wasn't feeling at all aroused, rather more terrified, that she would find something!!
She was just so perfect, inserting, that I hardly felt her gloved fingers. She was very thorough! It took about 5 minutes, and there was another woman, a nurse, present, as 'witness' for their insurance, they told me.
No big deal, until she hit some special place, and I had no control, and HE just decided to be totally hard!!
She assured me that is was totally normal, and nothing to be embarrassed about, but I can only imagine their conversations, together, after!

By LGA6969 at 08,Jun,22 21:52 other posts of LGA6969 
I did years ago getting a rectal eman the doctor was examine me and fingered my prostate and I got such. A erection . I was bent over and my dick was straight up bouncing against my stomach

By #667453 at 08,Jun,22 21:10
Not happened to me

By #121361 at 11,Nov,18 21:27
[deleted image]

By #571688 at 11,Nov,18 20:21
That happened for me before.I was at the doctors appointment and he asked to take a look at my penis.I was standing with my pants down and doctor started touching my balls and dick.His hands felt cold snd I realised I got an erection and everyone saw that.Nurse looked at my hard dick too.Doctor said everything is working fine and asked pull my pants up.

By #565506 at 30,Oct,18 11:39
I got my testicles examined various times, but once the examination was kind of thorough. Usually the doc asks me to hold the junk with my hand so he can see and touch the balls, but this time he didn't say anything so I left it hang freely. When he was putting it aside to the left and to the right in order to get to the testicles, I gradually got the feeling that it's staring to grow... Actually, I got a semi but fortunately the examination was over soon. I wonder if the doc realized that or not...

By wycowboy at 29,Oct,18 15:25 other posts of wycowboy 
I don't every time but it has happened. We both ignored it. I'm sure it happens more often than people think

By fatcock66 at 27,Oct,18 22:01 other posts of fatcock66 
2nd time my current doc did a DRE and rubbed my prostate a bit longer than usual because he said it felt "mushy", I started getting hard and actually expressed a few drops of semen. Not a cumshot by any means, but he reached down with the same gloved had that was just in my ass and pinched some of it between fingers. I think he was checking the viscosity. No words were spoken.

By #514663 at 27,Oct,18 18:58
Happened to me once I was in laying on my back in just my underwear and he was examining my stomach.. he asked me to drop my undies a little and I pulled them down exposing myself.. he ran his hands lower around my waist and it made me get a full erection.. felt kinda embarrassed .. I didn't say anything was just somewhat awkward silence while he continued pressing around my waist with my dick throbbing away.. he just ignored it and I got dressed not sure how common it is, but i tend to get erections easily
By #551147 at 27,Oct,18 19:00
Lol I can just about imagine how awkward that MUST have been. Funny though 😆

By Louis at 26,Oct,18 11:40 other posts of Louis 
Yes, it's happened to me several times in fact. I tend to get an erection very easily if I'm naked in front of someone, man or woman. While it's very erotic to me, the doctors have always pretty much ignored it. One time though, a doctor's hot assistant was called in and I would swear she snuck a peak or two.

By joyraja at 26,Oct,18 10:49 other posts of joyraja 
no never

By #275407 at 26,Oct,18 04:09
I look in the mirror at myself when I'm naked and get an erection, does that mean I'm gay
By #551147 at 26,Oct,18 06:15
🙄 Where's Will when we need him... He'll be more than happy to answer this question. I would venture to say, NO DOUBT! If you look into the mirror and get wood, you are quite gay.

By #312164 at 06,Jul,13 02:51
I once popped a woody when a nurse was removing a catheter. The feeling was so weird when she was pulling it out that I instantly got hard which made it alittle more difficult for her, but she was a complete pro about it and didn't say a word.
By #446346 at 25,Oct,18 20:58
I broke my leg, had surgery and woke up with burning erection beause of theof the Catheter.
I begged the nurses to pull it out.

By leopoldij at 24,May,17 17:17 other posts of leopoldij 
Yes. I had a hard on in front of a nurse.

By JackHammer at 24,May,17 11:50 other posts of JackHammer 
I have fantasies about it, I think it would be hot.

By jocstfr at 04,Jul,13 17:18 other posts of jocstfr 
I tend to produce a lot of precum on a regular basis and routinely have precum oozing out of my cock slit when I go to the doctor. He told me it is normal and not to be embarrassed about it. I went to a female dr once and she noticed it but did not address it. She seemed a little akward about it when giving the hernia exam, as it was a clear strand hanging from my cock slit but again did not address it.
--------------------------------------- added after 37 minutes

looked like this

By #4222 at 24,Jun,13 22:50
My older friend was in the military back in the 1950s. He popped one in front of a female nurse during a physical and she karate chopped his perennium and he got soft real fast. She said "there'll be nonna that here!" smack.
By #358797 at 25,Jun,13 02:07
Thanks for the mental image. I just laughed my ass off. Lol.
By #291618 at 27,Jun,13 06:13
me too i instantly laughted when i readed this

By bigone21 at 24,Jun,13 23:17 other posts of bigone21 
i don't see the problem...
By #274357 at 24,Jun,13 23:39
Well, then...next time, you have an ingrown toenail, why don't you just stroll in sporting a champion junket pumper.
By bigone21 at 24,Jun,13 23:51 other posts of bigone21 
i don't have an ingrown toenail...

and i still don't see the problem! doctor, woody, no-one minds... doctor acts like he's never even seen it, what's the problem???
By #274357 at 24,Jun,13 23:56
It's the people in the waiting room that I was referring to.
By bigone21 at 25,Jun,13 00:02 other posts of bigone21 
how would i pick up on that? i'm dutch... i don't get all the nuances of your tongue (/mother language)
By #274357 at 25,Jun,13 00:48
Bigone, you're a good sport.

You speak English better than I speak Dutch.

Vergeef mijn onwetendheid.
By bigone21 at 25,Jun,13 16:52 other posts of bigone21 

By #203739 at 21,Nov,11 17:45
Even more embarrassing for me. During an exam, I was ok while the doctor examined my genitals. But when he did a prostate exam, with a latex glove, and lube, I popped a rod the second he put a finger inside me. I'm bi, but we had never discussed it. He was cool; never said a word.
By #205329 at 22,Nov,11 05:33
I had a woman ( good looking too) give me one once. She did it so fast, I didn't have time to react. Wished I could have returned the favor. And no I wouldn't have been checking for anything in particular. Just checking...

By #182522 at 21,Nov,11 02:58
Nope I did in front of a female doctor though.
By #205329 at 21,Nov,11 06:48
Now that's funny. She say anything?

By #200236 at 20,Nov,11 05:52
I did, I was getting a physical for a job and the doctor noticed my cock was semi hard he asked if I was gay. This happened nearly 30 yrs ago
By #187578 at 20,Nov,11 18:08
Lol and how did you answer?

By #176420 at 20,Nov,11 20:32
That Dr.was a fucking asshole..and probably gay.
By spermkiss at 20,Nov,11 22:47 other posts of spermkiss 
I'm inclined to agree, here, that is with the asshole part, not necessarily the gay part. Erections are normal and natural and a spontaneous erection can occur any time, any place. A doctor should know this and that question was at best tactless and probably unethical.

By #176420 at 20,Nov,11 01:47
Nothing happened,it happens during exams,I did once yrs ago.
By #187578 at 20,Nov,11 18:11
Hey whats up hmu some time

By spermkiss at 20,Nov,11 00:16 other posts of spermkiss 
It hasn't happened with me, but I'm sure that it's happened with every person who practices medicine. Don't be concerned about this, doctors have seen everything.

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