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what is your favorite liquor?

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Started by #328929 at 10,Jan,13 09:02
My poison has to be vodka and tequila

Similar topics: 1.Your favorite sexual fantasy?   2.your favorite tits....   3.So ... What Is Your "Favorite Drink" ?   4.What is your personal favorite pic of yourself?   5.Favorite Craft Beer  

New Comment

By #204766 at 16,Apr,18 07:11

By routemaster at 16,Apr,18 03:52 other posts of routemaster 
A pint of Doombar or a glass of Harvey's Bristol Cream

By #543717 at 16,Apr,18 02:06
Grand Marnier, served in a cognac bowl, to savour the full fragrance.

By Dev01 at 06,Jan,18 06:45 other posts of Dev01 
Thats a no brainer... Hennessy Cognac vsop... have tried the cheap bottles and have drunk from a 1600 dollar bottle but the VSOP at 100 dollars is the best. But serve it properly
By #549481 at 31,Jan,18 15:49
Good shout dev I would be happy to drink that.
By Dev01 at 05,Feb,18 09:15 other posts of Dev01 

By #202392 at 05,Feb,18 03:35
Jim Lahey
By Dev01 at 05,Feb,18 09:14 other posts of Dev01 
Is that made in a trailerpark in Novascotchia

By Rob00 at 05,Feb,18 08:03 other posts of Rob00 
Give me a XXXX Gold Beer any day,it's better than mothers milk
By Dev01 at 05,Feb,18 09:13 other posts of Dev01 
Really... thought that was just a QLD thing.

By qhaos at 05,Feb,18 08:22 other posts of qhaos 
For me is Sambuca, one shot a day keeps the doctor away!

By #549481 at 31,Jan,18 15:47
Anything as long as it contains alcohol

By JeffinKS at 19,Jan,18 16:27 other posts of JeffinKS 
Jim Beam... Red Stag.....
By leopoldij at 31,Jan,18 03:43 other posts of leopoldij 
JimBeam or JiminKS?
By JeffinKS at 31,Jan,18 05:26 other posts of JeffinKS 
JimBeam is a Bourbon.... JiminKS is my husband.....
By leopoldij at 31,Jan,18 12:57 other posts of leopoldij 
DUH! I knew that. It was a *joke*

By Buck1970 at 30,Jan,18 13:25 other posts of Buck1970 
so good can't spell

By Buck1970 at 30,Jan,18 13:24 other posts of Buck1970 
Jim Beam Boubon

By dgraff at 19,Jan,18 09:53 other posts of dgraff 
100 proof Canadian liquor Yukon jack of coarse it's the black sheep of Canadian liquors
By JeffinKS at 19,Jan,18 15:39 other posts of JeffinKS 
we call Yukon Jack Liquid STUPID... LOL
By dgraff at 22,Jan,18 09:15 other posts of dgraff 
Hahaha it can be

By #360485 at 22,Jan,18 03:04
Single barrel Jack

By #547271 at 22,Jan,18 02:33
Carribian rum.

By olderbro at 21,Jan,18 20:21 other posts of olderbro 
not a big drinker anymore but always think of the same liquors when i thirst..

Vodka - with Cranberry or for Ceasars

Red wines more often these days

By #372661 at 19,Jan,18 17:05
I had a particular weakness for,

1. Bombay Sapphire
2. Tanqueray #10 Gin
3. Bush Pilot's Private Reserve
4. Pikesville Rye 110 proof.
5. Some of the craft ciders from the Olympic Peninsula Washington State are very yummy. The heirloom apples are very wonderful.
I'm past my drinking days now and believe myself to be better off as a result. I don't disparage those that drink as it's a personal choice.

