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How many have seen you masturbate?

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Started by #37169 at 29,Nov,09 09:22
Here is another question, how many people have seen you masturbate? I don't mean participated with you or helped - just watched while you brought yourself off?

Similar topics: 1.Do you masturbate when getting sex regularly?   2.masturbation with circumcised penis   3.Masturbate before sex   4.Ladies, do you like to masturbate for men to watch?   5.Masturbate-a-Thon  

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By SexIsLife at 14,Aug,24 19:35 other posts of SexIsLife 
Plenty of girls in various ages.

By #711401 at 21,Apr,24 15:02
Hundreds of times over the years. I'm a totally exhibitionist wanker.

By PITBULL at 22,Feb,23 14:56 other posts of PITBULL 
so many I lost count

By gingerpik at 22,Feb,23 01:54 other posts of gingerpik 
Probably around 15-20 or so I think..
A couple of girlfriends but most were other guys from high school - Jerked off together with many off my classmates as well as some of my other friends back then..

By #689038 at 20,Feb,23 22:04
maybe 4-5 friends/partners

By #688322 at 20,Feb,23 17:51
2, my brother in law and I jerked off togeather sence we were teens and my best friend from work

By thickswingercock at 20,Feb,23 06:38 other posts of thickswingercock 
i webcam and sell content, 10,000e and 10,000s and 10,000s x 10,000!lol. seen me tuck too

By #677384 at 19,Feb,23 23:45
Ohhh...2 or 3 in person, but used to broadcast a free cam on CB...had 80+ viewers a few times, so alot hehe

By #688896 at 19,Feb,23 22:21
In person just 1, my wife, online god only knows!

By #689035 at 19,Feb,23 18:26
I would occasionally, during summer, perch on mthe balcony naked, at my old apartment. I'm sure a few neighbours saw me masturbate at times..

By Mynakedcock at 22,Jan,23 19:54 other posts of Mynakedcock 
Lots of people have seen me masturbate, I often show on video chat sites and when out walking I usually have a wank and have been caught several times sometimes the person or people who catch me masturbating stop and watch me.

By #656954 at 21,Dec,22 17:30
Hundreds,on line

By #536019 at 17,Dec,22 00:21
My wife plenty of times. Three boys when I was 13. A lot of men in my 40s through 60s and going to occasional gay orgies.

By Panda737369 at 15,Dec,22 08:51 other posts of Panda737369 
Have only had one person watch me stroke. I have cammed a bunch of times and stroked,cummed for someone. I love it.
By #662360 at 16,Dec,22 21:24
You should let more people watch you wank. A cock like yours was made to be seen!

By leopoldij at 16,Dec,22 13:27 other posts of leopoldij 
As I said before, hundreds.
I do that frequently:
let others watch me, in person, while I masturbate.

By #662360 at 03,Dec,22 22:02
Lots of boys at my all boys school. A few men later in life. Girls at wild student parties. A woman I was naked in bed with and asked me to show her how a man “does it” with his hand. My wife on numerous occasions ... To name a few!

By #463848 at 14,Nov,22 14:57
Not as many as I would like to have done (in real life of course). We have all watched hundreds of videos.

By LGA6969 at 31,Oct,22 12:39 other posts of LGA6969 
my father saw me masturbate not on purpose but when I was about 16 I was in my bedroom and forgot to lock the door. I was on my bed naked I use to throw my legs over my head and would jerk off I was going at it and just as I was cumming into my mouth my dad walked into my bedroom. I nearly died thinking I would be in trouble but my dad just walked out laughing. Later he said nice shot how did it taste.....

By galaxy123 at 28,Oct,22 05:21 other posts of galaxy123 
Over the years many...
Starting at boarding school boys masturbated in front of each othe and played games.
My mother, she showed me how to clean under my foreskin and watched me masturbate to see if that meant more cleaning.
My father, he saw me a couple of times
I also did it in front of my sister and her friend
Girlfriends down the years
... honestly too many to put a total on.

By #656954 at 27,Oct,22 16:52
Lots,,I masturbate on cam,dirtyroulette,nudechat

By #656954 at 27,Oct,22 16:52
Lots,,I masturbate on cam,dirtyroulette,Thursday

By #672017 at 21,Oct,22 23:42
Let's see: every girlfriend (7, except one who only dry-humped mostly), 2 cousins, a couple of skype sessions from this site, a couple of internet hookups who asked to see it, a friend of my dad/coworker (oops!), and my little one walking in on me once (double oops!)

By thickswingercock at 21,Oct,22 23:06 other posts of thickswingercock 
i webcam and do skype shows and strip for a living. thousands

By leopoldij at 20,Oct,22 23:23 other posts of leopoldij 
Hundreds. Far too many. Mostly women, but men too. I masturbate in front of friends.

By Lvphose at 20,Oct,22 22:33 other posts of Lvphose 
A couple live not see who’s watched on. Video!

