Started by CreativeOne at 14,Oct,12 13:09  other posts of CreativeOne
Similar topics: 1.Drink your own cum? 2.Who loves coffee and what is your favorite Brand? 3.New Drink Ideal: CUM IN A CAN! 4.Cum tonic ? How many drink pineapple juice ? 5.Cummig in somebody else's drink or dessert New CommentComments: |
Beer is Micholob Ultra
Soft is sweet tea
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Dr Pepper cums in a bottle because his wife left him.
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Oh, and I also like a Riezling white wine with apple cider and a dash of cranberry juice. Or IceWine with deserts...mmm.... so delicious
Its a sin to buy good booze and put soda in it!!!
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Try voicing an opinion without mentioning your friend upstairs!
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Just out of interest, John...has the panel done anything about SurferHarry yet (who my gf complained about today for sending her a private upload of one of her pics that he'd saved from her previous profile [that she erased a month and a half ago] and that he'd came on without her consent - that's acceptable behaviour???).
When you stop making political and racist comments, i'll start respecting your input on what is appropriate or not, John
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p.s.: I was #316049
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Regarding soft drinks, I love iced tea, especially bottled Pure Leaf (Lipton) tea, and fresh lemonade like you, Love!
Sodas: Dr. Peper and home brewed ice tea (sweet )
Ow and Bushmills and coffee is good to.
Also I like the colour
I like double tequila shots that would be my fav hard drink mmm i choose jagermeister with some as soft drink hope i dnt sound like a drunk guy but thats what i like