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which is better? for straight and bi men is women or guys better at sucking dick

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Started by #250894 at 22,Jul,12 18:40
Do guys suck dick better or does the women do

Similar topics: 1.any straight guys thought about sucking dick.   2.any straight guys who love to suck cock   3.Why do "straight" guys.......   4.Gays guys fucking women   5.Do you like sucking straight guy's cocks?  

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By thicknsmooth at 10,Mar,18 03:25 other posts of thicknsmooth 
I personally have always preferred getting my dick sucked over actual sex, however I enjoy both of course. I have had both guys and girls suck on me and I must say by far guys suck better cock. They just seem to get into it and enjoy every inch of the cock & balls. Also they enjoy the process a lot longer, unlike women who usually make it quick and kinda half ass
By #248658 at 04,Nov,18 23:28
That totally describes me to a T

By #541363 at 05,Nov,18 18:32
Then you met the wrong woman.

By knewbi at 05,Nov,18 17:06 other posts of knewbi 
For me it all depends on the sex I am having. If I am making love it is best for me with a woman but if I am being kinky or taboo let that guy suck me and I am in heaven. (As long as I get to suck him too)

By slipper at 22,Jul,12 19:27 other posts of slipper 
All depends on the individual doing it... either can be GREAT, or... no so.
By whatsupcocks at 04,Nov,18 12:37 other posts of whatsupcocks 
u got that right

By whatsupcocks at 04,Nov,18 12:33 other posts of whatsupcocks 
Some of the Best BJ's I ever had came from both sides of the fence . I'm BI - sex so it is all good if they no how to suck cock . sometimes I help By teaching then a few things iv learned from both men and women.

By #566722 at 08,Sep,18 16:57
Never have been sucked so I can't tell, but I think guys suck better, because they know all sensitive parts of a dick.So they suck just like they want to be sucked.Knows where to lick more or less.

By Michael19 at 19,Aug,18 20:40 other posts of Michael19 
I've had amazing head by girls but guys usually suck it better

By #536019 at 19,Aug,18 10:21
I've been sucked by many more men than women, so it's probably not a representative sample, but definitely men are better cocksuckers.

That said, I've been with some men who were lousy at it.

By Joe93930 at 18,Aug,18 23:29 other posts of Joe93930 
Overall I think guys but the best I've ever had was by a girl

By #562567 at 20,Jul,18 13:58
I think guys should suck better as they know which areas are more sensitive and needs attention

By #220845 at 08,Mar,18 19:45
There are exceptions, but I vote guys

By #505462 at 07,Mar,18 20:50
I can suck cock better than most of the women I've ever dated, and I always swallow enthusiastically.

By #549248 at 06,Mar,18 18:49
In my experience, men. They know what it feels like on the receiving end.

By RealTitsLover at 06,Mar,18 11:42 other posts of RealTitsLover 
How would a straight guy have an answer to this question?
If you can enjoy a blowjob from a guy, you're not straight.

By #363802 at 06,Mar,18 00:40
I can definitely suck dick better then a woman! I promise!

By #201583 at 23,Jul,12 05:25
Men by far. Every woman I have had never lasted more than five minutes before stopping to complain where men just keep on trucking with a grin until the end. Most women see giving a blowjob as a chore and therefore the quality greatly lacks. Men are sexually driven, where women you have to wine and dine, shower with gifts and flowers, and still beg to get a crappy blowjob from them. Im not saying that legendary blowjob queens are a work of fiction, its just that I have never encountered one. So if your a queen dont be offended, in fact take a bow, you are rare.

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