By PITBULL at 20,Oct,22 15:48 other posts of PITBULL 
plenty guys . I just lost count. Love to masturbate in front of other guys

By wycowboy at 20,Oct,22 15:24 other posts of wycowboy 
I was watched last night. My wife had to stay overnight at work so I was alone in the house. About 10:30 I decided to let the dogs out one last time and I went out on the deck too. I am naked all the time in the house so I was nude. I'd been horny all day and being outside got my cock hard so I started stroking. A few minutes later I noticed the young woman next door was watching me out her kitchen window. That was all I needed to blow my load. After I was done cumming I turned to go in the house but I paused to wave goodnight at her. She quickly ducked out of sight. LOL

By #657920 at 20,Oct,22 08:48
I have no idea how many people seen me masturbate. I masturbated on dirtyroulette I don't know how many times. I masturbated in front of a couple cousins, my mother's boyfriend and a bunch of his friends, my grandfather, and a few of my friends.

By SLUT! at 29,Sep,22 19:38 other posts of SLUT! 
Well, everyone here who has looked at my profile. lol

By #574505 at 29,Sep,22 13:00
was caught naked by a coworker and masturbateing i just kept till I cum.
Others have too can't say who

By Lvphose at 29,Sep,22 11:14 other posts of Lvphose 
I’ve had long time fantasy. I should start by saying I also have a long time pantyhose fetish ( my first experience is for another time). I had a gf who knew of my pantyhose fetish and indulged me in it. Back the fantasy, she told me to come to her place at a certain time. When I got there here living room was full of women just in pantyhose. Their pantyhose feet, calves, legs, thighs, pussy & asses really got me hot! She then told me to strip naked and jerk myself and I was to spread some of my hot cum on each of the sweet pantyhose gals. If I didn’t get them all on my first orgasm I had to keep jerking till I did! A little side to this fantasy was a boss, co-workers, neighbors were the gals I had to shoot my hot cum on!

By #662360 at 21,Sep,22 09:01
Lots of boys and girls have watched me. But one I particularly remember is one morning when I was naked in bed with a girl after sex the night before. We’d been romping nude and my cock was rock hard erect. Out of the blue she asked me how a man does it with his hand. I made sure I put on a good show for her, tugging and stroking full length with my fist round my shaft, lots of grunting and thrusting, and edging for a couple of minutes till I couldn’t take the strain. I shot a big load of cum. She was impressed!
By Lvphose at 29,Sep,22 11:06 other posts of Lvphose 
Great story!

By Lvphose at 29,Sep,22 08:34 other posts of Lvphose 
A few guys but not to orgasm a few more chicks until I came!

By #463848 at 27,Sep,22 07:31
If you mean face to face in real situations - not as many as I would like. I prefer to wank others who are with me.

By #677384 at 27,Sep,22 02:46
hmmm...I am not sure since I used to broadcast a free live webcam for anyone to watch...sometimes a friend would stroke my cock on cam too...she would only show her pussy and hands on my cock...I had 70+ viewers a few times hehe

By #541363 at 11,Nov,18 20:35
A lot of women who were like me participating in a sexparty.

By #571688 at 11,Nov,18 17:54
Let's count.I know my aunt watched me jerking through the open doors.Then my **** saw me in the shower masturbating.Also my mom caught me pants down, masturbating in front of PC.

By #569341 at 05,Nov,18 06:59
Funny though - when my parents knocked on my bedroom door when i was a k.i.d. and i was doing something illicit-intoxicator-related, making the make with a girlfriend or actually having a wank: i'd say, "fuck off, i'm having a wank"
Worked like a charm!!!

By #568737 at 03,Nov,18 22:35
A couple of boys and my wife.
By #532415 at 05,Nov,18 01:41
Yeah. Me too.

By leopoldij at 05,Nov,18 00:31 other posts of leopoldij 

By #562693 at 04,Nov,18 18:27
As a **** several of my friends and a few times m0m caught me.

As an adult I love setting it up to get caught, mostly by this one **** in law. Have also been caught/seen by m0m-in-law, some friends and delivery people over the years.

Used to jerk regularly with bro in law (my only bi exp) and had a lady friend who would let me jerk off in front of her as we looked at pix of my wife and she’d flash her tits at me

By wycowboy at 04,Nov,18 13:45 other posts of wycowboy 
Hard to say since I like to masturbate in public and have also done it on cam

By #571058 at 03,Nov,18 20:24
Well, with real people present watching, a few. If you count all those that have watched me jack off or play with my ass on cam, the number is around 5,000+.

By #562567 at 20,Jul,18 03:05
Just a three friends.At my friends house we used to take off our pants, take out our little cocks and masturbate while watching each other.That was around age 15.

By #539358 at 18,Jul,18 23:08
Probably over a hundred on webcam here too

By #513813 at 18,Jul,18 22:52
Hard to say since I masturbate on web cam

By knewbi at 17,Jul,18 17:28 other posts of knewbi 
Nowhere near enough!!

By #64328 at 09,Jul,18 17:07
Started when I was 8 yo and by the end of high school over 20 people had seen me jack off. I learned early that jacking off with someone always seemed more intense.

By #558745 at 09,Jul,18 16:41
At least 12

By #550700 at 09,Jul,18 05:46
My step **** and I laid on a bed at a hotel while 11 people watched...8 girls and 3 guys of the girls paid us $100 each and got us high all night to stay naked and one else joined in...did it about 7-8 hours

By Riversider at 08,Jul,18 20:51 other posts of Riversider 
2 girlfriends, and lately maybe 10 different buddies at different times. A couple weeks ago a buddy and I were jerking to some hot porn and as I was getting near the end he got closer and just before I came he dove down with his mouth getting the full cumshot. I was shocked and VERY pleasured. Now we dont JO any more we go straight to BJ

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