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How do hang in your pants ? To the right ? left ? down? Up ?

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Started by #296237 at 28,Aug,12 02:15
Hey guys - How do you put or place your cock in your pants ? On the right ? on the left ? Down? Upward ? Interesting to see how guys hang...

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By CockLoverChub at 24,Mar,25 01:41 other posts of CockLoverChub 
It’s usually inverted but sometimes it points a little to the right.

By nekekal at 23,Mar,25 20:09 other posts of nekekal 
Left. No reason that I know of. I wear tight boxer briefs, but my cock seems to form a bunch on the left side. I think that it makes it easier to get out when I take a piss. I am right handed, the opening in my underwear seems to start on the right so it is easy to reach in and grab into my cock and pull it out. But I don't arrange it consciously.

By lovetolickyou at 22,Mar,25 21:22 other posts of lovetolickyou 
When I was younger, I had a hydrocele of the right testicle, so I always hung my cock on the left. Although my balls are now close to the same size, I guess my cock's been trained....It still goes to the left. Sometimes, if I want to feel it consciously, I'll put it on the right.

By bostonspdo at 22,Mar,25 19:05 other posts of bostonspdo 
i wear briefs. My cock wants to be on the left, but I often put it on the right so it will make a bigger bulge trying to get over to the left.

By thicknsmooth at 08,Dec,23 03:09 other posts of thicknsmooth 
Always carried mine to the right in my pants

By Cody8789 at 08,Dec,23 00:14 other posts of Cody8789 
I like to be supported, up wearing snug boxers or snug bikini underwear, always up. When I was in highschool, I was very shy of showing any sign of my genitals, so I wore TWO pairs of underwear to hide my frequent uncontrolled erections that i used to get so no one would notice, oh yeah, my shirt was always pulled out and not tucked in.
--------------------------------------- added after 5 minutes

Also, I was so shy, I was a virgin until the age of 26, but I’m making up for all those lost years now, no more shyness

By doedeldi at 06,Dec,23 11:48 other posts of doedeldi 
nach unten , etwas links

By #683460 at 06,Dec,23 05:31
To the left

By #215672 at 29,Aug,12 05:21
to the left

By #220845 at 29,Aug,12 04:40
Usually the right side.

By JeffinKS at 28,Aug,12 13:39 other posts of JeffinKS 
I free-ball all the time. I wear my cock to the right and pointing down. I wear loose fitting slacks and let it swing as I walk around. and I am right handed...
By spermkiss at 29,Aug,12 02:46 other posts of spermkiss 
From the looks of those lovely low hangers you've got, I'd say it's your BALLS that do most of the swinging as you walk around. And, man, do I ever envy you. My balls are really high and uptight and I really admire a man whose balls hang lower than the end of his dick. Good looking cock, too. I really like it when an un-cut guy has a nice large glans and the hape of his glans shows thru his foreskin. The only thing wrong with your cock and balls is that they are not up against my face.

By #291618 at 28,Aug,12 22:51
Always to the left

By #266443 at 28,Aug,12 21:18
Until I was around 19 it stayed inside my body a lot of times, but in the past couple years I usually wear it up because I like the feel.

By #285812 at 28,Aug,12 19:09
To the RIGHT means you are not married or going with anyone...to the LEFT means you are married and not available,
DOWN basically means you are wearing briefs and not boxers,as for UP.....anyone's guess.........

By spermkiss at 28,Aug,12 16:13 other posts of spermkiss 
Most of the time I'm commando and I hang on the right. I wear silk boxers with a suit and again hang on the right.

By spermkiss at 28,Aug,12 16:10 other posts of spermkiss 
There was a cute story in the newspaper here about a man going thru an airport security line. He was about to be examined by an officer who asked him "Is your stuff on the left or on the right?" The man replied "I'm wearing briefs so it's right in the middle." The officer was asking on which conveyor was his carry-on luggage.

By fatcock57 at 28,Aug,12 16:05 other posts of fatcock57 
my cock is too short when soft to have it "hang". But I like to put it up in my bikini underwear, or to the left. I don't like down, because sometimes it gets a bit hard and needs some room to grow

By Ray10754 at 28,Aug,12 15:46 other posts of Ray10754 
Never wear underwear so it hangs where it wants!

By #62682 at 28,Aug,12 03:24
I reckon if your right handed you hang to the left and if your left handed hang to the right

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