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Would anybody like to my cock?

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Started by newwt10 at 13,Nov,12 18:02  other posts of newwt10
Would anybody like to suck my cock?

Similar topics: 1.wanking uncock cock compared to cut cock   2.Cock C-O-N-T-E-ST   3.Cock photo contest !   4.Big Cock and fondling it   5.cock to cock tributes  

New Comment

By #587570 at 06,Jun,19 12:04

By Joe93930 at 06,Jun,19 04:35 other posts of Joe93930 
Sure why not

By shackles at 06,Jun,19 03:43 other posts of shackles 

By #516354 at 06,Jun,19 02:38
Would love to and when you were hard have you put it up my ass hole.

By #539191 at 31,May,19 19:08
Perfect for swallowing

By #523846 at 31,May,19 18:52

By #588373 at 30,May,19 08:23
Of course, without a doubt. And swallow.

By #553286 at 04,Jan,19 17:12
Yes till you fill my mouth with chum to swollow
By dgraff at 25,Apr,19 22:34 other posts of dgraff 
Hahaha did you just say chum ??????

By #552950 at 25,Apr,19 19:24
Sure would, beautiful cock

By #554763 at 23,Apr,19 18:08
Don't know if I could get that thick beauty in my mouth, but I'd sure try

By #578989 at 22,Apr,19 19:44
Of course. It looks delicious

By #586400 at 22,Apr,19 19:43
I know I would like.

By #576878 at 14,Jan,19 06:01
You have an attractive and suckable dick. I would love taking it in my mouth and give a good head.

By #532695 at 03,Jan,19 21:49
So thick and such tight balls, yes I'd like to suck it.

By #574576 at 03,Jan,19 12:44
i love my cock and i love your comment about my cockpiks

By C4fun775 at 03,Jan,19 08:28 other posts of C4fun775 
I would suck you off, and beg for you to cum

By hemi2242 at 02,Jan,19 23:20 other posts of hemi2242 
I want to jerk you off

By #575378 at 02,Jan,19 02:09
I would love lick those balls, go up the shaft until my lips wrapped around your nice head.

By #484484 at 28,Nov,18 16:20
mmmmm anytime

By #533479 at 28,Nov,18 13:38
I'd love to suck on that big fat meat stick but please don't push my head down and choke me and make me gag

By #559224 at 28,Nov,18 12:44
Yeah I'd have to give it some love

By #572448 at 22,Nov,18 05:05
Mmm looks very suckable and nice.I would try sucking it for a first time.Lick those balls go up the shaft until your cockhead is in my mouth

By #551147 at 21,Nov,18 18:53
As I see your listed as "straight" I hesitantly say... Yes, yes I would.

By knewbi at 21,Nov,18 18:51 other posts of knewbi 
FUCK YEAH!!!! Feed that to me!!

By #553286 at 18,Nov,18 22:28
yes please if you promise to cum in my mouth

By Irish7X5 at 14,Nov,18 08:09 other posts of Irish7X5 
I would

By #376231 at 18,Mar,18 12:05
love to.

By #540611 at 18,Mar,18 03:55
I will

By leopoldij at 17,Mar,18 22:54 other posts of leopoldij 
Yes, somebody would.

By #549651 at 12,Mar,18 01:21
Yes. I would. It's a nice thick cock and like the soft fur on your bod.

Additionally, and after reading a bit of this forum as well as others like it, I suppose it's with anyone's right to answer "No" to these types of questions. However, if "No" or something negative is your response then it's best to just to move onto the next bit of content as there's something here for everyone. And if not, then the internet is a vast place.

By #551983 at 11,Mar,18 18:42
I would..

By #550094 at 10,Mar,18 10:52
Abso-Sucking-Lutely! And You from head to toe! WOOF!!!

By #515432 at 29,Apr,17 16:18
I would

By #493999 at 28,Apr,17 13:39
Mmmk yes

By #316057 at 28,Apr,17 06:19

By WHATSUPDOC at 28,Apr,17 06:12 other posts of WHATSUPDOC 

By andrew999999999 at 05,Nov,14 20:39 other posts of andrew999999999 
By newwt10 at 18,Apr,17 22:01 other posts of newwt10 
No to yours also mate!
By andrew999999999 at 19,Apr,17 18:02 other posts of andrew999999999 
Took you 3 years to finally reply, guess you were giving a lot of thought as to whether or not you'd suck my cock. If you can't handle someone saying ''no'', don't ask the question. I didn't ask if you wanted to suck mine, and besides, why would you think I want you to?

By cumcouplessa at 19,Apr,17 03:34 other posts of cumcouplessa 
Hell yes!

By #476756 at 05,Nov,14 21:48
yes please beautiful head

By #64328 at 01,Nov,14 18:47
I would stroke a few loads out of it for you
By newwt10 at 05,Nov,14 05:52 other posts of newwt10 
Love to give it up for you!!

By CreativeOne at 05,Oct,14 12:31 other posts of CreativeOne 
Wow ... Really nice looking Boner you have there "newwt10" !

By littlemike58 at 05,Oct,14 08:40 other posts of littlemike58 
I would like to

By jayman73 at 05,Oct,14 02:12 other posts of jayman73 
I would.

By bigone21 at 04,Oct,14 20:24 other posts of bigone21 
i don't know!

By #448269 at 03,Oct,14 23:32
Yes please

By #305812 at 16,Nov,12 22:23
I would love to suck your cock and then let you stick that fat cock in my ass. Where are you?

By pifad at 15,Nov,12 07:58 other posts of pifad 
Yes! I would like your balls too. And I'd like to lick your hairy body

By #112020 at 13,Nov,12 20:48
Yes and then some

Adult Discussion Forum