By #521857 at 19,Jan,18 16:02
Grand Marnier. As is, mixed with Champagne or in coffee.
By #482237 at 19,Jan,18 16:20
nectar of the Gods

By #546418 at 10,Dec,17 01:57
Rye, preferably Canadian Club, then scotch, then Kraken rum, all of it straight
By #521857 at 19,Jan,18 16:04
That Kraken black Rum is Amazing, have you tried it with blackberry Canada Dry? I call it deep water

By #482237 at 07,Jan,18 23:34
Glenfiddich 12 Year single malt scotch
By JeffinKS at 19,Jan,18 15:39 other posts of JeffinKS 
oh yes!

By #547271 at 14,Jan,18 21:38
Carribian rum preferably on the beach!

By cumjohn at 14,Jan,18 17:29 other posts of cumjohn 
Gin and vodka

By leopoldij at 09,Dec,17 14:16 other posts of leopoldij 
Is it true that, in general, women prefer sweeter drinks than men?
--------------------------------------- added after 20 seconds

I don't particularly like sweet stuff.
By RealTitsLover at 06,Jan,18 08:29 other posts of RealTitsLover 
For many women, it's true. Sometimes I think guys are just too worried about not seeming manly enough to enjoy them, with their bright colors and ability to mask the taste of alcohol. Personally, I really like mojitos, and Southern Comfort with ginger ale and lime.

As for the topic of the thread... I like vodka, rum, bourbon, and tequila.

By #485312 at 06,Jan,18 10:28
yeah l like sweet stuff, l like apple or pear cider, l like Cointreau and AussieMan got me a bottle of chocolate liquored port for xmas, that was really nice.. *lix*
By #482237 at 07,Jan,18 23:40
Try Grand Marnier if you like Contreau
By #485312 at 11,Jan,18 10:57
l might give that one a try next time we go to town *lix*

By #460385 at 08,Jan,18 03:20
Hillbilly Bourbon.

By Rob00 at 08,Jan,18 02:39 other posts of Rob00 
My favorite drink is a mouth full of fresh teen sperms,any day

By #502711 at 10,Dec,17 09:39
I usually drink a lot of red wine or Mead. But I love a good glass of straight whiskey.
By leopoldij at 13,Dec,17 14:28 other posts of leopoldij 
Like this one: only registered users can see external links
By #502711 at 06,Jan,18 09:59
Haven't seen that before, but am keen to try!

By #535819 at 06,Jan,18 06:26
Thats easy. Vodka.

By Ravioli_Max at 13,Dec,17 23:36 other posts of Ravioli_Max 
Rum, but it's very rare I drink.

Bought some egg nog, that'll be good with it.

By #358797 at 10,Dec,17 05:02
Definitely vodka! Doesn't matter what type.
By leopoldij at 13,Dec,17 14:30 other posts of leopoldij 
Most women love this one: only registered users can see external links

By cumonme1 at 13,Dec,17 13:24 other posts of cumonme1 
A good Burbon
By leopoldij at 13,Dec,17 14:28 other posts of leopoldij 
Like this one: only registered users can see external links

By #516354 at 10,Dec,17 12:22
Rum and coke for me

By #507249 at 10,Dec,17 00:25
A draft beer...
By #249167 at 10,Dec,17 02:07
A cold draught beer is my choice as well
By #507249 at 10,Dec,17 04:43

By #536019 at 09,Dec,17 14:18
Aged rum (e.g. Appleton); one ice cube.

By pifad at 11,Jan,13 21:11 other posts of pifad 
I have three. Vodka, Tequilla and Jack Damiels Honey shots.

By steve3095 at 11,Jan,13 11:17 other posts of steve3095 
Just stick to beer. Mixers are girlie drinks.

By #147052 at 10,Jan,13 15:37
Sour mash whiskey!

By stroker11 at 10,Jan,13 14:50 other posts of stroker11 
Vodka martini with cum stings floating in the glass to be sucked down with each taste.....slurpy fun!

By bikev at 10,Jan,13 12:10 other posts of bikev 
Cum in Rum, no ice.

By #220845 at 10,Jan,13 10:02
Makers mark, but I really believe that 420 is less harmful, prefer it over alcohol any day.

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